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war shepherds

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Starting KSP and getting on the forums is a good accomplishment to begin with :-)

Read the wiki.

Read the tutorials.

Watch the videos.

Ask questions about particular things you don't understand.

Try my tutorial if you want ship designs.

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Welcome to the Forum!

Once you've flown a few ships and got them to not explode immediately, try the training videos from Scott Manley.

Search for him on YouTube, "Scott Manley KSP tutorial" or other. He shows you everything in an astonishing series of videos from the basics to more advanced topics like rendezvous/docking, interplanetary trips, etc.

I would try for some initial goals to guide your development:

1. Fly a rocket with a Kerbal riding in a pod on top, with a parachute, such that the Kerbal survives the trip.

2. Try to get a rocket (same conditions as 1) to a high altitude, 10,000 m initially.

3. Try a multistage rocket, as these are necessary if you want to go high and far. Get a Kerbal to the edge of space (70 km) and back safely.

4. Achieve an orbit with low point (Pe, or Periapsis) over 70 km. Then later do a deorbit burn to bring the Kerbal home.

5. Achieve a near-circular orbit over 70 km.

6. Now you can go advanced: Learn to use the maneuver node to fly to Minmus or the Mun, land there, etc.

Important: Understand what "staging" is. These you will see in a schematic stack to one side of your screen. The bottom-most stage is the active one, typically the engine nozzle at bottom. Above this you will have stack separators (rings of explosive bolts to connect stages then later blow them apart), upper stage engines, and eventually at the top, parachutes. Think of what comes in what order of your mission design, and move the items to where they need to be in the stack. The ship design system in KSP does not usually put the items in the right place...you must drag and drop reorder these manually, or the rocket just won't work.

Early example of staging mistakes I have made:

I had a lower and upper stage engine firing at the same time because I had both engines in the same stage. So the upper stage was out of fuel and contributed nothing to the flight when it was needed.

Frequently I have parachutes deploying at a totally wrong time because of staging errors.

So always double-check your staging setup before flight.

I would NOT recommend spending that much time on aircraft design intially. It's harder to design these, and without proper instrumentation, it's really hard to land without killing the Kerbal. This game really shines in the rocket development and spacecraft flying areas. (OK, spaceplanes are possible but they are among the hardest things to do in KSP.)

Good luck!

Edited by MajorThomas
Added some suggestions
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