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KSP Community CubeSat


Ultimate Mission?  

105 members have voted

  1. 1. Ultimate Mission?

    • LEO Only - Keep it safe
    • Sun-Earth L1
    • Sun-Earth L2
    • Venus Capture
    • Mars Capture
    • Phobos Mission
    • Jupiter Moons Mission
    • Saturn Moons Mission
    • Interstellar Space

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I am quite sure that our space program is way better engaged than, for say, congo's one (2 explosion on the launch pad. one explosion in the near farm).

Yea, they actually had something that can explode. That's a testimony to them having 1 billion times more experience than vast majority of people in this topic has. ;)

(number pulled out of my arse)

And random mean that someone could also be the top executive on the NASA.

It also means that majority of people vote for Phobos Mission.

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If he says so. It must be.

Don't even have the beginning of a clue. But if u don't contradict me, we can safely assume that it's possible. :sticktongue:

That could only be a really small one. But we do need either plants or bacteria for to test-prove that he won't get a leak in space (if they die, too bad, inflatable module can't be done with the used technology) and that actually might interest nasa.

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"Yea, they actually had something that can explode. That's a testimony to them having 1 billion times more experience than vast majority of people in this topic has. ;)"

Launched a small candy fusee out of a baloon.It didn't explode but kinda ripe off the baloon and one of the fin then goes full derp, but that's what parachute are for.

At least it didn't exploded at all.

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Error404brain, how big is this inflaitable module going to be? Is it going to be the size of a CubeSat unit, in which case we need a 2U CubeSat.

That's what's good with the inflatable modules. They does inflate.

Airbag might be an interesting thing to look at. Lemme check

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I think we should do an omni-directional antenna, because it would be easier to get in contact with the CubeSat.

Of course. Everything always need a backup, even if we have a directional antenna and then a space debris hits our cubesat and throw it out of alignment, at least we still have the omni to correct it

@Epic: Right!

Edited by Aghanim
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As the final nail in the Phobos mission, we would have a massive problem finding a carer who is launching into GTO at the correct earth mars phase angle, and a the correct time such that we get a lunar intercept. Thinking about it this way we need a launch that launches within a couple of hours of when we want and no more than a few days either side of when we want. I think as cube sat we won't get this.

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As the final nail in the Phobos mission, we would have a massive problem finding a carer who is launching into GTO at the correct earth mars phase angle, and a the correct time such that we get a lunar intercept. Thinking about it this way we need a launch that launches within a couple of hours of when we want and no more than a few days either side of when we want. I think as cube sat we won't get this.

Thats not actually a problem if we are willing to do a few orbits first. We can delay lunar insertion for any multiple of our orbital period, and our orbital period can be anything between GTO and LTO without affecting our Dv budget. With a course correction 9 months into solar orbit (apoapse and 3months from earth flyby) we can trade dv for martian launch window.

There are technical problems with the phobos mission, but that particular one is solved.

Edited by Rakaydos
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I see, but how would a "clamp" system work, with uses little "clamps", to attach itself to the craft. (Hopefully you understand that.)

Hope nobody posted this yet. I'm only on post #312 but I'm warping in. Be with you in a minute.

What about electro magnets?

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Hey, does anyone want to split to another project, actually doable during summer, such as using Jeb's figurine on a stratospheric balloon?

I mean the realistic folks around here. Not the ones who want to get a sample of cheese from the Moon.

PM me or whatever, so we can make another thread.

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Sorry. I think my impatience are heating me up too much

Back to the inflatable sat, I have one question: Lets say that we have a 3U inflated sat. What can we use it for? That much surface area will probably increases orbital drag, reducing mission lifetime.

@Aethon: Electromagnets will probably be harder, as some part of the target might not be magnetic

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7 LBS (3.5 Kg) for an 170 Litre airbag avalanche designed. 2.5 kg for airbags on a car. (On a french site they said that it's around 700 gr for the bottle of 170 litre, so 100/150 g for the bottle and 50 gramme for a good valve should do the job. With that, we need to include 200/300 g for the inflatable module and it's contained plants, sprouts,...)

Count 500 g, no less( the size isn't quite the problem here, we can go to 20 bars without problems (50 bar for oxygène kit for dive, on an 35cm long cylinder).

with the folded equipement, forget about thrust or anything, but enjoy our inflatable module.

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That would take at least 75% of the module for a 10 litre and 50% for 5 litre. Kinda throwin' number out of my hat, but I think they are accurate from my experience in dive bottle(really usefull on a space launch).

The problem, is how we will build a bottle sized for the 1U, or 2U and 3U.

And don't expect anything more than an 1U sat.

Does someone know if plastic bottle, with 5 bars can survive in space ? Cuz that's easy to model with a 3D printer.

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As I said before - read the Ariane 5 user manual in my footer. It's interesting from a KSP rocket builder perspective, but also contains tons of info about qualification tests satellites need to pass before getting on a launch vehicle.

Morning sky_walker. Glad to see you're still with us.

I'm workin' on it. It's a hefty tome. Plus the .24 update is DROPPING SOOOOON(? Sorry, sorry ), which'll slow me down some.

Let's not get impatient. There's no shame in not having a clearly defined mission objective 6 days in. We're brainstorming ( disregard the loud crunching noise. It's K^2, bleary eyed, 5 pots of coffee in, givin' the numbers what for.).

I'm on post #342. This is like communicating over interstellar distances.

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What if we send two cubesats? One would be just in charge of generating electricity and beaming it to the other one in the form of microwaves or lasers. The other would have a receiving dish thing, electric propulsion, and all the science. The first one would also act as a communication relay.

Just food for thought I guess.

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