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[FORUM GAME] Wide the sentence


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Try to tell the shortest message in the longest way. ( try to keep up the conversation )



I like trains...

It has been well known for the very long time, that my personality has some predispositions to create a very positive feeling for big machines located on two long pieces of metal, moving with noise and high speed.


What do you like most in KSP?

I would really like to ask you about a little thing related to well known and beloved indie game called Kerbal Space Program, which was intriguing me a lot over time, about some specific and reasonable factors, to which you manifest huge feelings.

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I need to make my homework.

Since I got tons of les hours the past week, my teachers are so nice to give us 'little' jobs to do at home. Unfortunately, we don\'t get payed for doing these things. These things include learning 50+ Greece words and a test for Biology about the female menstruation. It\'s now almost 06:00 PM local time. I\'m heading to a last hour rush if I don\'t make it NOW.

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That wasn\'t a single sentence, fail

It has come to my attention that fellow member Witeken has broken a fundamental rule of this forum game, which has angered me greatly and is sure to upset many other forumers; his usage of unperiodic punctuation has caused unrest amongst us.

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It doesn\'t say \'no periods\' anywhere.

I would like to direct your seemingly abbreviated attention to the point I feel the need to make: namely, that you have called attention to and protested about fellow forum-er witeken and his use of what you refer to as 'unperiodic punctuation,' which, if I am not mistaken, has a meaning exactly the opposite that which you intended to apply to it; in any case, there is no indication in the original description of this form of organized entertainment which states to any degree that the aforementioned punctuation, which is more accurately 'periodic' punctuation, has been disallowed, discouraged, or, at the risk of exaggeration, even discussed in the first place.

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The goal of the game is to make a long SENTANCE.

It is my beleave that the purpus of this forum internet game is that to enlarge a sentance beyond what it would normaly be said as, and as such using the puntuation peace knowen as a piriod would be making one sentance into 2, instead of one long run on seantace, and thus would be agaist the rules of the game.

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I\'m sorry if I broke the rule of this forum, but, when I look at the first post I can\'t see that it needs to be in one sentence, however, I see only 'shortest message in the longest way', and in my humble opinion it didn\'t said that it needs to be told in one signle sentence, but I can also be my not advanced knowlegde of English, but, when I come back on-topic, I hope this sentence isn\'t breaking a rule of this forum, and if not, sorry again. ;)

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  NIN3 said:

The goal of the game is to make a long SENTANCE.

It is my beleave that the purpus of this forum internet game is that to enlarge a sentance beyond what it would normaly be said as, and as such using the puntuation peace knowen as a piriod would be making one sentance into 2, instead of one long run on seantace, and thus would be agaist the rules of the game.

Use spell-check.

There is a device on this forum webpage which has been programmed by the brightest of minds at Simple Machines Forum that enables you to do what would normally be considered impossible for someone with a rudimentary grasp of the English language; that is to say that this device can in fact, check your spelling and correct it for you to the best of its ability. The use of such a tool should be considered mandatory, seeing as the tool was created in the first place in order to avoid situations such as this one in which a forum user attempts to make a valid point and not only fails to provide any evidence to support such an argument but also succeeds in making a fool of him/herself by being unable to use such a simple tool and/or understand why its use is of the utmost importance. That being said, I believe this user would find it to not only be convenient but also indicative of said user\'s intelligence if said user were to use this tool to the best of his/her ability. Thus, I suggest that the user by the name 'NIN3' should, from this point forward, begin to use and study the spell-check tool, and attempt to understand how its use can improve his/her everyday life.

Also, it never said in the original post that a single sentence was required. It did say that the point was to make a short message extremely long. Did I win? :D

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  Gadgethm said:

Use spell-check.

There is a device on this forum webpage which has been programmed by the brightest of minds at Simple Machines Forum that enables you to do what would normally be considered impossible for someone with a rudimentary grasp of the English language; that is to say that this device can in fact, check your spelling and correct it for you to the best of its ability. The use of such a tool should be considered mandatory, seeing as the tool was created in the first place in order to avoid situations such as this one in which a forum user attempts to make a valid point and not only fails to provide any evidence to support such an argument but also succeeds in making a fool of him/herself by being unable to use such a simple tool and/or understand why its use is of the utmost importance. That being said, I believe this user would find it to not only be convenient but also indicative of said user\'s intelligence if said user were to use this tool to the best of his/her ability. Thus, I suggest that the user by the name 'NIN3' should, from this point forward, begin to use and study the spell-check tool, and attempt to understand how its use can improve his/her everyday life.

