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Reputation yields are less and less?

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I believe my first few launches in career mode yielded around +25 reputation, now when i do a 3,000 round science trip from distance planets I receive less than one reputation, my total is at around 850, is this normal?

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Yep, this is normal I guess ... in order to prevent milking the mission reputation system.

Just imagine it like this:

The first Kerbonauts are heroes, as going to space still is a big adventure (and a novum) ... but the more and more missions start (and the more and more space travel becomes routine) the less the public takes notice of astronauts

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Yep, this is normal I guess ... in order to prevent milking the mission reputation system.

Just imagine it like this:

The first Kerbonauts are heroes, as going to space still is a big adventure (and a novum) ... but the more and more missions start (and the more and more space travel becomes routine) the less the public takes notice of astronauts

No matter how you spin it, if thats normal, then thats a pretty backwards reward system for reputation. If my reputation is already maxed without leaving Kerbin's gravity, then this needs to be re-designed.

Edited by protoz
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No matter how you spin it, if thats normal, then thats a pretty backwards reward system for reputation. If my reputation is already maxed without leaving Kerbin's gravity, then this needs to be re-designed.

Balancing doesn't happen with a single release. Yes, it has to be redesigned, but it will take a while.

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No matter how you spin it, if thats normal, then thats a pretty backwards reward system for reputation. If my reputation is already maxed without leaving Kerbin's gravity, then this needs to be re-designed.

I agree. I'd rather you get reputation for returning a Kerbal based on where s/he's been, much like you get science for recovering craft that have orbited or landed on X or Y celestial body. It seems like they already have the code for detecting this, so it should be an easy change to add that to returned Kerbals.

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I could imagine there's something like a soft cap on the maximum reputation you can gain.

The more reputation you have, the harder it is to get more.


Well, there's no point in getting to inifinite reputation, is there...

It's not a currency. You can't buy anything with it. Max it out as far as necessary to reach all contracts and keep it at that level. No point in getting it higher.

If for some reason you manage to drop your reputation to what it was at the start, you'll probably get the maximum again (although I haven't seen anyone testing that yet).

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I could imagine there's something like a soft cap on the maximum reputation you can gain.


Yes, It seems to me rep reaches a max, then stays there. I got it there buy safely recovering many kerbals... from trips to the launchpad....

...adjustments will come.

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