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It`s obvious it`s soon, why not tell us when the update will be out?

John FX

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The release date may not necessarily may be known yet, though. The Experimentals Team receives early additions to work out the kinks in the system, which is more often called a beta test. Imagine the backlash of setting a release date, then discovering a game-breaking bug just before the deadline. It'd be chaos. That's why SQUAD hesitates to put dates on anything.

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  Maximus97 said:
Imagine the backlash of setting a release date, then discovering a game-breaking bug just before the deadline. It'd be chaos. That's why SQUAD hesitates to put dates on anything.

Like last time? They have basically announced a release date imho. On Twitch we were informed that there will be little/no delay between the embargo lifting on the media team and the release. At least one member of the media team has now unlocked/released a vid (Manley via TheMittaniTV six hours ago). So that means the embargo has probably been lifted as of monday AM. Taking all of these together, and the fact that tomorrow is a tuesday [censored for speculation].

Edited by Sandworm
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  Maximus97 said:
Imagine the backlash of setting a release date, then discovering a game-breaking bug just before the deadline.

Winner in the first reply. Any changes in announced plans by Squad results in huge backlash from the community, whether it's a missed release date or a planned feature change. If they gave a date people would be booking vacation/sick days to stay home and play the new update; if the date slipped those people would be understandably upset.

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Everybody seems to be missing the fact that we are past experimentals and are at media release. The implication is that if they have relased it to the media then they are fairly confident that there aren`t any `game breaking bugs`and experimentals have done their part already so that argument is moot.

If they are not `coding until the last minute` (which is bad practice and says bad things about the process if they are) then there is no valid reson to not give a few days advance notice.

  Sandworm said:
They have basically announced a release date imho. On Twitch we were informed that there will be little/no delay between the embargo lifting on the media team and the release. At least one member of the media team has now unlocked/released a vid (Manley via TheMittaniTV six hours ago). So that means the embargo has probably been lifted as of monday AM. Taking all of these together, and the fact that tomorrow is a tuesday [censored for speculation].

Exactly. People are releasing videos of the copies they have ben sent. We keep getting told that there is a better development path which catches bugs earlier in the process and we are also told that we get a copy not long after the media (who in turn get ther copies after the game breaking bugs are ironed out)

All these thing suggest that, once the media get their copies, there is no reason to not give us a release date.

Edited by John FX
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Well bobby, there are two options.

Maybe you're going to die before the update comes out. In which case, knowing when it comes out changes nothing.

Alternatively, you're not going to die before the update comes out. In which case, knowing when it comes out changes nothing.

This seems like a troll thread and it should be closed.

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  allmhuran said:
Well bobby, there are two options.

Maybe you're going to die before the update comes out. In which case, knowing when it comes out changes nothing.

Alternatively, you're not going to die before the update comes out. In which case, knowing when it comes out changes nothing.

This seems like a troll thread and it should be closed.

Whatever. Your post seems like a troll post and should be deleted, we can all say stuff like that. It`s pretty pointless to do so though.

back on topic, knowing things changes nothing except what you know. What you know helps you plan for the future.

Some people see no need, some do. Obviously the ones that don`t care won`t care and the ones that do will get the benefit they desire, which is likely to be fairly individual.

if you fancy making a constructive post that would be welcome.

  Red Iron Crown said:
0.23.5 got delayed after the media release, which caused a bit of a fiasco in its own right.

This is true but that was a special case where an `offer they couldn`t refuse` was placed in their lap by NASA late in the development of 0.24 involving new objects with new properties that act in unique ways. We should not expect such a problem again unless there is a consistent low quality of coding. I`m sure this is not the case so similar problems with 0.24 should not happen. If they do SQUAD should address that issue as it seems systemic. They should not plan for problems like that to happen every update because of a single problem caused by NASA shoving a few features in out of the blue...

Edited by John FX
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  John FX said:
Everybody seems to be missing the fact that we are past experimentals and are at media release. The implication is that if they have relased it to the media then they are fairly confident that there aren`t any `game breaking bugs`and experimentals have done their part already so that argument is moot.

If they are not `coding until the last minute` (which is bad practice and says bad things about the process if they are) then there is no valid reson to not give a few days advance notice.

Exactly. People are releasing videos of the copies they have ben sent. We keep getting told that there is a better development path which catches bugs earlier in the process and we are also told that we get a copy not long after the media (who in turn get ther copies after the game breaking bugs are ironed out)

All these thing suggest that, once the media get their copies, there is no reason to not give us a release date.

This just leaves me even more confused. I mean we're the already hooked fanbase, there's no need to advertise it to us, so surely when the media receive their copies there's nothing stopping Squad from releasing to the playerbase too. Realistically we're going to add to the media campaign of the new release with all the videos and screenshots everybody will start spreading throughout the web. I guess my question is, if it's ready to go then what's the point of holding it back?

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  Kerbonautical said:
This just leaves me even more confused. I mean we're the already hooked fanbase, there's no need to advertise it to us, so surely when the media receive their copies there's nothing stopping Squad from releasing to the playerbase too. Realistically we're going to add to the media campaign of the new release with all the videos and screenshots everybody will start spreading throughout the web. I guess my question is, if it's ready to go then what's the point of holding it back?

