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[1.4] StageRecovery - Recover Funds+ from Dropped Stages - v1.8.0 (March 11, 2018)


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  Velant said:
Mod not working. I click on stage recovery button in toolbar, but nothing happens.

I'll need a little more info before I can be of much help.

In what scene are you clicking the button (and is it the toolbar mod orthe stock one?)? If it's the space center you should see the settings window, if in the editor you should get a message saying if the current craft will be recovered, if in flight you should see a small window with buttons saying "recovered" and "destroyed".

If you're not seeing any of those, fire up KSP, click the button a few times in the space center, then close KSP and send me the log file (check the stickied post in the modded support forum to see where it is. It is NOT the KSP.log file)

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Hi, i have followed all the download steps and have put the stage recovery folder in game data but there's no toolbar in my game so i dont think its working? im using the most up to date version of both ksp and stage recovery. Please help me, thanks.

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  ElliottKitson said:
Hi, i have followed all the download steps and have put the stage recovery folder in game data but there's no toolbar in my game so i dont think its working? im using the most up to date version of both ksp and stage recovery. Please help me, thanks.

If you have Blizzy's toolbar mod installed, make sure you go into the toolbar settings and make the icon visible. If you're not using that then ensure you don't have an antivirus software deleting the .dll (that apparently happened to someone not too long ago) by checking that it is still in the GameData/StageRecovery folder. The button should show up in the Space Center, Editor, and Flight Scenes.

If you're sure all of that is right, I'd love for you to send me an output_log.txt file. Just upload it to dropbox or some other file sharing site. This post has the log location if you're not sure where it is.

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So automated recovery between 20km and 69km is understandably tricky to implement. What about when terminating a flight from the tracking station SR makes a check to see if its periapsis is inside the atmosphere then decide if it can/should recover before KSP deletes it or asks if it should try?

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  helaeon said:
So automated recovery between 20km and 69km is understandably tricky to implement. What about when terminating a flight from the tracking station SR makes a check to see if its periapsis is inside the atmosphere then decide if it can/should recover before KSP deletes it or asks if it should try?

Well, then the question of where would that stage have landed becomes a big deal. Currently SR doesn't try to estimate that, it just uses the position at deletion as the point to calculate distance to KSC from. If the periapsis is that high up it could literally land anywhere on Kerbin. Combined with the Trajectories mod's API I could probably handle that situation, and have actually been considering it.

Compute a trajectory through Trajectories, if the unloaded vessel will impact Kerbin due to drag on this pass and enters the atmosphere then SR automatically deletes+recovers it as it does now for things below ~24km. I'll likely add something along those lines before the next update. It relies on the Trajectories mod being installed, but would be an optional dependency.

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That sounds really awesome. I was thinking of something even as simple as make a ballistic path based on a set quadratic equation from that periapsis and call that good enough, but integrating the trajectories mod is a way better idea.

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I have lots of mod installed and then I added this one. Now I have a problem with returning to the space center: theese buttons are not working (both above the altimeter and on escape menu), and I cannot switch to another vessel from the map view because clicking on them shows nothing (even on planets, I cannot select them as my target). Is there any known conflicts that can cause this?

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  orven said:
I have lots of mod installed and then I added this one. Now I have a problem with returning to the space center: theese buttons are not working (both above the altimeter and on escape menu), and I cannot switch to another vessel from the map view because clicking on them shows nothing (even on planets, I cannot select them as my target). Is there any known conflicts that can cause this?

It sounds like a NullReferenceException when trying to change scenes (so likely during persistence save event). I don't expect that StageRecovery would be the cause, but stranger things have happened. Have you restarted the game and had the issue occur again? If it's recurring, can you get me your output_log.txt file (check this link for the location if you haven't uploaded one before). Even if it's not a StageRecovery issue, I might be able to track down which mod is causing the problem.

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  magico13 said:
Well, then the question of where would that stage have landed becomes a big deal. Currently SR doesn't try to estimate that, it just uses the position at deletion as the point to calculate distance to KSC from. If the periapsis is that high up it could literally land anywhere on Kerbin. Combined with the Trajectories mod's API I could probably handle that situation, and have actually been considering it.

