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[WEB] KSP Ribbon Generator [v2.0, Dec 22, 2014] Over 7 Million Served!

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Congrats on the huge success!

I have a bug report:

When I first tried the page on Firefox, most texts that are hidden at start, seem to randomly dissapear/reappear, when scrolling up and down. Might be javascript/css/firefox doing it for all I know. Works just smoothly on Chrome and IE, though.

I also have a few suggestions:

1. The describing texts (onmouseover) are helpful, but I think that the "Grand Tour" could use a more elaborate description.

2. The asteroids' texts could be more asteroid-spesific. (This seems like too much work against the gain)

3. The Rendezvous-checkbox should be forced with all the others except for the Land Nav (Technically you could spacewalk to asteroid without dockin on it.)

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Congrats on the huge success!

I have a bug report:

When I first tried the page on Firefox, most texts that are hidden at start, seem to randomly dissapear/reappear, when scrolling up and down. Might be javascript/css/firefox doing it for all I know. Works just smoothly on Chrome and IE, though.

I also have a few suggestions:

1. The describing texts (onmouseover) are helpful, but I think that the "Grand Tour" could use a more elaborate description.

2. The asteroids' texts could be more asteroid-spesific. (This seems like too much work against the gain)

3. The Rendezvous-checkbox should be forced with all the others except for the Land Nav (Technically you could spacewalk to asteroid without dockin on it.)

Thanks for the kind words - and your siggy! :)

It tests fine for me in all browsers, including Firefox (my favorite), and I've not gotten any reports to the contrary. Have you tried clearing your cache and/or refreshing once or twice? It shouldn't need that, but it might help to track the problem.

As for the text, do you have specific ideas what should be written where? Most things are auto-generated from the list of names and such, but I could add some code to display better information if you think it would help users.

Re: #3, You may misunderstand what the Rendezvous device describes. It's not referring to just meeting up with the body, but rather two ships meeting in orbit around the body. Or perhaps I've misunderstood what you mean.

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Have you tried clearing your cache and/or refreshing once or twice? It shouldn't need that, but it might help to track the problem.

The exact error: Some of the text is hidden until I scroll down, and when the upper edge of the window goes lower than the titlegraphic, into the white-background area of "KSP Ribbon Generator", all text appears in full. Can reproduce that without a fault.

What I've tried so far: Updating all addons, removing NoScript (causes all kids of other trouble), disabling Logitech SetPoint and a few other unrelated (AdBlock, ...) addons. I cleared all cookies, emptied the cache, updated all plugins. The ff is version 38.0.1, euballot 1.1, which is basically standard ff for all intents and purposes, but I just might reinstall it shortly.

The CSS validator in https://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/validator?uri=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.kerbaltek.com%2Fribbons&profile=css3&usermedium=all&warning=1&vextwarning=〈=en gives a few warnings for not having Times New Roman in quotes, but I doubt that's the problem here.

My Geforce GTX 760 is connected to two displays, sometimes even three, through Dport/DviD/HDMI, all drivers updated. I think I've tried and checked anything short of aggressive malware checks and browser reinstall.

Re: #3, You may misunderstand what the Rendezvous device describes. It's not referring to just meeting up with the body, but rather two ships meeting in orbit around the body.

Very well, I have only gotten myself around the OP in the other thread here. It has a bit of different idea for the asteroid rendezvous device* and whether that has been revoked, I know not. I would hope that the effective ruleset could be found at the OP and linked to ribbon generator page for that matter.

*="If you make contact with the asteroid you get the rendezvous award[, ...]"

As for the text, do you have specific ideas what should be written where? Most things are auto-generated from the list of names and such, but I could add some code to display better information if you think it would help users.

As the Asteroid-tags are about repositioning and purposefully moving the asteroid to new orbits, this could be implied "Make asteroid achieve a geosynchronous orbit." and the World Tour could simply state "Visit the SOI of two or more worlds" to give the idea of minimum at an instant.

