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  sp1989 said:
Did bobcat give you permission to retexture his r7 along with is soyuz? Or is that your model?

I really wish people would learn to read. I always post credits in the original post of what belonged to who and I would not use something without permission. FYI I do have permission to use bobcat's old soyuz stuff if I wanted to but his soyuz and the OK are nothing alike.

EDIT: Just saw your post after posting this. Yes sorry for getting snippy but I'm tired of constantly having to defend every decision I make against the same people who can't be bothered to read the OP. You aren't one of these people but I'm sure you know who I mean.

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  raidernick said:
I really wish people would learn to read. I always post credits in the original post of what belonged to who and I would not use something without permission. FYI I do have permission to use bobcat's old soyuz stuff if i wanted to but his soyuz and the OK are nothing alike.

Read the post above. I definitely phrased my original post wrong my mistake.

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The blankets could use a normalmap. Also, did you make the rear toroidal avionics module jettisonable? It was IRL, since the 7K-OK was originally a lunar ship.

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  Dragon01 said:
The blankets could use a normalmap. Also, did you make the rear toroidal avionics module jettisonable? It was IRL, since the 7K-OK was originally a lunar ship.

They do have a normal map, always have in every picture I've posted. No it is not jettisonable because all the variants share the same model and that tank was only on the first few flights before it was removed. If I want it to be separable I will need to split the mesh up as it is all one piece.

EDIT: The toroidal fuel tank is now a separate part that you can decouple. I have it set to a default of 0 fuel just like IRL. Dragon01 I also remember you mentioning I should use the bobcat solar panel texture, so I changed the one I had over to that.

The alpha version is zipped and ready to go for anyone who wants to test it. PM me and I will send you the download link. I will expect timely CONSTRUCTIVE feedback. If nobody volunteers to test it the release will be delayed much longer as I will have to find and work out all the bugs on my own.

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Splitting this tank off will allow you to reuse the PAO for every Soyuz till the 3rd generation started rolling in. There are conflicting accounts on whether it was an avionics module (used to get to the Moon, not needed after that) or a fuel tank. Electronics were weighty at the time, but I also seen mentions of it being a fuel tank.

  raidernick said:
They do have a normal map, always have in every picture I've posted.

Ah, in that case it might, perhaps, be made a bit stronger. If it's there, I'll try playing around with it. Perhaps it's just the lighting, upping the resolution of the texture could also give good results.

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I did not "steal" the model. There are credits in the OP, I got permission from the author to redo his models and texture them for KSP. If you look back a few pages I already textured that white texture, but it wasn't like that in reality because it had blankets covering the under-paint so you would not have been able to see what was underneath.

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  raidernick said:
I did not "steal" the model. There are credits in the OP, I got permission from the author to redo his models and texture them for KSP. If you look back a few pages I already textured that white texture, but it wasn't like that in reality because it had blankets covering the under-paint so you would not have been able to see what was underneath.

Ahhh. Well, I like to say "steal" and mean take, but are these gonna nice IVAs?

And about thermal blankets, KSP Doesn't need them. It doesn't have reentry damage(unless you have DR).

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It needs them. Remember that those are parts of the spacecraft, and thus need to be modeled. Without them, it'd be unrealistic. Oh, and they're not related to reentry, but to keeping the spacecraft warm in space. Check what a mod is trying to do before making such suggestions. If you want stockalike, use Tantares or HGR.

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  Dragon01 said:
It needs them. Remember that those are parts of the spacecraft, and thus need to be modeled. Without them, it'd be unrealistic. Oh, and they're not related to reentry, but to keeping the spacecraft warm in space. Check what a mod is trying to do before making such suggestions. If you want stockalike, use Tantares or HGR.

I love tantares. It's the best stockalike mod.

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  Reichtangle said:
Yeah, KSO kills my frames, and HGR hasn't had any updates in a long time.

But it works fine and Orionkermin said not more that two days ago that he had some RL things to deal with and he is coming back.

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Finished the 7K-T. I got some feedback from people and the pack is ready to release. However, I am going to hold off since DECQ is working on soyuz fairings for the soviet probes pack rockets. Once he finishes those I'll release that and this at the same time.


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  NathanKell said:
Only if it's literally a reaction image, not if you actually have some post to go with it (like, "That's awesome! Can't wait for release! I especially like $FEATURE_X" for example).

raidernick and DECQ: awesome!

It would just be a reaction photo.

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Ok, so I'm working on my own custom parachute so you don't need to "hide" realchute boxes inside the descent module mesh like you do now. This chute has 2 stages. At high altitudes it has a drogue chute. At 1200m this drogue chute automatically cuts and deploys the main chute. This is done without realchute so that won't need to be a dependency anymore(although you could make a mm config and still use it).



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  • 1 month later...

Working on the Soyuz again. I decided to try and see if I could get the thermal blankets to be "removable" during reentry as they would normally burn off. The simplest, least memory intensive, way I can think to do this would just be to put them on an animation. It would activate with separation from pao and bo modules. The "white" soyuz you see with the blue line on it is actually what it looks like underneath the blankets and a scorched version of this is what you would see when it lands.

In this picture you see the underbody and the thermal blankets above it separated.




I am also going to do the Soyuz 7k-t-af variant which contains a camera as the orbital module.


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