The media team gets it before it's finalized. They often have to deal with bugs that are fixed by the time of release. See: 0.23.5.

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  John FX said:
if you fancy making a constructive post that would be welcome.

I firmly believe my post was very constructive, in that it argued that knowing the release date doesn't really have any impact on your life.

Perhaps you intend to have a big release party with your friends when it goes live and play it for the first time with everyone in the room. But you could, of course, still do that even without knowing the release date. Just wait for the release and have your party a couple of days later. So, again, does it really matter? Perhaps you can give me a substantial reason as to why it does matter, in which case I will acknowledge my error.

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  Red Iron Crown said:
The media team gets it before it's finalized. They often have to deal with bugs that are fixed by the time of release. See: 0.23.5.

Again 0.23.5 was a special rushed case dropped on SQUAD late by NASA, its problems should not be compared to the standard dev process

So what you seem to be saying is that the code is being worked on and untested new versions created in the few days between media release and public release?

That seems daft, what if those changes introduce game breaking bugs, do they get sent back to experimentals?? (I know, it`s rhetorical. it`s just that this argument can be made to absurdity)

It`s been said that we get ours not long after the media, on the order of 1-4 days. Sounds like they are not leaving enough breathing space to avoid the problems they get flack for...

At some point you have to say "It`s good enough, we`ll hotfix anything drastic" and experimentals should have caught anything drastic (That IS their job after all)

It would still seem to make sense that we get a release date around the media release point.

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Every time...wait, that should be in bold caps...EVERY TIME Squad provide a release date either/and/or:

- People complain when Squad miss the update day, rather than accepting that there must be a valid reason why that happened. I won't even go into what happens when a gamebreaking bug appears that Squad missed to rush an update out on time...

- People assume that because they are currently awake on the day, Squad must release the update exactly when it is convenient for said non-sleeping person, whether that be out of working hours or not.

- The entirety of the time between the release date being revealed and the release becoming publicly available is filled with even more "0.24 is coming" threads than we have at this time. The forums become an unhelpful mess of threads and start to water down the number of threads which are useful to gameplay - i.e. those threads which the more patient among us may wish to make use of rather than contemplating what might as well be Armageddon.

In any case, it doesn't end well. The update will be released when it is released. If you're spending every waking hour hoping for the announcement then you should probably find something more constructive to do.

When will the update be released?


500th post, hooray

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  allmhuran said:
I firmly believe my post was very constructive, in that it argued that knowing the release date doesn't really have any impact on your life.

Perhaps you intend to have a big release party with your friends when it goes live and play it for the first time with everyone in the room. But you could, of course, still do that even without knowing the release date. Just wait for the release and have your party a couple of days later. So, again, does it really matter? Perhaps you can give me a substantial reason as to why it does matter, in which case I will acknowledge my error.

Your post is basically saying "Why are you bothering" yet you claim it to be constructive.

Why are you bothering to ask the question?

It`s serving no purpose, you don`t care about this issue.

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I was always under the assumption that the media group was at least in part, part of the beta group, so they can do their little promotional videos whilst looking for anything glaringly obvious that needs fixing. Also I remember the days when people use to joke that every time someone mentioned "release dates" it was pushed back a week. Just chill, enjoy .23.5; get excited for .24; wait for the inevitable complaining about how it's ruined the game, then a few days later how amazing it is, and then a week later, people asking when .25 is out

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  John FX said:
At some point you have to say "It`s good enough, we`ll hotfix anything drastic" and experimentals should have caught anything drastic (That IS their job after all)

OK, but wouldn't this contradict your earlier statement that they shouldn't be coding to the last minute?

Let's say all of the work required for the release is finished. If that's the case, then Squad is currently just holding back the release for no reason. I'm sure you'd be upset if you found out that was true.

Alternatively, they're still putting on the final bits of polish to the code, the media work, and so forth. In which case you've said that what they're doing is bad.

What would be required to placate you?

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  John FX said:
Again 0.23.5 was a special rushed case dropped on SQUAD late by NASA, its problems should not be compared to the standard dev process

That is completely orthogonal to how the media team release vs. public release happens. NASA didn't drop ARM on them when it was in experimentals.

So what you seem to be saying is that the code is being worked on and untested new versions created in the few days between media release and public release?

That seems daft, what if those changes introduce game breaking bugs, do they get sent back to experimentals?? (I know, it`s rhetorical. it`s just that this argument can be made to absurdity)

The whole point of experimentals is to find and fix bugs, it is by nature an iterative process. Just look at the Steam db updates after the game goes into experimentals, they push new releases with bugfixes for further testing.

It`s been said that we get ours not long after the media, on the order of 1-4 days. Sounds like they are not leaving enough breathing space to avoid the problems they get flack for...

You have a good point there. As I understand it, they were holding back a bit on the media releases this go around to reduce the possibility of the same sort of problem with the last release.

At some point you have to say "It`s good enough, we`ll hotfix anything drastic" and experimentals should have caught anything drastic (That IS their job after all)

This is exactly what happens.

It would still seem to make sense that we get a release date around the media release point.

Again, a firm release date is a recipe for disaster if they need to push it back. This thread x1000.

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