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Fun with cosmology :D


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Well, once our world was a flat disc, resting on the shell of a giant spaceninjaturtle. And above this contraption called earth was that nifty thing called sky, with its nearly countless little holes perforated into this giant tent, backlit by some fancy gods or whatever. And our sun... whoa yea, tons of misconceptions. It was called god, creator, demiurge, sun, glowyfart, slowly oxidizing lump of coal and similar stuff.

And some later time, the earth was a ball, circling the sun, which was suddenly a nuclear fusion furnace, driven by its own weight on itself, travelling through something even more adventurous, called a galaxy and this galaxy was our universe.

And some more time later, after those funny humans made up some very interesting devices to measure the how and why of all theese happenings and where it wil bring us, they found even more galaxies.

Suddenly the universe was uncomprehandably huge, filled with uncomprehendably tiny matter and even more tiny energy. And this all exploded out of nothing into today.

The maths behind all this is really intrigueing and leads to many funny theoretical possibilities of which none were ever achieved, observed or recreated. The maths lead to even more fasciniting conclusions, which contradicted most observations, which in the first place lead to theese conclusions, in exactly the way, the universe plays its games with us, in throwing us from one paradox into another.

So we refined our methods of measuring and observing. And tadaa, more perplexity in the scientists faces. More contradictions, more paradoxii.

So science started to cry and went into a deep slumber.

And suddenly a freak (when i refer to freaks, I'm actually giving compliments. Freaks are cool. Ppl need moar freaks), a plasma scientist, a mythologist and tons of other people put really much effort into rewinding, well, all sciences involved in understanding the world, because we obviously took the wrong turn some time ago.

Well and this really great number of actual scientist, free scientist, hobby scientist, science enthusiasts and a few information consumers produced a totaly different perception of our universe. By including all sciences.

So they came up with the electric universe and plasma cosmology, which explain the universe in a truly epic way, including myths of ancient times as well as revamped modern sciences.

I belive the most professional information portal about the topic is the "Thunderbolts Project"'s homepage, which has even an interesting, active youtube channel, containing several hours of informational material and weekly updates on reeinterpretations of scientific space missions, whenever "mainstream scientist" are completely baffled, because their experiment didn't give the expected results.

In short terms: (As far as i got it)

Space is "electrified" and electricity and its "effects" play a major role in our universe. Furthermore, our planet as well as others were "zapped" several times, a few of those events almost lead to extinction of mankind. Theese zappy actions were recorded by prehistorical dudes and are still feared in form of a collective "doomsday anxiety". And those events are not billions of years in the past, more like dozens of thousands of years.

(I'm not posting any sort of links here, since interested people know how to acquire their desired information;)

Be aware:

The whole theme is extremely controversal, since it nullifies (badly approximated by me) the last 100 years of cosmologic sciences.

But it astonishingly explains most (all??) current conundrums of space and it's contents, and as a little bonus, some ancient "myths" were found to be "true", one just had to "look through the lyrical abberation of information".

Some might already be involved, some not, some might start shouting " arrhh, heretic! burn him! (jk;)" but let's be cool and open minded about this...

So discuss/explode/ask! :D

(I'm familiar with most cosmologic/cosmogonic models and their theologic/theogonic backgrounds including their scientific/alchemistic/shamanic approaches, I have my very own "vision" but I actually know noone to talk about this "topic" so I'm just throwing it in here. Please don't hate me^^)

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  h0yer said:
The maths behind all this is really intrigueing and leads to many funny theoretical possibilities of which none were ever achieved, observed or recreated. The maths lead to even more fasciniting conclusions, which contradicted most observations, which in the first place lead to theese conclusions, in exactly the way, the universe plays its games with us, in throwing us from one paradox into another.

So we refined our methods of measuring and observing. And tadaa, more perplexity in the scientists faces. More contradictions, more paradoxii.

So science started to cry and went into a deep slumber.

Could you provide any examples of theoretical predictions that were never observed or recreated? It's a little difficult to discuss one theory without being able to compare it adequately with competing theories.

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Baloney checklist:

They do not publish in peer reviewed journals, instead they want to sell you books or DVDs: Check.

They bring up Einstein as a person, either to defame him or as an all-knowing sage: Check. (Bonus points if you manage both!)

They misrepresent scientific history, especially attributing motivations and feelings of scientists they have no evidence for: "They did experiment X; they could not believe the results, so they did experiment to Y and were very surprised they got the same result!": Check.

"These simple assumptions explain the whole universe!": Check.

Providing zero testable predictions: Check.

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