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VTOL Gunship w/ new fully-functional dual burst cannons (and other tasties)

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Introducing the AH-3 Wasp, a VTOL close air support platform.

Features include:

- Twin KPL-5 burst cannons w/ 64 rounds of high kinetic energy projectiles

These beasts can be configured to portion out the perfect amount of destruction for your needs. Blast your foes for hours with 2-round bursts or spew all 64 rounds of pure annihilation in one go. (default shown in video is 32 round bursts, allowing for two 'shots') When used with the gunner's sights, this weapon becomes extremely deadly.

- 2 x Mk IV Sunburst missiles

Standard stock missiles. Nothing too fancy here. Use probe cores and RCS to track straight when fired. For use when you need a slightly bigger boom.

- 4 x AIR-3 medium-range anti-personel rockets

Fired from a port on top of the ship, these high-arcing rockets will sow mayhem up to 1km in front of you. Alternatively, flip upside-down and blast the SOBs directly underneath of you.

- Advanced gunner targeting system

These gunner sights are deadly accurate when used with the KPL-5 cannons, and fairly accurate with Sunburst missiles at close range. Warranty void if used to try to aim AIR-3 rockets.

- Emergency/Hot insert landing system

Ok, so this is really just a lot of parachutes. But it looks really cool and is fun as hell. Useful if you don't have the patience (skill) to land conventionally.

- Extreme agility

LOTS of reaction wheels.

This aircraft is 100% stock, and flown using no cheats or hacks. Hope you enjoy!

Download link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/4gt8emmvi3mqvpb/AH-3%20Wasp.craft


Edited by gGATORr
.craft file demand
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Thanks for the positive feedback everybody! The download link is now in the Youtube video description.

I like this....

Quick question: does the burst cannon work like a mass driver? (Thrust from an engine pushes the projectiles out at high speed)

Also, I think I'd like to dogfight ya.

You, sir, are correct! And that's a pretty formidable looking flying machine you've got there! A head-to-head fight would be sweet.

That's freaking badass!! You should show that Cupcake!! Any plans to turn that beast into an SSTO?

Thanks! Unfortunately, I have very little experience with spacecraft or SSTOs. I stick to atmospheric stuff mostly. However, if you or this Cupcake fellow would like to modify this design, be my guest.

That goes for everybody. I would love to see you guys upgrade and modify this bad boy! Make sure to post any cool modifications you come up with!

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Hmm, I'll see what I can do, it looks a little unstable when you were landing it hard, the tail section showed a lot of flex. Some struts could help with that...

I'd need to give this a download before and test run myself before messing with it.

Cupcake is the authority around here on VTOL SSTO's, you should definitely check out his thread or his Youtube channel, CupcakesLanders.

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Thank you, sir! Having just taken a quick jaunt over to your VTOL Junkyard, I must say that I am likewise impressed with your VTOL arsenal. Some truly original designs! Keep up the good work, and keep an eye on the skies... :wink:

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