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This is so cool!


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AMA's are common place on Reddit, and as a format Reddit is probably the easiest way to navigate through questions. On a forum, so many questions would be lost and it would all be a bit chaotic. I don't have a Reddit account but I can see why its on there. Also, its better than a lot of other game developers who offer no transparency.

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I love it when I have to make a new account on another forum (a crappy one at that) to ask the producer of this game anything!


Gotta say I agree with this. I'm not a reddit user, don't intend to start.

Given that his mandate is to improve communication, seems wrong to limit this to reddit only.

And now reddit is where the first announcement of features in 0.25 happens.

"25 will see the growth and further development of the contract systems. We'll also be adding a new building with a spiffy new set of systems within it to make Career mode even more cohesive and interconnected."

Edited by sal_vager
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What is an 'AMA'?

AMA stands for "Ask Me Anything." It's basically a Q&A free for all done in a semi-organized way. It's a Reddit standard where the public can ask big time celebrities to basically anyone with an interesting story anything that comes to mind. That said, I'm closing this thread off at the pass. If anyone would like to cover the answers in a separate thread, go for it, but please do not take the choice to conduct an AMA as a slight to any member of the forum or the KSP community.

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