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BlueWolf Aerospace - Mission Reports


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Hey All! Thought Id make a thread for my screenshots of my new career save!

So far we are only up to day 2, and have not left Kerbins orbit yet. That will change, presumably pretty soon. The following pics are from 3 consecutive missions, Rescue One, Two and Three, to fulfill 2 Rescue Contracts.

A shot of Rescue one from the VAB.


This is the Rescue One, at the Launch Pad. Jeb Kerman was Commander of the Rescue One.



one did not achieve orbit, due to its commander Jeb Kerman forgetting

to stage the boosters after they were spent, inducing a lot of drag on

the rocket and also his career in BlueWolf Aerospace. This is a picture

of Rescue Two, at the Launch Pad.



Two achieved its objective completely, and due to an ingenious plan

krafted by Bob Kerman, it was able to perform two tests thought to be

mutually exclusive as well as rescue Desbas Kerman. Bob was promoted

following his excellent performance on this mission.

Rescue Two's Ship Log was released to the general public by the BWA Mission Control with Bob Kerman's permission.

Rescue Two --- Year: 1 Day: 1 Time: 4:33:19
MET: 0y 0d 1:45:52 --- Status: Orbiting Kerbin
Finally got Ships Log Interface working. Have setup a slow slip orbit to align orbits with Desbas for rendezvous. Will take some time, but well within the contract time limit.

Ribner Kerman is acting as pilot for the mission, and seems to have picked up the basics well. Will recommend promotion to Qualified Operator after this mission.

Notes = DV remaining = 501 m/s
Isp = 370 s

Rescue Two --- Year: 1 Day: 1 Time: 5:28:09
MET: 0y 0d 2:40:42 --- Status: Orbiting Kerbin
Nearly in position for rendezvous. Monitoring burn time now.
Rescue Two --- Year: 1 Day: 2 Time: 0:25:10
MET: 0y 0d 3:37:43 --- Status: Orbiting Kerbin
Have collected Desbas Kerman from his parking orbit. He will be joining our Space Program as part of a skill sharing program between ourselves and OMB Enterprises.

We have two parts due for testing that are loaded on this ship, and we can test either of them - but likely not both, due to fuel constraints and test condition limitations.

The two parts are the TT-70 Radial Decoupler, and the TR-18A Stack Decoupler. The Radial Decouplers need to be tested on a sub orbital trajectory, and the Stack decoupler needs to be tested while on an orbital trajectory.

Fuel permitting, I have a plan to test BOTH within our fuel constraints - as follows.

1. Lower Pe to 86km using Main Vehicle LV-T30 engine.

2. Use the Stack Decoupler to separate the Commander Pod from the Main Vehicle (Accomplishing Test Conditions).

3. Use the two Self Piloted Pods in conjunction to lower trajectory of the Main Vehicle to a sub orbital trajectory.

4. Use the Radial Decouplers to separate the Self Piloted Pods from the Main Vehicle (Accomplishing Test Conditions).

5. Land each of the Pods separately to allow for optimum control - one of the SPPs will need to be boosted back up to an orbital trajectory following the separation, and the other will land.

This plan, will allow both parts to be tested under the required conditions to fulfill our contracts - but I will need to calculate the fuel required to perform these burns before starting the process.

Bob Kerman.

Rescue Two --- Year: 1 Day: 2 Time: 0:42:24
MET: 0y 0d 3:54:57 --- Status: Orbiting Kerbin

Consider these notes as part of the ships log, used for calculating burn requirements for the testing of both experimental parts.

Orbital Velocity at Ap for 110x101 km orbit: 2223 m/s
Orbital Velocity at Ap for 110x 86 km orbit: 2211 m/s

BURN to lower Pe from 101km to 86km: 12 m/s


Orbital Velocity at Ap for 110x -5km orbit: 2130 m/s

BURN to lower Pe to suborbital: 88 m/s


Sub Orbital Velocity at 100 km : 2162 m /s
Orbital Velocity at 100 km for 100x70 km orbit : 2221 m/s

BURN to achieve orbit : 59 m/s

Main Vehicle will de orbit and undergo rapid planned disassembly, SPP 1 will de orbit and land, SPP 2 will be boosted back to orbit, and Commanders pod will remain on orbit. SPP 2 and Commanders Pod will be landed individually so that full attention of Mission Control can be paid to each landing.

Main Vehicle Burn: 12 m/s
Main Vehicle De Orbit Burn: 88 m/s
SPP-Boost Burn: 59 m/s

It would make sense to check the MV ÃŽâ€v total remaining.

MV total mass presently: 9.50t
MV LF: 46.73
MV Ox: 57.11
MV Prop: 103.84
MV Prop Mass: 519.2 kg
MV Dry Mass: 8.98t

MV ÃŽâ€v: 204.3 m/s

Looks like the Main Vehicle has plenty of ÃŽâ€v to make the burns it needs. The SPPs certainly have more than 60 m/s ÃŽâ€v also. It seems that this plan is a go! Time to contact Mission Control and advise them of the details.

