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Company name easter egg?


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I think the in-game parts company, Sean's Cannery, is an easter egg referencing Sean Connery. I'm not sure if this is just me, or if this has always been known.

The first time I saw that parts company, I read it as "Sean Connery". You are not alone.


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Speaking about easter eggs I hope more are added in the future, like cave systems or things like the Vallhenge, it makes exploration more interesting. It's a shame Nova didn't finish his easter egg story.

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Random FunFactâ„¢, the name Sean's Cannery actually came from a building name from an abortive attempt of mine to make a SimCity esque game a few years ago, which never passed the rough draft stage.

the more you know

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One of the batteries, I think it's the Z-200 stack one, has a Doctor Who reference in it. It mentions that you should not attempt to "Reverse the polarity".

That's more of a common Sci-Fi trope really. Common on Star Trek, for example. It must work, they say it so much... I wonder why my electronics projects never work when I switch the positive and negative leads? :D

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