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The Oscar-B fuel tank should be able to attach radially

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As many of you likely know, the Oscar-B does not attach radially to nearly anything. There doesn't seem to be a good reason for this. Why is this the case? I know you can stick a small RCS tank to the side of what you're launching, but that messes with the mass and takes up space of small probes, two things extremely important for them. I am somewhat sure there are other parts of similar size that also don't work right. It has gotten me quite flustered when I can't attack things when they *should* work, especially when it is important that they are placed exactly where they are needed.

This is probably a pretty tiny fix, we should bug the devs about it.

Also note that enabling part clipping does nothing.

Sorry if this has been posted before, I searched a bit and didn't find any concrete answers.

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This isn't a bug report, it's more of a suggestion.

That's correct. This should've been placed in the suggestion and development section. There is nothing buggy about it, the parts are working fine.

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So this thread gets moved, but this one stays? Uhh, ok then.

Anyway, I'll quote what I said in that thread here to save me writing it again. Yes, it's a mod, but really, it's actually just fixing the attachment points:

Oh, hello there..


You're close. Gentlemen, I give you Surface Nodes. That actually edits the cfg through ModuleManager to make radial attachment make sense. To quote cantab, "Editor Extensions enables surface attachment, but it doesn't configure the attachment points properly so you get significant part clipping".

Edited by ObsessedWithKSP
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Mods are cool and all, but this(Oscar-B attaching like other parts) should really be put in the default version. I can't think of any good reasons not to do so. With that, a small probe-sized radial decoupler would be a great addition. Heck maybe even a probe sized sepatron.

I put this in bug reports because I couldn't think of a reason why it would be this way on purpose.

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