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How to make procedural tanks any size in career mode?

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In career mode, procedural parts only has tanks that can be sized to a certain amount. I think you have to unlock the tech tree to be able to have tanks that can be sized to any size, but I don't want to do that, so how do I adjust the .cfg file to make it available right now?

Edited by DucharmeHD
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  Oafman said:
There's nothing in the tech tree that enables you to adjust the size of parts.

Try a mod like KW Rocketry, which has a range of different sized tanks

I'm talking about the procedural parts mod.... not squad parts

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  DucharmeHD said:
In career mode, procedural parts only has tanks that can be sized to a certain amount. I think you have to unlock the tech tree to be able to have tanks that can be sized to any size, but I don't want to do that, so how do I adjust the .cfg file to make it available right now?

I'm mildly curious as to why you need them to be bigger? (And how big are we talking) You can stack them just like any other tank, so if you don't have the length you want with one tank, copy it and stack them. Also, there isn't really a reason you should be going larger than 5m in diameter anyway (Since Engines aren't that big)

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(Since Engines aren't that big)

Thats not true, there are bigger and think about clustering. I think in the readme or the forum post is a manual to unlock all sizes in careermode.

found it:

If you'd like to be able to use all the shapes from the early game then use the following MM patch:






-techRequired = dummy



This will affect all parts.



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  Navy2k said:
Thats not true, there are bigger and think about clustering. I think in the readme or the forum post is a manual to unlock all sizes in careermode.

found it:

If you'd like to be able to use all the shapes from the early game then use the following MM patch:







-techRequired = dummy



This will affect all parts.



This is for the newest version?

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Also, where do I copy & paste this into? Here is the current code:


// --- general parameters ---

name = proceduralTankLiquid

module = Part

author = AncientGammoner, NathanKell, Swamp Ig

// --- asset parameters ---



model = ProceduralParts/Parts/cylinderTank

scale = 1,1,1


scale = 1

rescaleFactor = 1

// --- node definitions ---




// --- editor parameters ---

cost = 4000

TechRequired = basicRocketry

entryCost = 4000

category = Propulsion

subcategory = 0

title = Procedural Liquid Tank

manufacturer = Kerbchem Industries

description = Made from viscoelastic nanopolymers (which were discovered by accident... growing in the back of the office mini-fridge) this fuel tank can be stretched to accommodate fuel loads of a range of sizes and shapes. Hardens to a rigid structure before launch!

// attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision

attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0

// --- standard part parameters ---

mass = 1.2

dragModelType = default

maximum_drag = 0.2

minimum_drag = 0.2

angularDrag = 2

crashTolerance = 7

breakingForce = 200

breakingTorque = 200

maxTemp = 2900



name = ProceduralPart


// FL-200 - 1.25 x 1.1105 m = 1.363 kL

name = start

diameterMin = 1.0

diameterMax = 1.5

lengthMin = 1.0

lengthMax = 1.5

volumeMin = 1.0

volumeMax = 1.5



// FL-T400 - 1.25 x 1.87819 m = 2.305 kL

// FL-T100 - 1.25 x 0.78125 m = 0.959 kL

name = basicRocketry

lengthMin = 0.5

lengthMax = 2.0

volumeMin = 0.7

volumeMax = 2.5



// FL-T800 - 1.25 x 3.75 m = 4.602 kL

name = advRocketry

lengthMax = 4.0

volumeMax = 5.0



// X200-32 - 2.5 x 3.75 m = 18.408 kL

name = heavyRocketry

diameterMax = 3.0

volumeMax = 20.0



// Jumbo-64 - 2.5 x 7.5 m = 36.816 kL

name = heavierRocketry

lengthMax = 8

volumeMax = 40.0



// Kerbodyne S3-14400 - 3.75 x 7.5 = 82.614kl

name = veryHeavyRocketry

volumeMax = 85.0

diameterMax = 5.0



// Not in main sequence. Depends indirectly off basicRocketry only

// X200-8 - 2.5 x 0.9375 m = 4.602 kL

name = advConstruction

diameterMax = 3.0

volumeMax = 5.0



// Not in main sequence. Depends indirectly off basicRocketry

// Oscar-B - 0.625 x 0.3485474 m = 0.107 kL

name = precisionEngineering

diameterMin = 0.125

lengthMin = 0.125

volumeMin = 0.0625



// Make everything unlimited for metaMaterials

name = metaMaterials

diameterMin = 0.01

diameterMax = Infinity

lengthMin = 0.01

lengthMax = Infinity

volumeMin = 0.01

volumeMax = Infinity





name = ProceduralShapeCylinder

displayName = Cylinder

techRequired = start

length = 1.0

diameter = 1.25




name = ProceduralShapeCone

displayName = Cone

techRequired = generalConstruction

length = 1.0

topDiameter = 0.625

bottomDiameter = 1.25




name = ProceduralShapePill

displayName = Fillet Cylinder

techRequired = advConstruction

length = 1.0

diameter = 1.25

fillet = 0.25




name = ProceduralShapeBezierCone

displayName = Smooth Cone

techRequired = advConstruction

selectedShape = Round #1

length = 1.0

topDiameter = 0.625

bottomDiameter = 1.25




name = TankContentSwitcher

useVolume = true

// All mixed fuel tanks with the exception of the micro ones have the same resource per ton