The link to actual rules seems most the likely thing a user might be searching, so adding that should be a priority over my other suggestions. It's already a fine tool. :)

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I cannot reproduce any of your reported errors with Firefox or any other browser.

The link to actual rules seems most the likely thing a user might be searching, so adding that should be a priority over my other suggestions. It's already a fine tool. :)

There is a link to the rules at the top of the Ribbon Generator page.

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Ezriilc, thanks for the patience. Now I see the link clear as day.

That's about the visual effect I'm getting.

Source of error found! I have replicated this with two friends: On ff v.33 there is no graphical error, but updating to 37.0.1 or later (38.0.1 is current) leads to graphical glitches and disappearances.

I tested resizing the windows and noticed that when the webpage is no more than 703 pixels wide, the texts won't disappear. Does this number ring a bell? It seems oddly spesific. It's almost exactly the floating Ribbons' width + 20 px.

A surefire method of reproduction: Scroll to the lower end, then scroll up a small amount (on click on the sidebar arrow)

Edited by RedJimi
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Ezriilc, thanks for the patience. Now I see the link clear as day.

That's about the visual effect I'm getting.

Source of error found! I have replicated this with two friends: On ff v.33 there is no graphical error, but updating to 37.0.1 or later (38.0.1 is current) leads to graphical glitches and disappearances.

I tested resizing the windows and noticed that when the webpage is no more than 703 pixels wide, the texts won't disappear. Does this number ring a bell? It seems oddly spesific. It's almost exactly the floating Ribbons' width + 20 px.

A surefire method of reproduction: Scroll to the lower end, then scroll up a small amount (on click on the sidebar arrow)

Aha! Now I'm seeing it.

I am currently remodeling the entire site to update the look and make it mobile-friendly (anyone want to help?). During that process, I will track down this problem and see if there's a work around, but it's pretty clearly a bug in FF.

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  • 3 months later...
Not sure if you're already aware of this, but the Escape device is missing from the gen.

Just thought you should know.

I think if you check again, you'll see that it is right where it belongs - keep in mind that the escape device only applies to Kerbol (the star). :wink:

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Just finished doing my new ribbons for this save (sadface, new laptop). Fantastic tool :). Can I just ask, where did the Flag Generator that was on the old Ribbons site go? I really liked that heh.

I'm glad you like the new Ribbon Generator - I'm quite proud of that.

As for the Flag Generator, I've not built a new one yet, and the old one doesn't work on my new system. I know it was popular, so I had planned to rebuild it right away, but then life and stuff happened like it does. It is still on my list of projects, so hopefully I'll get to it soon, but no guarantees.

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I'm glad you like the new Ribbon Generator - I'm quite proud of that.

As for the Flag Generator, I've not built a new one yet, and the old one doesn't work on my new system. I know it was popular, so I had planned to rebuild it right away, but then life and stuff happened like it does. It is still on my list of projects, so hopefully I'll get to it soon, but no guarantees.

So you should be! Ahh, thanks for letting me know; don't worry, I just wanted to check I wasn't missing it in a submenu or something :)

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

I have a complaint - Kerbol does not have a flight pin available, but there IS an atmosphere on Kerbol and I HAVE flown in it (With a rocket engine, of course), and I demand recognition!

But in all seriousness, it is technically possible to fly in the atmosphere of Kerbol in vanilla KSP. Whether or not it is possible without 'Ignore max temperature' checked to yes is yet to be discovered, however that is besides the point. It has an atmosphere so it should have the atmosphere pin possible.

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I have a complaint - Kerbol does not have a flight pin available, but there IS an atmosphere on Kerbol and I HAVE flown in it (With a rocket engine, of course), and I demand recognition!

But in all seriousness, it is technically possible to fly in the atmosphere of Kerbol in vanilla KSP. Whether or not it is possible without 'Ignore max temperature' checked to yes is yet to be discovered, however that is besides the point. It has an atmosphere so it should have the atmosphere pin possible.

Wrong thread - this one is for the generator itself. You want the one for the ribbons here, and you'll want to read everything:


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This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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