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Kerbal Backstories


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Jebediah Kerman: He'd been a badass all his life. Then he came up with the idea of being a junkyard owner and an astronaut at the same time.

Bill: Unknown.

Bob: Unknown. Presumably traumatized by an event in his past.

Gene Kerman: Has a wife and 6 kids. He's just working at the KSP for money. Likely has a kollege education.

Wernher von Kerman: Ex-Kazi rocket scientist, extracted to the KSP in operation Kerbalklip after World War K.

Bobak Kerman: Systems engineer. (Semi-official character.)

Recruits: Want to go to space!

Engineers: Work for money.

Scientists: Got a Kollege education. Likes science. Likes watching the cool explosions.

Drivers: Alcoholiks.

Mission Control People: Grew up with allot of koffee. As a result, they are addicted.

Edited by Souper
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I always look at recruit's stats:

- if his courage is very high, i assume he came from military. Usually test or combat pilot.

-if his intelligence is very high, i assume he is a civilian scientist.

-if both stats are somewhat balanced, i assume he is a military technical specialist.

Hence, Jeb is a veteran fighter pilot, Bob an academic holding couple of degrees and Bill is Jeb's former co-pilot and radar operator.

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For me, Bob was the original kerbalnaut. He worked for the original KSP from the island base. He almost made it to orbit on his last launch before a catastrophe happened. A booster exploded and he exited the command pod from the top of the atmosphere, and miraculously survived by landing on his head.

A few years go by and Bob see's Jeb's company. He gets official interest to start off KSP again with Jeb in the lead, but only if he accompanies him to balance his badSness. Since Bob and Jeb both do love space, Bob agrees to this even though he is still terrified. Bill is considered the "scientist." They figure the dumber the recipient of knowledge the greater total knowledge received so they have a purposeful dumb lead scientist. Gene was Bob's old buddy from college and he worked the politics to get KSP back up and running. Werner is a hold over like Bob and Gene from the original KSP, but he was a middle aged scientist then and is approaching retirement now. So with Bob's experience, Jeb's bravery, Gene's political mastery, Werner's genius, and Bill's excessive snack industry they reach space. By the end of a save Jeb has grown to respect Bob and Bob has conquered his fear. Gene becomes the elected Overlord of the Kerbals and space interest skyrockets from the already high level of interest to the point where the entire kerbal industry is space related. Werner dies shortly thereafter and Bill, now a genius scientist thanks to his hard work. Gives a moving speech after his funeral on the importance of space travel. Just before everyone can clap and lead KSP to brave new worlds I start a new save and it's back to square one. X) hehe I may have too much head cannon but it is fun!

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Jeb, Bill and Bob are freelance pilots who work for the highest bidder. They seem to like my space program, though. Jeb inherited the Junkyard from Jebediah Kerman Senior.

Werner is an inventor/general scientist/crackpot. He is most interested in rocket science, but dabbles in almost all fields of science, including the ones that start to dip into the metaphysical.

Gene is also a scientist, but he is much calmer and a lot more sane than Werner. In addition to astrophysics and economics, he has dabbled in indie game design. The first fruits of this dabbling was Human Space Program, which is currently in Beta 0.20.14.

Enemy Kerman was an industrial spy. When he was found out, he was stranded on Minmus intentionally. No one has heard from him in a while, but he is a crafty one...

For recruits, it generally works like this:

*Balenced Bravery/Stupidity: Average Joe who wanted to follow his dream.

*High Bravery/Low Stupidity: Probably worked in some daring field, like police or novel writing.

*Low Bravery/Low Stupidity: Probably a computer geek of some sort.

*High Bravery/High Stupidity: Something involving a lot of stunts, like wrestler or action movie stuntman.

*Low Bravery/High Stupidity: "Hey, you're just a janitor, right? Come to the space program, become a kerbonaut, you'll be a hero..."

