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[WIP] MJY Future Space Industries , New Mesh pack


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  mjy said:
type F shuttle is in the download?? , lol, it was supposed to be just a test part for myself 0o, forgot to take it out. but I will be making shuttle and vehicles next pack, not sure what I will start with. prob a big crane.

Lol well I'm happy you forgot it in the download. I'd break it up myself but I have next to no experience modeling or modding. I can do basic cfg file changes, that's about it.

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are u good with adding nodes placement for attaching other parts in cfg, I`m not to good with that, also tried to add emmersive lights, no luck, I won`t learn that right now, be nice to add that in the ds9, but I got other project I will do first, its all about fun and ds9 is getting to be not fun. so will do something simpler and more fun for now until I might tackle the ds9 again.

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  mjy said:
are u good with adding nodes placement for attaching other parts in cfg, I`m not to good with that, also tried to add emmersive lights, no luck, I won`t learn that right now, be nice to add that in the ds9, but I got other project I will do first, its all about fun and ds9 is getting to be not fun. so will do something simpler and more fun for now until I might tackle the ds9 again.


Don't give up, it's easy - I found it out by now..

here some hints..


place an empty game object in unity where you want the node and type the values from unity in cfg..


there can only be one "top" node..

make/name the others like shown in the pic..

Doublesided windows:

just make two planes with oposite normals.. - it's that easy..



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ty, will try it out, so 1 top nodes, what are the full list of nodes places I can add?

windows will try it out also

also I tried to add lights , same thing it seems harder. with time I might figure it out.

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here is my next project, freeware, but I should not fix up other people stuff, bbbbuuttt iii can`t help myself :), using freeware to test stuff again

maybe no one wants this ???its a nice freeware, good size that could fit in, doing this while I debate on what custom stuff I will make, so many ...

oh yes ,reason I`m posting lol, do I add the side engines or I could use the ones from the engine mods, that could fit well???


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  mjy said:
here is my next project, freeware, but I should not fix up other people stuff, bbbbuuttt iii can`t help myself :), using freeware to test stuff again

maybe no one wants this ???its a nice freeware, good size that could fit in, doing this while I debate on what custom stuff I will make, so many ...

oh yes ,reason I`m posting lol, do I add the side engines or I could use the ones from the engine mods, that could fit well???


Oh nice, freeware or not I would definatly be one of the people who would like to see it in KSP. It would go great with your DS9 as well as StarVision's mods.

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here is a textured version, not finish, basic texture as before, nothing major, need to add a animated cargo bay with door in the back so I can bring a smaller shuttle0222.jpg

do I cut off the side engine, there not that great? I can always used the ones in the engine mod that out??? or leave it as is?

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  mjy said:
here is a textured version, not finish, basic texture as before, nothing major, need to add a animated cargo bay with door in the back so I can bring a smaller shuttlehttp://img.photobucket.com/albums/v292/mightyjoe-y/0222.jpg

do I cut off the side engine, there not that great? I can always used the ones in the engine mod that out??? or leave it as is?

What you could do is simply make a cut version with attachment nodes where they should be and have the nacelles as a second part(similar to how StarVision does his ship design.) aswell as an uncut version (all one piece). However the advantage of cutting it is that you could make one part a vertical engine and one a horizontal engine for easy flying without LCARS.

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Don't know if this will help with your emissive lights problem but while looking through the forum I noticed a post talking about emissive light. The post was by Nertea the author of Near Future Propulsion.

It said "It should be an emissive map. Use the shader KSP/Emissive/whateverkindyouwant, and assign the emissive map (RGB or RGBA) to the slot. By default it'll set the emissive color to black, set it to white to fully show your emissive texture."

And it worked for Stevie_D, the author of the IXS Enterprise NASA Warp Ship.

Its looking to be a pretty nice parts pack. Check it out here.

