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Oh. *Facepalm*

So, K^2, when are you going to make a thread for us to countinue to discus and develop our (hopefully) KickStarter, and will you put a poll on it for where our cubesat will go? (I think it will only be LEO, GTO, and MAYBE Lunar fly-by or impact.)

Edited by Nicholander
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  Aghanim said:
If the cubesat computer have a glitch in the main flight computer, how do it recover?

The computer system will need to have capability to restart after a crash or power failure. That said, failure is always an option. Best we can hope for is a spectacular one.

  Nicholander said:
So, K^2, when are you going to make a thread for us to countinue to discus and develop our (hopefully) KickStarter, and will you put a poll on it for where it will go?

I need some sleep. Once I wake up, I'll make a thread. And yeah, I'll add a poll for the most feasible options based on assumption that we can get a GTO ride. If we can't, there is no way to leave LEO, so "where" isn't going to be an option.

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  K^2 said:
The computer system will need to have capability to restart after a crash or power failure. That said, failure is always an option. Best we can hope for is a spectacular one.

I would suggest using a triple-redundant computer system: three computers run parallel to each other and if one produces different results than the other two, it will get rebooted. This won't eliminate the risk of a computer failure completely, but reduce it by a large amount.

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  Nicholander said:

Well, there is this thing that was linked earlier, which is esseintialy NASA offering to launch some CubeSats, though i don't know about U2/U3 and beyond LEO stuff. http://www.nasa.gov/directorates/heo/home/CubeSats_initiative.html#.U8MtevldUTo

Let me quote NASA:

By providing a progression of educational opportunities including CSLI for students, teachers, and faculty, NASA assists the Nation in attracting and retaining students in STEM disciplines.

(the Nation being USA)

They have no interest in allowing random forum members of a random game a free launch of the satellite.

And besides - what exactly this satellite is suppose to do besides showing off your epeen?

Edited by Sky_walker
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  Sky_walker said:

They have no interest in allowing random forum members of a random game a free launch of the satellite.

KSP is not exactly random to NASA.

Also i don't think NASA cares very much whether or not the people who propose a mission are random (what does that even mean, other than that NASA does not yet know them?), nor whether they post on a forum, as long as those people know what they are talking about.

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Just doing it as international over-the-internet collaboration project by a gaming community with kickstarter funding is a pretty big achievement. But still it should have a proper scientific purpose if at all possible. I doubt many people are willing to back it if the mission profile consists only of floating in LEO taking photos.

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Yeah, I think it should be at least GTO, and it'd be Great if we could do a Lunar fly-by or maybe an impactor. (Because litho-braking. That's why.) Though if we can't get past LEO, maybe an ISS rendezvous? Or possibly a debris de-orbit tech demonstration, though we would need to find some small enough debris, and i don't think rendezvous systems (Computer guidance and navigation systems, RCS, etc.) are cheap and compact.

Edited by Nicholander
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  rkman said:
KSP is not exactly random to NASA.

Nope, KSP is just one of the tools they use for self-promotion.

On the other hand: Forum community of KSP is completely random to NASA.

You really think that if they have space and tonnage - they'd use it for your cubesat as opposite to the cube sat of an university, or just: save a bit of fuel?

  rkman said:
Also i don't think NASA cares very much whether or not the people who propose a mission are random (what does that even mean, other than that NASA does not yet know them?

By random I mean that you have no purpose other than "sending it". Equally well you could go now in a field, take a rock, attach it to the 2nd stage of a rocket and go with it. It will reach an orbit, and your dreams will come true.


If you want to get any money or any support from anyone serious, like NASA or ESA, you should at least have a clue on what to do with that cube sat.

  rkman said:
as long as those people know what they are talking about.

I'm yet to see any proof that anyone of you does. And if you need more proofs on that, read this post:

  R0cketC0der said:
it's not like it's gonna cost anything to NASA/ESA.
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  Sky_walker said:
I'm yet to see any proof that anyone of you does. And if you need more proofs on that, read this post:

Could you please tell me what's wrong about that? It might cost a little bit for them, but compared to the cost of the main mission it will ride along with it's effectively free(I don't think that mounting a secondary payload on their rocket will cost more than 10k$, including logistics and all that stuff - for a falcon 9 launch that is about than 0.02% of the launch cost).

