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Nav Ball

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the yellow is something pilots call the 'TVV' or (True Velocity Vector) - in other words, it points to where you're really going - the one with the X inside is the 'backwards' marker, which is the same, but well... backwards ::)

the purple one uses the same logic - and it's supposed to be a flight-director, a thingy that tells you where to point the nose in order to reach a certain waypoint - but since we don't have waypoints at the moment, it just points towards the launchpad


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Awesome, thanks man.

Although I have a question... What's the difference between a velocity vector and a TVV?

Also, is there eventually going to be a way to see your acceleration too? Maybe a little line coming from the TVV point that shows which direction your accelerating in.

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your acceleration can be gauged by the g-force indicator, if you see it move, then you must be doing something which causes accel... that whole interface is gonna be reworked at some point, so don't sweat it - eventually there may be a proper gauge for it :thumbup:

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