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[WIP] Salyut Stations/Soyuz/Vostok/Voskhod/ASTP - Released!


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  • 2 weeks later...

Since I have merged my Soyuz with this, I decided to resurrect the Vostok models and merge that mod with this one also. Thank Felbourn for this as without him wanting this for his youtube series I would likely have never done it.

So far I have Vostok 1/2 finished and Voskhod-1 done also. I am currently working on the airlock for Voskhod-2. My R-7 rockets already have a vostok fairing which until now was unused. I am adapting that to work properly with this slightly different Vostok than was originally planned. Also, Voskhod-2 will need it's own custom fairing with an extension for the airlock.






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I've said it a few times and so have many other people, but it can't be stated enough. You are a machine and the quality work to time spent working on a mod ratio is simply incredible. Well done again! These just might be some of the prettiest you've done so far.

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  • 3 months later...

I did some more work on the TKS spacecraft.

I'm having trouble finding information about how the VA capsule worked. I know there is a deorbit engine on top of the stack, then the RCS pod under that. Both of those attach to the top of the VA capsule. However, I also see that the VA capsule has soft landing jets? I'm also not sure where the parachute is supposed to go. Does it go between the VA capsule and the RCS block? I don't even know if the RCS and deorbit engines decouple from the capsule or not. There is almost no information about the specifics about how the capsule worked. I saw a diagram that shows the parachute is inside the RCS section and the jets are attached to the parachute lines. I'm not sure how this is supposed to work if that stack stayed attached to the capsule during reentry wouldn't it cause it to flip around?

If anyone knows any specifics about this please don't hesitate to tell me.


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I did some more work on the TKS spacecraft.

I'm having trouble finding information about how the VA capsule worked. I know there is a deorbit engine on top of the stack, then the RCS pod under that. Both of those attach to the top of the VA capsule. However, I also see that the VA capsule has soft landing jets? I'm also not sure where the parachute is supposed to go. Does it go between the VA capsule and the RCS block? I don't even know if the RCS and deorbit engines decouple from the capsule or not. There is almost no information about the specifics about how the capsule worked. I saw a diagram that shows the parachute is inside the RCS section and the jets are attached to the parachute lines. I'm not sure how this is supposed to work if that stack stayed attached to the capsule during reentry wouldn't it cause it to flip around?

If anyone knows any specifics about this please don't hesitate to tell me.


Hope this helps Almaz+capsule.jpg

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Hope this helps

That is the picture I was talking about. It does not show whether or not either of those parts detach from the capsule. Also on actual pictures of the pod there doesn't appear to be any spot for the parachutes to actually come out of if that's where they are located.

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Perhaps you have seen this. But it looks like just the capsule returns. http://youtu.be/dKZw1YglQCE You will see what I mean, it looks like that capsule rests under the top two thirds.

These videos might help too. http://youtu.be/g70KEOe9zR0

this video gives you a video simulation of of what it looks like in space. It looks like the top third is the renetry and rcs module, second third is the service module, and then the capsule.


Sorry if I am showing you stuff you have seen.

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Ok I haven't seen that first video. So from that I'm guessing the parachute is somewhere on top of the pod, despite the fact that there is also a hatch on top that can't be covered. I'm going to have to just make something up that fits there I guess.

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TKS service module is done. Now I just need to work on the VA capsule.


Will you make Excalibur Almaz stuff? If so I will download this mod.

Also, don't forget about the docking port between the FGB/service module and the VA capsule. The VA literally had a docking port embedded inside a heat shield flap. The flap was opened until separation from the FGB to allow movement around the vessel. This means there was no need for a traditional decoupler.

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  • 3 weeks later...

The docking adapter is done. Lastly I need to make an alternate orbital module for the soyuz to match the Soyuz-19 one

Need to figure out what to do with the scaling issue as the FASA parts are comically small compared to mine and the packs that mine are compatible with, I'm not scaling my stuff down. This picture shows all parts scaled to 1:1 RSS levels so they are in proportion.


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