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Unknown Objects Around Kerbin

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What are those unknown objects around Kerbin? I guess they're asteroids but I can't get close to them because the game won't show any orbital info. Is it possible to get close and land?

Edited by qazsedcft
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Hello qazsedcft, I will try and answer your question :D

These "unknown objects" are indeed undiscovered asteroids. There is a way to "discover them".

Go into your tracking station, and click an unknown object. You will be able to "track it", using the tracking icon in the bottom left hand corner.

Safe rocketeering!

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They are asteroids. To see the orbit, you have to select them in the tracking station and in the lower left corner click the track button which I think is blue and then it will show you the info and orbit. Yes it is possible to get close and land but you will probably need the Claw since they have no gravity.

EDIT: Ninja'd!

EDIT EDIT: Ninjas everywhere!

Edited by tygoo7
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I believe if u go into the space centre there is an option to track them. If they are being tracked they become, real asteroids rather than like a placeholder for an asteroid. I think it was done this way so your map doesn't end up being spammed with 100's of asteroids.

They need to be tracked first by going into the space centre, then clicking on one then tracking it. THen u can travel to one or even grab it with the grabber and take it home and stuff.

sure the next guy will explain it better.

two people can type faster than me.

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Yes, those are asteroids. Highlight one in tracking station, hit the blue "track object" button at the bottom left, then hit backspace to see what its Kerbin intercept looks like. You can go out and get them, but it's easier to get ones that come close to Kerbin. For your first effort I would not advise going after any asteroid with a higher periapsis than 1,000km.

So very ninja'd! :)

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When tracking asteroids, keep in mind the three dimensional space of KSP. Some of them, even though much further away, will be easier to intercept due to the need to change your orbital plane to reach them.

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