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Post Your Cinematics Here! (Cinematic Enthusiasts)


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I'm Makiing a post in this thread as a placeholder. real experience with KSP land trains have written its own story - all I need is a better PC to bring it all to life sometime in the near future..  land trains will feature in a movie.. its the icing on a very challenging long and deadly cake :) 

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Does this count?  It started as a Mission Report, but morphed into a cinematic/comedy with my (over the top) voice acting thrown in.  If it's too hard to understand my pitched up voice, activate the subtitles (CC button).

Quick background, this is a mission I started to rescue Bill, who I stranded on Tylo by accident back in 2014.  So the gameplay is in 0.235 (forgive the GUI elements, I didn't think cinematic when I captured).  The "cut scenes" are in 1.2, since I needed Camera Tools and Texture Replacer.


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  On 1/26/2017 at 4:52 AM, ThiccRocketScientist said:

Anyone have any tips for making my cinematics look more 'Cinematic'? I would really like them to look like a movie, not gameplay with F2 enabled...




From my point of view; movements, travelling, sync point with music. 

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Good God, what have I gotten myself into?!  I easily spent 20 hours making this video, not including game-play.  I manually "animated" the mouths for a sub-South-Park level of lip-sync / animation.  I also did a lot of green screen compositing to put up stuff on the monitors at "Mission Control."

Any suggestions?  Critiques?  I think it's a bit too long, but I can't see where I could have cut it shorter.  This was already half of what was suppose to be just Part 1, but at 12 minutes, I cut it down, then ended up adding  a couple minutes of "drama" to it.

Edit:  I wanted to add the most complicated shot was where I had Wernher walking Camera Left, while speaking, with 2 video monitors in the background.  I had to manually track his mouth to continually update the location of the "open mouth" and had to composite (using After Effects) the 2 video feeds onto the monitor.  The big screen is from the Wild Blue Industries mod, where I was able to load in a green screen.  That was a big help.  The small screen was from Kerbal Furniture, which just had a black screen.  So I had to use Perspective Pin motion tracking in After Effects to place the video feed there, but had the problem of Excel's head being blocked by the video feed, even though it was in front.  So I had to make a separate layer where I used Excel's head as a green screen (KeyLight), then inverted it, made that inverted layer a green screen, pre-composed that with another copy of the layer to make a opaque Excel head with transparent everything else, and put that in front of the video feed.  You can see my edges are a bit rough, but that was good enough for me. 

Edited by Soda Popinski
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Inspired partly by the new Passengers movie and by the desire to create a reusable, huge rocket that can go anywhere (except landing and taking off from Eve, duh), I created this series:




Feedback appreciated.

Edited by George van Doorn
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  On 2/8/2017 at 8:33 PM, George van Doorn said:

Inspired party by the new Passengers movie and by the desire to create a reusable, huge rocket that can go anywhere (except landing and taking off from Eve, duh), I created this series:




Feedback appreciated.


Good god

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This one's a bit of a departure from my usual style. I conceived of this almost a year ago when I built a small B2-esque bomber in 1.1.3, but I wasn't ready to commit the time to make a decent go of it until now. It's only 2 minutes long, but I reckon there's upwards of 15 hours worth of editing and rendering gone into this. Let me know what you think!


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  On 7/13/2014 at 9:27 PM, HatBat said:

The Cinematic Enthusiasts
(Home of all things Cinematic)

You can post your KSP short films, movies, cinematics, questions, advice, collaboration ideas and generally 'all things cinematic' here. Hope you find this useful! I'll get us started with one of my own cinematics.

Here's two of my recent favourites from this thread, I'll regularly highlight a film I think deserves the attention.


Please make sure your video is the best it can be! This thread is devoted to sharing films, not just craft showcases. So be imaginative!


I noticed that the warp/hyperdrive sound effect in your "Planetfall"cinematic is the same one as the FSD to hyperspace in Elite Dangerous and you also used the Imperial Fighter and F63 Condor boost noise. (Also from Elite) Just noticing that I'm not the only one here who plays Elite. Nice video by the way. Good use of BD armory.

Edited by theMeepman7
Forgot to add specifics and an extra comment.
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I finished Part 3 of Project Overkill, my Mission Report turned narrative rescue komedy.  If you guys recall, I did some rudimentary voice acting, and had terrible "lip-sync" animation in the style of South Park.  I figured out how to make the lip-sync look a lot better, and more importantly, make it easier to do.  Previously, I was manipulating opacity by keyframe in Adobe Premiere.  This time, I exported the dialog into a sound file, imported it into Adobe After Effects, converted waveform to keyframes (under keyframe assistant), and assigned that to the vertical scaling of a black oval.  Exporting this gave me a black oval that opened and closed in sync with the voices.  I then imported that as a new layer in Premiere, and scaled and rotated it to put it in place.  Sometimes I used Spherize to distort it to match the perspective of the head.


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This is my first foray into cinematics (and kind of a half-step): Intercept


I cut this from footage that I shot during a test of my guided missiles. I learned a bit about timing stuff with audio, and I'm still learning to use CameraTools (If anyone could link a tutorial for pathing mode, I would be grateful). Since I didn't reshoot anything, there are a few logical blips and shots of the NavBall, but I promise I will avoid them in future true cinematics.

If any of you fine people would be willing to review this, and give a critique, I would be very grateful.


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