Compute a trajectory through Trajectories, if the unloaded vessel will impact Kerbin due to drag on this pass and enters the atmosphere then SR automatically deletes+recovers it as it does now for things below ~24km. I'll likely add something along those lines before the next update. It relies on the Trajectories mod being installed, but would be an optional dependency.

I REALLY like the idea of this mod and Trajectories working together, as I use both and try to drop my expended stages as close to KSC as possible anyway. As it is, trying to get a stage to recover 'near' KSC is hard if it isn't coming in at a nearly vertical descent path because of some apparent inaccuracies in KSP's handling of item location at deletion. If SR instead used Trajectories to calculate the landing location, saved that information and deleted/recovered the object on its own to get around the flawed code then I'd be a happy camper, as would many other people I think.

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  magico13 said:
It sounds like a NullReferenceException when trying to change scenes (so likely during persistence save event). I don't expect that StageRecovery would be the cause, but stranger things have happened. Have you restarted the game and had the issue occur again? If it's recurring, can you get me your output_log.txt file (check this link for the location if you haven't uploaded one before). Even if it's not a StageRecovery issue, I might be able to track down which mod is causing the problem.

Here is my output_log file with this issue. I launched a mission to dock with my interplanetary ship (just after installing this mod and FMRS). And after I docked with ship I could not return to space center. Then I closed the game, deleted FMRS, and launched another mission to this ship. The problem is still the same. But now I'm trying to recreate this and have no results. I'm launching a new vessel and returning from the launchpad, I'm trying to dock and undock on orbit, the same on grount, flying to orbit and detaching stages - everything looks okay. I guess it might be a problem with FMRS even after deleting (because it somehow edits savefiles) but not really sure.

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I'm not totally sure what the cause is, but I'm seeing this come up a bunch of times (or some variant) which definitely is the issue. It doesn't seem to be specific to a mod though. Those all look like stock functions.

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at PatchedConicRenderer.OnSceneSwitch (GameScenes scn) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at EventData`1[GameScenes].Fire (GameScenes data) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at HighLogic.LoadScene (GameScenes scene) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at FlightDriver.StartAndFocusVessel (.Game stateToLoad, Int32 vesselToFocusIdx) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at FlightGlobals.setActiveVessel (.Vessel v, Boolean force) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at FlightGlobals.SetActiveVessel (.Vessel v) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at OrbitTargeter.DrawTargetMenuWindow (Int32 id) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at UnityEngine.GUILayout+LayoutedWindow.DoWindow (Int32 windowID) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at UnityEngine.GUI.CallWindowDelegate (UnityEngine.WindowFunction func, Int32 id, UnityEngine.GUISkin _skin, Int32 forceRect, Single width, Single height, UnityEngine.GUIStyle style) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

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  FreedomFighterEx said:
Does Transponder can be use in conjunction with this mod? I recovered the stage that drop near KSC with max transponder committed but it still not recover 100% of it. Still, great mod. Really encourage me to think about reuse more often.

StageRecovery won't show it as 100% (or more) since it only looks at speed and distance, and the funds listed won't reflect the Transponders strategy, but I think if you look at the number of funds before and after it will reflect the strategy. But I haven't tested that, so I don't know if that's true or not. I register the "transaction" as being for recovery, which should be all that's needed for KSP to apply the strategy benefits.

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I'm developing a reusable rocket, and have gotten to the stage that I can get her into a good suborbital trajectory, drop her payload and turn round (she's controllable after separation through a comms link) and get back down to the surface in a controlled fashion. However, the payload that I drop still has to perform a burn to stabilise the orbit. Because I am flying back the first stage myself, I can't pilot the other craft and have her cut her engine when the orbit is OK.

