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A good (current) video tutorial for getting to Duna

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Went to bed last night happy and content with the thought that I now had rover/probe in a circularized orbit (about 55-60000m) around Duna. I've been playing KSP now for about a year, (Yeah slow learner, hey) but still very prideful that I had finally gone "Interplanetary". I had quick saved it a couple of times while I circularized the orbit, wanting to be damn sure if I screwed something up, I'd still be good. I went back to the KSC and then quit the game. Got back to it today hoping the .24 update had been released but, nope, not yet. Well at least I still had that ship orbiting Duna. Started the game, went to the tracking station to find that my ship was just gone! I went to the archives in the R & D and confirmed that the goo experiment done in high Duna orbit was there, and it was. But what happened to my ship?,,, Bug?, Kracken? So anyways, I launched the same ship hoping I'd get the same easy encounter I got the night before but, to no avail. So, I'm looking for a little more education on getting to Duna. A link would be greatly appreciated. And, what the hell happened to my ship? Thanks in advance :confused:

Edited by SpacedCowboy
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Well, the famous Scott Manley has recently done a new tutorial series.

deals with interplanetary transfers. IIRC, it deals with transfers to Eve and Duna

As to your ship: whatever the reason is that it has suddenly disappeard, you could try loading a quicksave (which is separate form autosaves) and see if it's there then. It normally shouldn't disappear at that altitude around Duna.

Another tip: you can now make multiple quicksaves with Alt+F5, and load them with Alt+F9. (Replace alt with slightly different keys if on Mac or Linux.)

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Thanks Renev8,, I knew there was a "Manley video out there somewhere but,,, well I guess I'm lazy. (Actually technically challenged) I will check out the link you've provided. Thanks again Oh yeah, the "Manley" was good! Got a lot out of that video. Thanks so much. He makes it look so EASY!

Edited by SpacedCowboy
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