// All the X200 series, plus the FL-T800 have the same dry density and resource units per kL volume



name = Mixed

// This is the dry mass of the tank per kL of volume.

dryDensity = 0.1089



name = LiquidFuel

//unitsPerKL = 78.22784

unitsPerT = 720




name = Oxidizer

//unitsPerKL = 95.6118

unitsPerT = 880



// Stock tanks for liquid fuels are pretty un-physical in terms of their mass ratios

// The only one where it is relatively easy to calculate the volume for is Mk1 fuselage

// which gives a higher dry density than the mixed tanks. I have used a different dry

// density (lower than the stock, but higher than stretchy SRB was using)

// The other tanks with the exception of the Mk1 have 800 units per T dry mass of fuel

// This gives you a slight advantage to using the liquid fuel tanks ahead of the mixed tank



name = LiquidFuel

dryDensity = 0.1

// As per StretchySRB

// dryDensity = 0.0450

// As per Mk1

// dryDensity = 0.15211



name = LiquidFuel

unitsPerT = 800

// As per StretchySRB

// unitsPerKL = 49.9789

// As per Mk1

// unitsPerKL = 65.19



// Nothing much to go on for oxidizer tanks, will keep the same dry density and ratio.



name = Oxidizer

dryDensity = 0.1

// As per StretchySRB

// dryDensity = 0.0815



name = Oxidizer

unitsPerT = 977.7778

// As per StretchySRB

// unitsPerKL = 81.4873





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One thing your actual size of the tanks will increase as you advance through the tech tree. This is part of the challenge of Career mode.

The other option and simpler, is to just go into your persistent save file and give yourself about 50k science points to unlock every node in the tech tree. Which will solve your problem.

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  Hodo said:
One thing your actual size of the tanks will increase as you advance through the tech tree. This is part of the challenge of Career mode.

The other option and simpler, is to just go into your persistent save file and give yourself about 50k science points to unlock every node in the tech tree. Which will solve your problem.

It's not just me trying to cheat out of a challenge, considering the fact that i'm using realism overhaul, and it makes no sense to try and scramble through fuel tanks to see which ones fit. It's actually more realistic to just be able to make the tank meet my requirements, because that's exactly how it is done in the real world. Engines evolved, not tanks. And also, in order to get 15k delta V to go to the mun with a lander, it basically requires me to have a HUGE amount of tanks that I have to just keep stacking on each other which gives an extreme unnecessary amount of parts (and extreme lag/bad stability on the rocket). It as well restricts me to certain diameters, and I need to be able to use any different size I can get, because that will allow me to create a more realistic rocket.

I have no intention of just cheating my way through the tech tree, that is part of the fun. All I need is just a way to make procedural parts' fuel tanks do what ever I need them to do.

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  DucharmeHD said:
...It's actually more realistic to just be able to make the tank meet my requirements...

Yes, I agree that; within physical structural limits tanks can and should be any shape and size you like. Why do you need 15km/s deltaV to get to Mun though?

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  DucharmeHD said:
9,400 to get into LEO, 3127 to get an encounter, i think (roughly) 400 to circularize, and another 1700 (i believe) to bring orbit down to around 100km

Oops, seems I didn't read the thread properly, sorry. I didn't realise you were using a universe-replacer mod.

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  • 7 years later...
  • 6 months later...


You have to go into the config in the mod files, under the folder "upgrades" and then change the configs 'techrequired level' for the unlimited size upgrade to, say engineering 101 or something low level. You can delete all the other upgrade levels, since unlimited is what you want.

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  • 2 years later...
  On 7/23/2022 at 12:14 AM, Chris Bolland said:


You have to go into the config in the mod files, under the folder "upgrades" and then change the configs 'techrequired level' for the unlimited size upgrade to, say engineering 101 or something low level. You can delete all the other upgrade levels, since unlimited is what you want.


This works!
A bit more detail for those wondering:

go to procedural parts/parts/TechTree/upgrades.cfg and edit it

I just set every single "techrequired = ___" line to "techRequired = start". You probably can just do the unlimited ones but I went overboard and it worked like a charm!

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