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Will current .23.5 Career mode saves be converted into Science mode on .24?


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Based on the FAQ, Contract. Science would seem to make more sense though. However if you wanted to, you could probably edit the file to put it in science only mode, but without seeing it I couldn't tell you how.

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My understanding is that they'll convert to contract careers in 0.24.

That was my understanding as well ... although they warned that it might be a little bit buggy.

Well, I personally start with a new career (as with every major update) so I don´t care at all

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To go from a more restrictive (such as contracts) to a less restrictive mode (science or sandbox), it should be as simple as editing the type at the top of the save file. The more restrictive modes have additional "scenario" data blocks that would have to be added to go in the other direction, but stepping "down" in restrictive complexity should be simple.

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Sounds reasonable. Just asking, I'll start a new career mode game anyway, but the current one I have going now I'd like to keep it as a semi-sandbox mode.

In case you're not aware, you can have multiple copies of KSP going at the same time (you can even copy the Steam edition about). Keeping a 0.23.5 copy around will ensure that your save is not in any danger from anything 0.24 brings.

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