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[MOD - Moved to KSP Fan Works]

Actually i don't think this is necessary, i tried to make this as aligned to canon as possible.

Oh well./

P.S: Bobak Kerman is real, He appeared in some trailers.

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Actually i don't think this is necessary, i tried to make this as aligned to canon as possible.

Oh well./

P.S: Bobak Kerman is real, He appeared in some trailers.

There is no canon. Not really.

I didn't like the fanwork that seems to hold influence in the wiki, so I began my own. Might continue it some day.


Edited by Tw1
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Here's how I see the Kerbals. I also use this view in my fan-fic "Kerbin One."

Jebediah Kerman: Flight Commander. Has a wife and one son. Has worked at the Kerbal Space Program for eleven years. Been to almost every planet in the solar system.

Bill Kerman: Aerodynamics and astrodynamics expert. Jebediah's best friend. Immigrated to the country adjacent to KSC when he was three. Mostly works around the Kerbin system. Not married, no children. Kerbonaut for nine years.

Bob Kerman: Advanced spacecraft engineer. Good friends with Gerrim Kerman (an unofficial character), the leader of a Laythian ground base. Kerbonaut for sixteen years, nine of those spent at Jool and its moons. Unmarried, no kids.

Gene Kerman: Director of the Kerbal Space Program. Has a wife, no children. Has worked for the Kerbal Space Program for nineteen years. Has college education.

Recruits: Kerbals fresh out of college and have exceptional degrees can be recruited and trained at the Astronaut Complex to become Kerbonauts, scientists, engineers, mathematicians, etc. Kerbals with lower-level degrees can still be recruited and trained to become teachers, truck drivers, building maintenance, etc.

Kerbonauts: Requires high-level degrees in math, physics, biology, engineering and astronomy. One of the most high-ranked careers on Kerbin. Kerbonauts are the elite explorers and representatives of Kerbalkind, and over the history of the space program they have set foot on every celestial body in the solar system. Can work anywhere.

Engineers: Requires a degree in both engineering and math. These guys build rockets, spaceplanes, space stations, rovers, etc. Works at the VAB and SPH. Another type of engineer, the space engineer, can become a Kerbonaut as well and help maintain spacecraft and space stations in the field. Bob is one of these.

Scientists: Requires degrees in math, engineering and biology. Work at the R&D Center. They discover and improve the math and science of rocketry.

Mission Controllers: Requires a degree in astronomy and business management. They organize and plan missions. They also talk to the Communication Experts, which are all over the solar system, and help organize interplanetary shuttle schedules. Works in the Mission Control building.

Communication Experts: Requires degrees in physics, communication and business management. Communicate with Mission Control and make sure everything runs like clockwork. They communicate with the Interplanetary Activity Managers, and organize missions all over the solar system. Communication Experts are not limited to a single location and can work anywhere in the solar system.

Interplanetary Activity Manager: Requires degrees in physics, math and business management. The Interplanetary Activity Managers talk with the Communication Experts and manage extraplanetary bases and space stations. They can work at any celestial body with a space station and/or base.

Edited by Thomas988
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Here's my take on Kerbal Origins. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/82175-WIP-Foundations-The-beginning-of-the-Kerbal-Space-Program

It's a little outdated from my current http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/84888-My-take-on-Kerbal-Anatomy-Evolution-History-Society headcanon, here's my current headcanon. Kelpogart/Omork is replaced with Kearmica (There was also no separation of the two countries), Ussaria is more of fulfilled by the Secret Space Program's role, and Gomlonilia is replaced with Namregy.

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One of my Kerbals, Danger Kerman (yes, Danger), was a stuntman for Kerboversal Studios specializing in vehicle based stunts (remember that scene in Karmageddon, where they jumped the rover on the asteroid. That was Danger). His ultimate goal is to set a vehicle jump record. Where better to do that than Minmus. B-)

Also, I've just been informed that he has requested that his name be typed in Italics from now on. Sure thing Danger, Damn Narcissist.

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