So with the example above I was trying to recover the stage by hand, but stagerecovery can do this for me right? As detailed in the OP. I'm a little unsure how to do this though. I should have all the parts on the stage, so what do I actually do to make SR recover the rocket? Do I turn it around, start the engine burn and switch back to my other ship and wait for SR to save it? (Won't that require a ....ton of fuel if I start burning back from 70K up?). Confused newbie here :)


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  Sinsis said:

I'm developing a reusable rocket, and have gotten to the stage that I can get her into a good suborbital trajectory, drop her payload and turn round (she's controllable after separation through a comms link) and get back down to the surface in a controlled fashion. However, the payload that I drop still has to perform a burn to stabilise the orbit. Because I am flying back the first stage myself, I can't pilot the other craft and have her cut her engine when the orbit is OK.

So with the example above I was trying to recover the stage by hand, but stagerecovery can do this for me right? As detailed in the OP. I'm a little unsure how to do this though. I should have all the parts on the stage, so what do I actually do to make SR recover the rocket? Do I turn it around, start the engine burn and switch back to my other ship and wait for SR to save it? (Won't that require a ....ton of fuel if I start burning back from 70K up?). Confused newbie here :)


All you have to do is leave the reusable stage behind as you detach. Provided this stage is on a de-orbit path it will get deleted by KSP when it hits ~20k altitude. StageRecovery will intercept the 'delete' command and instead 'recover' the stage if it has fuel and enough TWR to land. The only issue currently is that it will recover at some distance from KSC even if it is possible to fly it back.

There was a mod I saw recently that would allow you to save an instance of the game in order to control one stage of a rocket (say, to get your payload to orbit) and then go back and land the first stage, then it would combine the two actions so you'd have a landed stage and a stage in orbit... but I don't recall what thread I saw that mod linked from. I'll try to find it again.

Edit: Found it. FMRS, someone mentioned it on the YouTube channel from Raptor9's impressive video of a SpaceX-type launch and recovery.

Edited by Baythan
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  Baythan said:
All you have to do is leave the reusable stage behind as you detach. Provided this stage is on a de-orbit path it will get deleted by KSP when it hits ~20k altitude. StageRecovery will intercept the 'delete' command and instead 'recover' the stage if it has fuel and enough TWR to land. The only issue currently is that it will recover at some distance from KSC even if it is possible to fly it back.

There was a mod I saw recently that would allow you to save an instance of the game in order to control one stage of a rocket (say, to get your payload to orbit) and then go back and land the first stage, then it would combine the two actions so you'd have a landed stage and a stage in orbit... but I don't recall what thread I saw that mod linked from. I'll try to find it again.

Edit: Found it. FMRS, someone mentioned it on the YouTube channel from Raptor9's impressive video of a SpaceX-type launch and recovery.

You.are.amazing. Thanks!

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Yep. StageRecovery can handle recovering the core stage as long as it's dropped with a periapsis less than 20km, but as was mentioned it won't be flown back to KSC on its own. FMRS is better for that type of landing, as you can manually fly it down. SR is better suited for situations where you don't care much for manually landing things, like unpowered stages. I believe it also handles science recovery better, so science drop pods work better in SR.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Wondering if someone can help me, it appears I'm fairly clueless..am using a Mac and have downloaded the Stage Recovery mod. Merged GameData file and can see Stage Recovery folder inside. Do I need to move the StageRecovery.dll to another folder? Currently, when I run the game I see no interface or button anywhere in reference to Stagerecovery. nor are any of my stages recovered. What am I doing wrong? Thanks in advance.

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  Rhu said:
Wondering if someone can help me, it appears I'm fairly clueless..am using a Mac and have downloaded the Stage Recovery mod. Merged GameData file and can see Stage Recovery folder inside. Do I need to move the StageRecovery.dll to another folder? Currently, when I run the game I see no interface or button anywhere in reference to Stagerecovery. nor are any of my stages recovered. What am I doing wrong? Thanks in advance.

No, that all sounds correct. If you've also go the toolbar mod installed you'll need to make sure to make the button visible, but even without that you should be getting messages about successful/failed recoveries. You could send me a log file and I'll check if any of the debug messages are being displayed. It's possible that somehow the mod isn't being loaded correctly. I haven't tried it on Mac OS myself, but I also haven't heard anything indicating that it doesn't work on a mac.

To find the log file for your system, check this link here.

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