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As Spork said, a KSP emissive map in unity with your light map applied. Click the colour palette next to the "emissive colour" option, and in the window that opens up, push ALL the RGB values up, dont just pick a colour, you'll need to push all three up until you get white or a bright colour of the one you want.

Hope it helps!

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there we go . took all night to ajust the lighting, but I think its ok? ty for the input, now I can add emersive lighting,

new version is out

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  mjy said:
released at curse, finally got it out after a hard time getting everything on it to work, collision wasn`t nice


License: BSD License

Don't want to bother you but putting the link of a release in the middle of the thread is not a good idea :confused:.

Nice work of tex and lights.

EDIT: curse is really a bad idea... download won't start til some stupid ds loaded then... this "dumbad" is the redirect page to a so called java upgrade, so no download... thanks to curse and ad servers' morons (most of them can't even handle the load !)...

Edited by Justin Kerbice
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yes, didn`t take time to redo the post , just did. all released will be in the first post now. ty for the compliment, guys , girls

as for curse, I got no prob downloading or uploading. no idea if others got prob with it. and yes there fusy when uploading stuff, but they don`t want it to look like a barn.

hope u like the new lighted version, will keep u guys updated

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hehe yes star gate, how the heck did I make a error like that, unforgivable!!!!, anyway, working on the runabout

here is some pics of the cargo bay and the cockpit, it won`t be accurate, but might be fun to ride it

never did a iva before, do I add seats separate or in, cfg do I add something , prob ?


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mm, no reply , oh well , I don`t rely need to post this finish runasbout I guest. no one reply`s in post most times anyway. I might just release stuff when I feel like it.

finish mod runabout, it got a cargo bay that fits a small shuttle or vehicle,etc


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About IVAs that well beyond my skill, However I do know that there is a way to make cockpit glass transparent so you can see the kerbals sitting inside the IVA, using RastaPropMonitor. A module you put into the config file. Though I'm not sure how the IVA has to be made to enable the use of the Transparent cockpit glass.

Also when it is released I will be one of the ones downloading it.

Also one way I've noticed of attracting people to your thread, is to put the link to your thread into the signature of your profile so that it shows up at the bottom of all your forum posts. People notice it check it out and can become interested in your mods. Don't feel discouraged from the lack of posts in your thread. :D

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been at it for a long time, its always the same, people don`t like to post . no big deal, I usually get bored of posting by myself and let the post die out, I just released stuff here and there.

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Looks awesome..

the IVA plugin is not rasterprop if I may correct you spork..

it's the SFRplugin that does not longer work - some people got it working and I obtained a copy from them for my shuttle..

Basically you need to make a second unity export with only the seat transforms and the props to make SFR work..

my shuttle has no props so it's just an empty mesh with 3 gameobjects where the kerbals shall sit..

You need to orient from the origin of the main part and keep those dimensions - basically copy your blend file and remove all but the bridge and never move it - then it should be quite right - at the end you need to rotate it once for 90deg - I never know what direction but there are only 8 to test - so I had it done in less than 2 hours..

I sugest you try, if you get stuck, ask specific questions - if I can, I will answer them..

however - walkable internals are the way to go if you ask me..

add a door-way from cargo bay to bridge and put the airlock-trigger inside the bridge..

So a kerbal needs to walk to the bridge to board the pilot seat..

For me, that is the best way to go..

but that's just me..

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  philotical said:
Looks awesome..

the IVA plugin is not rasterprop if I may correct you spork..

it's the SFRplugin that does not longer work - some people got it working and I obtained a copy from them for my shuttle..

Basically you need to make a second unity export with only the seat transforms and the props to make SFR work..

my shuttle has no props so it's just an empty mesh with 3 gameobjects where the kerbals shall sit..

I'm pretty sure you can also use RastaPropMoniter. I used it to make the Bubble on the Oblivion Bubbleship transparent with:



name = JSITransparentPod


Here is the post for it here

Also I do have one question about the Runabout. Does it fly under its own power? or does it require LCARs to fly? either way I'l still be downloading it as soon as you release it lol :D

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