I've never said that they will give it away for free.

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  Nicholander said:
Yeah, I think it should be at least GTO, and it'd be Great if we could do a Lunar fly-by or maybe an impactor. (Because litho-braking. That's why.) Though if we can't get past LEO, maybe an ISS rendezvous? Or possibly a debris de-orbit tech demonstration, though we would need to find some small enough debris, and i don't think rendezvous systems (Computer guidance and navigation systems, RCS, etc.) are cheap and compact.

Woah there! I don't think our little cubesat is going to be allowed anywhere near the ISS!

I think a Phobos impactor would be incredible. But anything above LEO would be great, considering the project.

By the way, as a Glasgow University employee, I thoroughly support a collaboration with ClydeSpace.

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It sounds like destination is really a matter of funding.

A "Basic funding" will be limited to LEO, and payload limited to an Estes SRB.

Advanced funding is a GEO transfer ride and a decent camera, with a list of possible targets in SRB range

"All the funding" shoots for the moon... and beyond. (List of possible places the electric drive can go)

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  peadar1987 said:
Woah there! I don't think our little cubesat is going to be allowed anywhere near the ISS!

I think a Phobos impactor would be incredible. But anything above LEO would be great, considering the project.

Hold your horses there. If you'd make it to the LEO - this would be a great achievement.

But let's start with some more realistic objectives: If you'd actually collect money for it - now that would be an achievement.

  R0cketC0der said:
Could you please tell me what's wrong about that? It might cost a little bit for them, but compared to the cost of the main mission it will ride along with it's effectively free(I don't think that mounting a secondary payload on their rocket will cost more than 10k$, including logistics and all that stuff - for a falcon 9 launch that is about than 0.02% of the launch cost).

I've never said that they will give it away for free.

Yep. You still show your complete lack of knowledge if you think that the only cost involved is mounting cargo on a rocket and logistics associated, as you'd like to actually go somewhere with that thing.

Again: Real life is not KSP. Get used to that thought.

Even if you would have money for the satellite and managed to secure launch - there's still a very far way to go from sending a rock to space.

(And I laughed hard at Phobos cubesat mission made by random forum members)

You people should really read some literature and do a bit of maths before posting stuff like that Phobos mission, cause you look like a kids who think that adding jets to your back pack will make you a Boba Fett.

Edited by Sky_walker
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  Rakaydos said:
It sounds like destination is really a matter of funding.

A "Basic funding" will be limited to LEO, and payload limited to an Estes SRB.

Advanced funding is a GEO transfer ride and a decent camera, with a list of possible targets in SRB range

"All the funding" shoots for the moon... and beyond. (List of possible places the electric drive can go)

If the sat would get to even LEO it could so smarter things than carry model rocket SRBs (although I'm not denying the awesomeness of this, just that it's maybe not worth 100k). I don't know what kind of astronomical measurements or tests are done in orbit but basically do something that requires direct exposure to vacuum or upper atmosphere. Things where the expendability comes into play. Or you could try exposing some extremophiles or algae to LEO conditions and see if they grow or make a long term materials study or maybe some sort of environmental imaging. Heck, you could proably follow the movements of tagged whales or something.

Going interplanetary would be quite a feat. I tried to search a bit and found one that was placed on heliocentric orbit where it was terminated after 3 months. There might be others but I don't think anyone has made an actual planetary flyby?

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  Sky_walker said:
Good luck with that. I already see them willingly donating space and tonnage to some random forum members of a random game. lol

Luuke! LUUUKE?! Sorry.

NASA's CubeSat Initiative : http://www.nasa.gov/directorates/heo/home/CubeSats_initiative.html#.U8MtevldUTo

"NASA’s CubeSat Launch initiative (CSLI) provides opportunities for small satellite payloads to fly on rockets planned for upcoming launches."

"By providing a progression of educational opportunities including CSLI for students, teachers, and faculty, NASA assists the Nation in attracting and retaining students in STEM disciplines. "

Think there might be any students here?

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