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[WIP] MJY Future Space Industries , New Mesh pack


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which ones,?? and I guest no one is curious to see the Delorean??? I figured the plate was a good giveaway??

ty for the replie, and yes those have taken forever to fix, modified,etc, Delorean , had to redo 3/4 of the car, as it was a low poly model and it needed a lot of work to get into ksp

planning to get a train going next , as I got a good idea how to make it, top secret stuff, not saying how I will do it, but it should work good will have pics for all those

delorean is it worth releasing?? no reply means no one wants :), low polygone, mix of freeware and custom meshes, modified. had to redo the doors,etc




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oh the crane, nice idea, maybe add tracks for outworld.

Delorean, mm there was one I was using, it was made of parts right? was there another release? as mine is freeware and custom, mostly redid it for ksp, finish the car itself,

now if I can figure out how to add a wheel that would turn downwards, as the one I got I need to take out the thing holding the wheel, no idea how, I will add the Delorean from back to the future. anyway finish



there back to the future, didn`t add the full stuff on it, can we make it fly???


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wow, that looks great, good job, as for the gun, yes it can if u add the bd armory, and I just made a Abraham tank, and u can use the guns on the tank to go on the apc, etc. will have to rescale the tank a bit



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Very nice. These are gonna be fun to play with. Did you make your own turrets for both the Abrams and APC (can't tell if its a BMP or Stryker) work with BDarmory, if not are you planning on making them work with his plugin? I believe he provides a tutorial on making your own turret with his plugin.

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its freeware I fix up, to lazy to do stuff I would not do by myself, to time consuming for what its worth for myself. no I prob won`t work on more on this, maybe someone else will later. as u said, it can be made to use bd armory.

no enough interest to go further, as I don`t need to , for me its good enough.

the next stuff will be custom made, as I want to make them, a small futuristic mansion with a parking garage and a place to park all my spaceship,etc launch pad. first I want a monorail or a bullet train.i got the idea to make it work I think, just need to figure out a few things with testing.

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Hiya, haven't seen some of those models in years( no exaggeration) If you'd like to part the gun from the apc and send it to me as a dae I can rig it for Bahamutos stuff. I reckon a 105 would be nice on there.

Dont bother converting the ship , it'll be a disappointment, real world hulls dont work in ksp and I've been there.

Nice work, and it doesn't matter if nobody else likes it , as long as you enjoy it who cares what anybody else thinks.

I started modding doing just what you're doing, cutting and modding freeware stuff into other games, but theres a lot of satisfaction in making your own stuff from scratch plus you don't have to put up with other peoples compromises

Any chance I could get hold of the dae for the daedalus I've got some ideas I'd like to try out on something thats almost finished.

PS re apc, looking a the pic again it's likely to be a 57mm or similar so maybe a 50 cal conversion would work neater and avoid the heavy recoil from the 105 which will roll a narrow vehicle over

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no gun is attach, turret, gun, bottom parts are all separate.sounds really cool,as u will see there is a few size guns. as for the ships, good to know, but no one figured it out yet?? not even the Firespitter mod?

ty, I started modding like 10 years ago, done over 5 k models,still not that great, I still cheat with textures when I don`t need to do it the right way lol, got tired of it, got inspired with star trek stuff and pick it up again, right now just fooling around with freeware to see how ksp works, not that good with animation yet

as I love to work with architecture. vehicles are fun to, so yes I do make custom stuff, but takes me forever to get my idea going, ty for the heads up.



I should make this, looks nice, except I would make it 1/2 tracks, seems to fit there better


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Is each vehicle In separate parts? If so I might just have to learn how to integrate them into BDArmory myself :D Eventually as I have next to no modding experience lol. Either way I still can't wait to play around with them in KSP. Also I'm not really sure, but Is the arm on the crane supposed to extend or retract?

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I think they got like 4-10 pieces, but is mostly just a few parts. as for the crane its supposed to be single piece, there is 1 piece that extent, but is just for testing, I think I left it in, not sure

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ahh very nice, yes I like all kinds of stuff, I love futuristic stuff, not as boring as rl stuff lol, and u never know one day it might exist

as for the crane, I manage to lift 800 ton, but it was anchored so I figure if u are careful, as not add weight directly on the frame, like add a floor on it first u could move over heavy weight, have to changed the tires to tracks. but u would need to test it to see.


tried to make those darn slow track move, .. ops Houston we got a prob, I kind of forgot the rocket was attach to the truck :)


yep, it really didn`t want to go fast hehe


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  flywlyx said:
I am happy that i am not the only people interested in building things like this


Back to your page, how much weight your crane can carry?

:D Since the spaceport went down I could no longer find the Normandy. Did you put those into KSP? Also where can I get them? Even if they don't fly I can always throw LCARS onto them to make them fly. :D

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  Spork of Doom said:
:D Since the spaceport went down I could no longer find the Normandy. Did you put those into KSP? Also where can I get them? Even if they don't fly I can always throw LCARS onto them to make them fly. :D


Here it is.

Gravity canceler worked with “B†and “Yâ€Â

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