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New to Modding.....


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I hope this is in the right section to be putting this....

I have a few mods I'd like to see in the game, that I haven't really been able to find (most likely because I'm a little impatient, and I have... issues with how the search engine works here.... >.> But anyway!) and given that I haven't found them, I'd like to learn how to be able to create these things myself. However, I am a complete noob in this regard, and I haven't a clue how to begin. All of you fine people have much more knowledge than I do, so I thought I'd ask a few questions.

1.) What software do I need to have in order to create various parts? (I picked up Gimp a little bit ago, but I don't know if that's useful here and I've been dabbling a little in altering .cfg files with the Module Manager mod.) Guess a second part to this question would be, what is the most common application used?

2.)Are there any good tutorial vids out there that go over the basics?

3.) I've seen references to something called C#. Is that a piece of standalone software? And I have some limited familiarity with C++. Is this C# similar to that?

Hmmm.... My mind has blanked on the rest of the questions I had, so I'll probably update this thread when they come back to me.

Thank you all for your help and answers in advance!

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1. Blender is a good choice.

2. Probably, someone else will have to chime in.

3. C# is a programming language, C# Compilers are software. C# is derived from C, just like C++, so the core syntax will be familiar but C# is a garbage collected language like VB.Net and Java, so no pointers (technically there are pointers but it's behind the scenes).

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Hi, for p[art creation most use either 3dsMax, Blender or sketchup(although there's some debate about if using that just makes life difficult)

you have to have unity and not the current version, I think 4.2.2 is the last one that will allow you to do everything you need for mods ( all the others will too but the emissive animation gets messed up from 4.2.2 onwards)

Gimp is great fine or awesome depending who you ask, Its what I use and it's easy to use and there are dozens of pluginsfor it, you can of course use photoshop or anything else you fancy that can make textures, but not ms paint!!!:D

Loads of tutorials, but for specific issues and procedures hunting through the forum is your only real option, although there have been some good tutorials published here lately.

c# is a programing language used to construct plugins, it similar but not the same as c++ , and i think most people use visual studio for plugins though unity also has an IDE called mondevelop

Good luck and welcome to pain and suffering(beating self with modding stick:sticktongue:)

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