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Spamming the O-10 is quite useful, because it's a physicsless part, just like the other RCS thrusters. You can probably make a reusable Tylo lander using it.

Part parameters:



name = omsEngine

module = Part

author = HugoGut

mesh = NewModel.mu

scale = 1



model = Squad/Parts/Engine/OMSEngine/NewModel

position = 0.0, 0.0, 0.035

rotation = 38, 0, 0


rescaleFactor = 2

fx_exhaustFlame_white_tiny = 0.0, -0.2816985, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, running

sound_vent_medium = engage

sound_rocket_mini = running

sound_vent_soft = disengage

sound_explosion_low = flameout

node_attach = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0

// attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision

attachRules = 0,1,0,1,1

// --- editor parameters ---

TechRequired = specializedControl

entryCost = 4200

cost = 800

category = Propulsion

subcategory = 0

title = O-10 MonoPropellant Engine

manufacturer = Reaction Systems Ltd.

description = When The O-10 Engine was first unveiled, it was regarded as one of those ideas that someone should have thought of a long time ago. This made most employees at Reaction Systems Ltd. feel quite awkward, as they were particularly proud of having delivered this project on schedule for once. This Engine responds to main throttle controls, but it consumes MonoPropellant instead of a Fuel+Oxidizer mix.

// --- standard part parameters ---

mass = 0.09

dragModelType = default

maximum_drag = 0.2

minimum_drag = 0.2

angularDrag = 2

crashTolerance = 7

maxTemp = 3600

PhysicsSignificance = 1



name = ModuleEngines

thrustVectorTransformName = thrustTransform

exhaustDamage = False

ignitionThreshold = 0.1

minThrust = 0

maxThrust = 20

heatProduction = 30

fxOffset = 0, 0, 0.02



name = MonoPropellant

ratio = 0.9




key = 0 290

key = 1 220




Does PhysicsSignificance = 1 mean that it is not physics-enabled? If that's the case, I wonder why they changed the mass from 0.03 to 0.09.

It's the same mass as the 24-77, same thrust, with slightly worse ISP. It should have mass in order to be balanced. Also, interestingly, I changed the rescale factor from 2 to 1.5, and that made it look like the original size seen in the video. At rescale factor = 1, it was a bit too small. 1.25 might also work.

Edited by GusTurbo
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(Oh and correction to note about SAS-twistyness values - looks like both 1.25m variants used to have 20 units of spin)

Yes, the old reaction wheels all had 20 torque, including the big one, and the mass values made little sense.

Now they are:

- Inline Reaction Wheel - 8 torque, 0.12 tons, 600 Funds

- Inline Advanced Stabilizer - 15 torque, 0.1 tons, 1200 Funds

- Advanced SAS Module, Large - 30 torque, 0.2 tons, 2100 Funds

So it looks like they are differentiating the IRS and IAS based on cost, weight and torque now, which is a big improvement from before. The 2.5m reaction wheel is a lot stronger too, which should be helpful.

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Well I just noticed that landing on water under 10m/s completely disassembles your craft leaving you without loads of the science you just earned and making a large part of your craft not recoverable for funds.

I call this an `undocumented feature` because I am less upset that way.

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Click on the trajectory where the APO/PERI shows, to create a node.

But instead of creating the node, click again.

The number will remain open.

Do that again, and it will disapear when you move the mouse away.

Very usefull for circularizing.

Idk if it only works for .24, but it does work.

@LethalDose: I remember the ruler from 0.23

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Another one - the Inline Clamp-o-tron


Mass 1t > 0.3t

Drag 0.25 > 0.08

This one I'm rather happy about as the mass really precluded it's use in previous versions.

Less significant perhaps is the Structural Fuselage:


Mass 0.4t > 0.1t

We also have a change to the Small Hardpoint:


Mass 0.1t > 0.02t

But seeing as physics significance flag was set to 1 in v0.23.5 and remains set in v0.24 the impact of this change is rather moot.

Edited by MiniMatt
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I rather like the updated mass on the structural fusalage. Makes a nice alternitive to girders all over the place when you just want to extend a stack and dont need to surface mount them. Used it myself for a recent mission that involved toating a pile of probes out to Mun. Started with a girder but couldnt pack them in tight enough due to them coliding with eachother but the fusalage gave a bit more room and was lighter in the end anyway.

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Engine changes comparison done by Xavven:

Wow, thanks!

So the KR-2L (Kerbodyne Advanced Engine) atmo ISP dropped from 320 to 280

NO WONDER my heavy lifter kept on tripping up its staging waypoints.

It's better this way, i think. No longer such a gamebreaking cheat of an engine.

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I've noticed in the last day of so that SAS is now on by default when Phys. drops on the pad.

I go through a pre launch checklist. As soon as the launch screen comes up I hit M, click up the nav ball, double click Kerbin to focus it, and bring up the contracts window. Usually by this time, physics has dropped on the pad and I'll hit T to turn on SAS to help keep the ship vertical while I finish my map screen checklist, but I found I was turning SAS off instead of on!

I don't think it happened until yesterday (no updates) when I :

A. I downloaded the .24 ScanSat

and #2 I unlocked the SAS module.

Or is this a symptom of my craziness?

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Unless I've just been lucky, but it seems that the PA and PE markers don't jump around like crazy anymore when orbit eccentricity reaches zero. Or at least it has to be a lot closer to zero before they start jumping (and no longer at the point where it's impossible to create maneuver nodes).

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