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0.24 KSP Feature List


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Post all the interesting features you've found about KSP 0.24!

I'll start with a couple:

-The parts are rotated 90o in the VAB

-You can choose to edit ships from the launchpad

-Vernor Engine: New part powered with liquid fuel and oxidizer

-O-10 Monopropellant engine: New engine powered by Monopropellant

Full list:

  1. -The parts are rotated 90o in the VAB
  2. -You can choose to edit ships from the launchpad
  3. -Vernor Engine: New part powered with liquid fuel and oxidizer
  4. -O-10 Monopropellant engine: New engine powered by Monopropellant

I'll add more features to the full list as you guys post about them!


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