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Fixed Decoupler for KSP x64 on Windows - v4 - (July 22)


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============================ First Contract (v0.24.1) ===================================================

Bug Fixes and Tweaks:


* Fixed a relatively serious issue with module loading which could result in missing modules if loading old craft.

* O-10 Maneuvering engine scaling was off. Engine rescaled to proper size (smaller).

* Fixed an issue with propellant-defined resource flow modes which prevented some configurations of Vernier engines from working correctly.

* Fixed an issue with some decoupler modules failing to apply ejection forces when activated.

* Fixed missing FX components on root parts after resuming a saved game or reverting.

* Fixed a potential issue with the internal maths in ModuleRCS, which could result in odd RCS response from center-aligned or stack-mounted RCS modules.

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Maybe I'm configuring my parts wrong? By default, a fairing base with the fairing parts from the aero tab should have decouple force, right? Kolago, are you still using sarbian's fix from this thread?

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I haven't tested yet, (planning to now) but as far as I know Procedural Fairings have never really decoupled as they are suggested to do in the staging manner(at least in the stack decoupler sense, which is a bit nonsensical as there is an actual stage that leads you to believe they would, they should eject fairings though.)

Edited by JonBar
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Sorry, I should've clarified I meant the ejection force of the fairings in PF. I'm realizing this mod isn't going to fix it. I do understand how the fairing bases do not act as decouplers. I used the wrong words :(

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In the announcement post for .24.1, RocketPilot573 stated that the launcher patch utility did not update his x64 install properly. If you still have decoupler problems, try reinstalling from the website.

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