Also, it never said in the original post that a single sentence was required. It did say that the point was to make a short message extremely long. Did I win? :D

That seems like a aggressive sentence to me. However, I see it wasn\'t intended that way. Carry on.

Behold! Thou hast found thy way to mine eyes of fury; For thine anger in thine words, thou hast spoken of thy intent to correct thy peers with the utmost of care. That thou doest not, with thine intervention, speak of thou peers with thine grace and purity; hast thou not set me in anger? Hast thou not found me to be in thine presence? For mine fury, mine anger, shall beset upon thee with the trampling of countless war chariots. That mine scythe shall be prepared for thine suffering, least ye repent now! Lo\' is ye, lo\' is ye, let mine eyes have mercy. For thy presence is new, thy mark upon thou soil underneath thee is fresh; that now I shall know thine words come from a new soul. Thou shalt see mine anger quelled, that thou may see another day upon this Earth. For mine eyes, though in anger against thee, shall now be filled with joy for thine new presence.

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  Drakomis said:

That seems like a aggressive sentence to me. However, I see it wasn\'t intended that way. Carry on.

Yeah, it was not meant to come off as aggressive, only as admonishing.

Indeed, you are correct in your assertion that my sentence was, in fact, rather accusatory and unsatisfactory in conduct, however my intentions were only good and for the betterment of this community as a whole; thus my behavior was not intended, as it were, to be aggressive, but rather as a mildly stern reprimand of a forums-goer who had failed to meet my expectations of behavior on this forum.

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  Gadgethm said:

Yeah, it was not meant to come off as aggressive, only as admonishing.

Indeed, you are correct in your assertion that my sentence was, in fact, rather accusatory and unsatisfactory in conduct, however my intentions were only good and for the betterment of this community as a whole; thus my behavior was not intended, as it were, to be aggressive, but rather as a mildly stern reprimand of a forums-goer who had failed to meet my expectations of behavior on this forum.

I would use spell check, but IE doesn\'t have it.

Tis a pity, but I am unable to use the tool commonly known as 'spell check', as I do not have this tool, and am too lazy to obtain a copy of it, and so is Internet Explorer, so as thus I cannot use spell check and my posts will continue to burn your eyes out with bad grammar and terrible spelling mistakes that make you want to cry out and/or kill me very, very, very slowly.

(oh wait, I have microsoft word :D)

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Thanks for the change.

I notice that you have corrected your previous problem of not using spell check and I applaud you for doing me this favor; I truly appreciate the effort which you have put forth to repair your previous disability and I now proclaim myself satisfied.

Wow, when I write things extra long, it sounds like I\'m being sarcastic :c

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  Gadgethm said:

Thanks for the change.

I notice that you have corrected your previous problem of not using spell check and I applaud you for doing me this favor; I truly appreciate the effort which you have put forth to repair your previous disability and I now proclaim myself satisfied.

Wow, when I write things extra long, it sounds like I\'m being sarcastic :c

You do know I was just joking, right?

BEHOLD, for thine eyes have misguided thine intent. That thou has not known my gaze, that thine eyes have looked over me. For thy swiftness, in thine knowledge, have been foolish! I laugh at thee! Laugh, say I unto thee! For thine presence is comedy, thine words are fresh and pure as a babe. Yet, Lo\', I hast run out of things to say!

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Yes, though it can be hard to tell emotion through text.

Indeed I do know that you were joking with your last post however, eyes can deceive even the most observant among us, and though your literal meaning is easy to discern, the feelings you are experiencing are difficult to comprehend fully sometimes, especially when talking through an internet medium such as a text-based message board.

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We have plenty of idiots over at Blocklad Forums who fail to use spellcheck, myself included, and besides that, we have an edit button for a reason, spelling being one of them.

I fail at hyperextending sentences.

Say, Gadget, what made you leave BLF besides Tony and Stocking, etc.?

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  Gojira said:

Say, Gadget, what made you leave BLF besides Tony and Stocking, etc.?

I actually didn\'t have much of a problem with them, mainly cause I didn\'t go to Off Topic much. I actually left because I don\'t play BL much anymore and the community has issues, especially the admins and their lack of moderation. On top of that, the only real reason I stayed as long as I did was to keep up with old friends, and at this point all the friends I wanted to keep up with already have me on skype and steam. So yeah.

To make a long story short, the community sucked.

And yes, I did just make a long post shorter instead of the other way around :D

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