Rescue Two --- Year: 1 Day: 2 Time: 1:25:26
MET: 0y 0d 4:38:00 --- Status: Orbiting Kerbin

MV ÃŽâ€v: 190.1 m/s

Step 1, the transfer to a 84x109km orbit, is complete. Pe in about 14 minutes. Once below 86800m, we will manually stage the Command Pod off of the Main Vehicle. At that point, Mission Control will take over the mission command for the Main Vehicle, and talk the Pilot In Command, Ribner Kerman, through the next steps.

He is to wait until Ap, at which point he will perform a deorbit burn on the Main Vehicle, then once below 90600m, he will manually stage both SPPs off of the Main Vehicle. At this point he will perform an orbital boost burn to reachieve a minimum Pe of 70km.

At this point, Mission Control will talk Desbas Kerman through landing his SPP, which will still be on a sub orbital trajectory. Once his landing is complete, they will talk Ribner through his deorbit burn and subsequent re-entry and landing. Once Ribner's landing is complete, I will deorbit from my 84x109 km orbit and land.

This will conclude the mission. Pe in 8 minutes. Wish us luck!

This is

Rescue Three, intended for a subsequent rescue mission. It is presently

in orbit over Kerbin, awaiting a burn in about 3 hours from now for

rendezvous with another stranded kerbonaut. As the Pilot in Command is in training conditions, his log is not likely to be made available for general perusal.



is a close up of the new improved Commanders Pod for Rescue Three. You

can see the astounding addition of solar panels to the craft, allowing

it to operate its SAS controls and computers indefinitely whilst in

sunlit orbit.



is a picture taken just before launch, of the Command Pod's control

panel, showing the external camera's view of the launch pad, and the

basic controls that the commander of Rescue Three, Bill Kerman, has used

to launch it. Unfortunately, due to Bill's training level, no time was

spared to take photos of the controls during the ascent.


This is a second picture close up of the Camera MFD on the Command Pods Control Panel.



is a transmitted display that Mission Control released of their Remote

Control displays from the craft, again right before launch.


Edited by blu3wolf
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The board? That is from Nereid's mod, Final Frontier.


A must have mod, IMO.

EDIT: For posterity, Im using a pretty short list of mods thus far. Toolbar, the ALCOR capsule, Chatterer, KER, Kalculator, Kerbulator, Final Frontier, Notes, SCANsat, TAC Fuel Balancer, and KAC. Open to suggestions, but for now the missions following will be definitely using some or all of those mods, particularly KAC, FF, and Kerbulator.

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The next stuff to come up will be planning data for my Mun mission. Seems Dinkelstein Kerman's company wants the Mun explored for some commercial venture they are looking into... and that seems like a really cool contract for us to snap up!

now we just need to come up with a way to actually DO it... looking into lander module designs now, for a mission profile that will actually involve a kerbal walking on the MUN! : P

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Project MUN is now in the Mun's SOI, awaiting a burn to slow it down to orbit.


Unfortunately the Ships log is still unavailable, and will be until the safe return of Bob Kerman to Kerbin.

The following image was sent back to mission control, and taken during the early ascent of the launch vehicle.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Ay yi yi, where to begin... Well, the first phase of Project MUN is now complete, with Bob safely back on Kerbin. Following the install of Remotetech 2, a series of KerbSat III satellites have been launched, into the beginning of a relay network required for transmissions over the horizon, and out past the Mun. Additionally, the second phase of Project MUN is now underway, with the Combined Station Module of the Project MUN vehicle on its way to a Mun intercept.

Project MUN Phase One:

Cue Also Sprach Zarathrustra at this point, Mission Control were all excited when this was transmitted back...


As we can see Bob made it to the Mun, and managed to send back some data as well - although just after this set of images was transmitted back, mission control asked him how exactly they were getting his signal, and contact was dropped immediately. Kerbrise over the Munar regolith...


Here we see Bob at the site of his first landing. He was thrilled with having landed perfectly, and having remembered to turn off the engine before getting out. You can even see his ecstatic grin!


After minor difficulties involving angular conservation of momentum and use of some landing gear to adjust the Mk. 1 Lander Module's attitude, we can see Bob flying down from a ballistic trajectory, having selected a new landing site.


After the second landing, we see Bob flying off towards Kerbin, having left the Lander Module on the Munar surface.


Due to contract requirements, Commander Bob Kerman's logs are being held by the financier of the mission, Dinkelstein Construction Emporium, following their dispute of our completion of their contract. As such they are not available for public perusal at this time.

Project MUN Phase Two:

Project MUN Phase Two has loftier goals than Phase One. Where Phase One made two landings and returned a few samples to Kerbin, Phase Two will make a series of landings using the Lander Module Mk.2, returning science to the Science Module of the Project MUN Station. The Project MUN Station will also house the Kerbonauts while the mission is underway. Multiple Dockings will be conducted during Phase Two, and it will serve as experience for all the crew members in how to live together in a station environment for extended durations.

Here we see most of the crew members on a training EVA mission.


A view of the Combined Station Module and the Mun.


A side on view of the Combined Station Module.


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