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Invisible Children


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Starting it up, will tell you when I finish.

Finished, here are my thoughts:

WOW. Words cannot describe how strong this feels. A nation\'s people rising up for something that doesn\'t even affect them. I have never heard of Kony before now, but his name will not die. If a 6-year old can understand what to do, so should the world. I have no money, but I will use what tools I have to spread the word. Every signature will now have Kony, every person I talk to will learn of him, and come April 20 I will cover my campus with his poster.

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I\'m unsure about their strategy . . but I\'m bang alongside their goals.

The evil of Kony\'s group makes me speechless, not least because I am a Christian and he claims to do what he does in the name of what I believe.

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Guest ThatCrazyPilot



Kill the guy.

End child solders for years to come.

Oh, and please no references to Hitler or Von Braun being a nazi, ok?

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Guest GroundHOG-2010

As the first poster, I would like to point out that there is anouther thread on the same topic. I would also advise people to look further into this 'non profit' orginisation before buying anything, as it seems like a cult the more you think about it.

Invisible Children

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I have now reached the point where I cannot support Kony 2012. Originally I thought the idea was good, but now that I know they really are pushing for American troops to go in and find him (and we know how well that worked in Afghanistan and Iraq), and for huge investment into the corrupt Ugandan military . . well, AT BEST they\'re naive and haven\'t thought things through properly.

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I have now reached the point where I cannot support Kony 2012. Originally I thought the idea was good, but now that I know they really are pushing for American troops to go in and find him (and we know how well that worked in Afghanistan and Iraq), and for huge investment into the corrupt Ugandan military . . well, AT BEST they\'re naive and haven\'t thought things through properly.

I share this point of view...

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Guest Flixxbeatz

I was about to pull out something in KSP which is related in this thing (had a screenshot released already during the dry run, but no videos), but I\'ve decided to withdraw it after reading those stuff.

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I was about to pull out something in KSP which is related in this thing (had a screenshot released already during the dry run, but no videos), but I\'ve decided to withdraw it after reading those stuff.

Put that in orbit, launch another ship with railguns, rezvendous, then shoot it!

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Guest Flixxbeatz

Put that in orbit, launch another ship with railguns, rezvendous, then shoot it!

Since I have 2 batches of them currently orbiting Kerbin (6 in LKO, 6 in GKO),



Sounds plausible... 8)

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I share this point of view...

So have I, we aren\'t shouldn\'t going to go to another 10 year war, we need more money for more important things.

(Like public schools and new technology by this I mean giving more money to NASA so we can go to mars when they planned...)

Obama is one to give people a good education not to waste the school budget on war.

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