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Light Launch Vehicle 24

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Ok I've kept meaning to work on a Soyuz like rocket for about 3 versions and have never quite got round to finishing it. :P I've finally had a bit of time on KSP to put this together and its working well as a nice light launch vehicle. :)

Its pretty easy to fly if maybe lacking a little thrust after booster separation. I've tested the LLV-24 with up to 3.2 tons to a 75km orbit which is fine for small satellites.

Note this is not an exact replica, just based on the look of the Soyuz.

Download: https://www.dropbox.com/s/qavhqrhnvjx8xy6/LLV-24.craft

Standing by to launch with dummy payload.


First stage has very good TWR even with max payload.


Booster Separation.


Second stage separation.


Payload in orbit. 3rd stage has enough fuel to deorbit.


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Lookin' good! Is that just a demonstration payload/nosecone on the top? Doesn't seem very functional.

EDIT: Pft, I just saw "dummy payload" above the picture. Looks good!

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nice little Soyuz but why do you use verniers at the boosters?

Well the real thing has 2 verniers on each booster. Those are downwards pointing though.

Why use that when you have a Plooto that can lift heavier payloads!!!

Gonna get flamed for this but more boosters isn't always the option... ;)

Cool ship

Im still searching for someone to partner up with to get a cool launch vehicle for my Soyuz TMA :S

You'll need a 2.5m rocket for that.

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