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Eve Landed?

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In Hyperedit the first thing you need to do is put your craft in orbit around the body you want to land on, in this case Eve. Select Orbit Editor and then Select a Body. Change the body to Eve, and set a height for the orbit above the atmosphere. Once you have the body and altitude entered, press Set.

Your craft will magically now be in orbit around Eve. To land, click the Ship Lander button, and enter the lat and lon coordinates of where you want to land. The altitude can be left at 50 or 100, as this will give you enough time to orient your craft correctly before touch down. Click the Land/Drop button. If the coordinates are off, re enter them while your ship is still floating down, and then press the Land/Drop button twice. It's important to press it twice, as the first press will put it in Drop mode, which will damage your craft on landing if it is still at any appreciable height above the ground.


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@ Scarecrow: Thanks for explaining how to land ships with HyperEdit. I've never been about to figure that out :).

@ Stealth_Eagle: Of course, since I never could figure out how to put things on the ground with HE, I just left them in orbit. That way I could test the actual landing, both the ship itself and me flying the descent profile. And if that worked, THEN I could test the ascent.

@ Rus-Evo: There's nothing funny about doing a rescue mission on Eve :).

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This is how I test my landers using Hyperedit: First, using the Orbit Editor, put the craft in orbit around Kerbin, then put it in orbit around Eve. Then use the Ship Lander to place the ship at a high altitude above the target site on Eve, something like 50,000 m. Then lower the altitude gradually (maybe 5000, then 500, then 5) by clicking the Land/Drop button twice each time. This lowers the forces the ship feels when it's being moved around by Hyperedit. The Land/Drop button will toggle between lowering the ship to the ground gradually at about 1 m/s, or just letting the ship go down by itself with the planet's gravity. If you want to test your landing system, then just place the ship at around 5000m, then drop it.

I find that sometimes if I skip a step, or try to land too low in the atmosphere on the first try, my ship can disintegrate due to high g-forces or aerodynamic forces (even without Deadly Reentry or FAR).

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