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So what are the parts of the Science complex?

Mars Mullo

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With the new Contract mode coming out and the little contracts lounge .. I mean building being allocated it got me thinking more about the existing complexes.

The science complex is a wonderful work of art.. I mean for all the effort we put into exploring the Kerbin environment and the Mun has anyone considered how much thought, inspiration and design went into the science complex.

Well to whoever designed it here is a big thumbs up from me.. it's really cool.

If anyone wanted to label a part and give it a description what would it be...??? I mean looking at it ther is already an obvious indoor snow ski slope... or is that a rocket exhaust duct and emissions scrubber?

And those little square buildings buy themselves.. are they really dangerous goods stores or are they the rooms for all the valves off of the tank farms.

Where is the canteen anyway?

Anyhow just throwing some inspiration and some star gazing out there.


Edited by Mars Mullo
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They all look 'like' things you would associate with a science center, but each is a little off.

The big round one with a slot down one side is clearly an observatory.

The slanted one on the right looks somewhat like a wind tunnel.

The white cylinders look like hangars (they all have large driveways leading to doors).

The water tower is too low to push water to the upper floors.

In the upper right there appears to be a highschool gym or indoor basketball court. I'd call it a hangar but its pointing the wrong what in relation to the road.

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  Nikola7007 said:
I'll admit, when I first purchased KSP, one of the things I was most excited about was using a rover to explore the KSC.

There is no wrong way. We did the same thing when this version of the space center first came out.

I'm not sure what's what. I imagine of the two largest complexes, one closest to the VAB may be the engineering labs, and the other, sample analysis labs. It could be that facilities differ on different floors though. Those two could also be divided into wings. Perhaps part of the building near the VAB is holds physics labs. Some floors could be dedicated to computer systems.

While it does look like an observatory, it's not well placed. It would be more practical to have it on the mountains, above the atmosphere, and away from rocket debris dust. Though, if it wasn't for the tubey thing, I'd speculate on that being the astronomy departments.

The last building, I'm not sure about. It does look like some large equipment installed there, wind tunnel maybe. Flight testing? Aerodynamics labs?

I think the kerbals might have spread things out a bit, which makes sense kind of if you're expecting spacecraft bits to come falling from time to time.

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Awesome... I'm so glad I'm not the only one who a weird fascination with this complex of buildings... for some reason I want it mapped into one of those pictorial signs you see at Universities to stop you getting lost.

An yep I love getting in my campus rover and driving my senior (orange suited Kerbals) around to look at this place. A bit like having a golf cart. My mind imagines what is going on in there and the fact that all things Kerbal seem to be out of some Lampoon movie... my idea of would naturally be going on is probably wrong... like .. e.g ... you know that yellow container on the left...

did you know it contains a lifetime supply of Kerbals favourite snaks.... won in a card game by Jeb and now used to stock the vending Machines in the Kerbernaught centre and the life support systems in space craft.

Yeah well I made that up...

But so much more interesting than some of those lifeless planetoids.

Oh I especially like the glazed area that is canterlevered out over the side of the building... I wonder if they launch paper darts from there?

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  Mars Mullo said:

Oh I especially like the glazed area that is canterlevered out over the side of the building... I wonder if they launch paper darts from there?

They can go out on the roof for that. Perhaps the upper ones are meeting/snack rooms, for the scientists? Maybe the lower one is a science lounge room. For scienceing in.

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  FatboyTim said:
I hoped there would be a centrifuge somewhere within the science centre, when it was revealed.

It reminds me somewhat of Drax's research facility in Moonraker. :D

Perhaps the big building to the left of the water tank has a centrifuge in it. Or would that be something to find in the Kerbenaughts facility? Naah...definatly science related.

Did you know you can climb the staircases to the roof and walk right over the bridge roof. That would make a great freshman's or first year Kerbals race... pitty you can't have more than one person operate in the same environment.

Ummm FBT... when you were hoping for a centrifuge you were talking about a working one that you can test cockpit layout in yes? An the strenght of Kerbal snaks. I see a new contract now... "Open a Kerbal snack at positive 2G" $5,000 "eat a kerbal snack at positive 4G" $20,000.

Goodness forbid eat packet of peanuts at 0 G

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The big dome is a planetarium, with the night sky painted onto the ceiling. The tube-like structure on the western side is an enclosed half pipe, for kerbal skateboarders. Don't know about the other stuff, probably just snack research.

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