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Rascal Rockets Incorporated

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Hello! Rascal Rockets Incorporated is proud to present its collection of all-stock rockets:




Rocket that can take you from the Mun and back. Has a dedicated return stage. Sleek and elegant in appearance, powerful and effective in usage.




Although the original served its purpose, he landing was by no means perfect. With only a sliver of fuel, the lander had touched down on a very steep slope (can be seen in one of the HMI photos), and it became a choice of either abort and take off with the return stage, or try to get to the flat ridge of the slope. I chose the latter, and barely managed to make it there. However, due to an extension of the second stage with 3 small fuel tanks, HMIA can use the second stage for things previously done by the lander stage, allowing much, much more fuel to be present at landing.

The 'RRI' always stands for Rascal Rockets Incorporated.

Naming system:

Rocket sizes

H - Heavy

S - Standard

L - Light

Mission types

M - Munar

P - Interplanetary

D - Deep Space (Not to be confused with interplanetary, this is for asteroid rendezvous, leaving the Kerbol System, and other far off missions not stopping by planets)

O - Orbital

U - Other

The Roman numerals correspond to the iteration of the craft.

If necessary, A, B, C, etc. will be added here to specify a slightly modified version, but not a new major installment.

All new rockets I design will be placed here.

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A nice rocket.

But you only need 1 ASAS unit. You could put 3 SAS units, if your afraid of tourqe steer in space.

I know that, but I did not want to add the ASAS to the top since, although it would destroy the redundancy, it would make the lander a bit too tall for my liking. So I just put it at the bottom.

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