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KSP Plugin Songs! (Current Song: SUN)


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Would you consider dynamic tracks as an eventual goal to work towards, or as an unfeasible plan that probably shouldn't be pursued?

Not sure if I would see this as a goal really, but of course we could try and see how it works out. I just don't think it should have a high priority.

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Not sure if I would see this as a goal really, but of course we could try and see how it works out. I just don't think it should have a high priority.

Sounds good. As soon as we can agree on a single plan, we can go straight to action. I'll leave the decisions up to you two. Having two voices rather than three is easiest. BTW, my time zone is PST.

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Sounds good. As soon as we can agree on a single plan, we can go straight to action. I'll leave the decisions up to you two. Having two voices rather than three is easiest. BTW, my time zone is PST.

This project is getting exciting! Can't wait to see what you guys make!

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I'm still thinking that the initial release should have a single piece of music for landing on the Mun, Minmus, and every planet and dwarf planet around Kerbol. Moons other than the Mun or Minmus can have their parent planet's song playing upon landing. Thoughts on this? Should I approach this in a different way? (I literally have no idea what's going on, or what I should do.)

Speaking of which, should the song play immediately upon landing, or what? I'm a bit wary of songs being played as soon as a ship touches down, because I frequently bugger my landings and hop into the air a little bit. This would cause the music to start, play for a fraction of a second, stop as the vehicle left the ground, and start again, which would be a little strange. Maybe the plugin would wait for a second or two to be sure that the craft was fully landed, or only play music when the ship had landed and the engine was off. Again, no knowledge of programming, so there may be a nice way to do this that I'm not thinking of.

I'm (more or less) done with EVE, which is just a Spheres of Legend rehash. Here it is:

Let me know what you think. I'll include the download link in a little bit, though I don't think that this is as good as DUNA. It's certainly different.

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I-I-I'm speechless! THAT IS INCREDIBLE! :D I would give you so much rep if I could! (But alas I've already given you some on this thread!)

EDIT: Woah, I can give you multiple rep on the same thread! Shweet!

Yeah what he said! It sounds fine :). Nothing on my end required. I know what needs percussion, what could have percussion (like DUNA which could and it worked well), and what doesn't and this is a fine example! I'll be tuning in here for future things and I'll try and see if I can make a suitable piano KSP cover for orbit. As to your plan for moving along, it's good for me :wink:. I'm sitting back and I'll take orders from you and the high chief Blizzy.

If you want to see what I use as inspiration for atleast this project, I use the Halo 3/Halo 3 ODST soundtracks. I added a spoiler of some things I'd like to hear similar to in KSP. If you guys think differently, this is just my opinion. I'm all up to what you guys have. Thoughts?

ACTUALLY, If you don't listen to these or you'd like a video, I used these songs in an OOOOLD KSP video I made (My very first ever KSP film of any kind!). Its a solid example to what I'd like to hear. Here it is:

Demo version 0.13 If I remember right. This was like 2 years ago...

Upon aerobraking to land:

Going into interplanetary space:

This but with the KSP theme instead of their recurring theme. For an unknown purpose in game:

Again, only bits and pieces from each of these tunes. Not the sound of the entire tune for each area as these have a ton of change in each.

Edited by Avera9eJoe
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Maybe the plugin would wait for a second or two to be sure that the craft was fully landed, or only play music when the ship had landed and the engine was off. Again, no knowledge of programming, so there may be a nice way to do this that I'm not thinking of.

Yes, it would just wait for a bit, no need to play music the second you touch the ground. Also, I think it would be best to just let the track keep playing once it has started, so no sudden interruptions.

I'm (more or less) done with EVE, which is just a Spheres of Legend rehash.

Sweet, I like where this is going :)

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There is only one reason why something as great as this is being done:


No aliens here, just good ol' hardworking KSP players! What? You say I have seven eyes? Better get my ray gun out before there's a "disturbance."


Now, I'm as big of a fan as anyone of adding fanworks into the stock game. But, I'm also actively developing this music for use in a plugin, not for stock KSP. If my songs make it there, I would be flattered beyond belief, but that's not my eventual goal when creating this music.

A big thanks to Wooks, though, for supporting my music and for proclaiming that #thisshouldbestock. I appreciate it.


UpsilonAerospace (violin)

Avera9eJoe (percussion)

General Rarity (cello [maybe], suggestions) Sorry that I didn't make EVE with tuba accompaniment! I was [spoiler!] saving that for Jool.

Let me know if I missed anyone.

Doing Dres next, should be out this weekend. Stay tuned! (heh, tuned! Get it? Oh, never mind.)

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Okay... Sorry. Though the title is misleading, as it says "Plugin Songs!" Upsilon, please change that. (Also, the EVE is in all caps (Environmental Visual Enhancements), so change it to Eve)

Change it to what? "KSP Songs For a Plugin that is Being Made! (Current Song: EVE (the planet)"? :huh:

I know that EVE stands for a very nice little add-on to the game, but ever since DUNA I've been trying to keep the planets' song names in all caps. I think that, given the context of this thread, it's obvious enough that I wrote the song for the planet.

If I was doing songs for plugins, RSS would be near the top of my list :)

Anyways, I'm still playing around a little with the structure of DRES, though I'm actively recording it. It will be really lonely and gloomy, and from what I've done, it will likely be DUNA-quality or better. I'm trying to give Dres a little extra love, because it is all alone and never has anyone drop by for a visit.

In other news, I've come up with a nice little melody, but it's quite military-sounding. It's quite sad, though. I'm not entirely sure whether I should use it for Moho... or whether I should have it play when a Kerbal dies, almost like the Kerbal version of "Taps."

I could probably also use it for RSS, but that's for another day.

A metaphorical penny for your thoughts...?

Edited by UpsilonAerospace
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Nice work here!

Also, I has found a nice online media converter for you. media.io

It works pretty much out of the box.

Also, for blizzy: what kind of a plugin are you planning? Will it play the "music of the spheres" upon the event of a encounter (see what I did there?)? or landing? or aerobrake?

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Also, for blizzy: what kind of a plugin are you planning? Will it play the "music of the spheres" upon the event of a encounter (see what I did there?)? or landing? or aerobrake?

I shouldn't be the one to decide which tracks play when. I'm not the music artist :)

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I like the new Eve one. You've done a nice job making songs that won't seem out of place among the ones already included. I'd be a fan of having them play on SOI change, and first when you load a vessel landed on that planet, mixed in with the others.

Or perhaps the plugin could let you set up songs to play through a config file?

I wouldn't mind having your KSP theme based one for Kerbin too, it's close enough to the main theme to suit the main planet.

Also, don't make Dres too gloomy, don't want to put people off.

Seeing as it seems I didn't comment first time I was here, you Duna song has a slight Zelda vibe for me.

Edited by Tw1
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This is probably the most radical thing I've ever suggested.

Before you move on to moons, you should make a song for the lost planet that was the SSTV signal backstory. Not sure if anybody remembers this, but waaay back, we had a discussion about all the Easter eggs and everybody was puzzling over the image that came out of the Duna pyramid, and eventually the guy who made it (Nova) came along and explained it, found here i believe: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/60247-Duna-SSTV-transmission/page7

The actual story is here, for those who will undoubtedly ask: http://pastebin.com/3vvjushy

So basically, I'm asking for a sad sort of song that is reminiscent of the long-gone alien race and their planet. Maybe it could play once you pass Eeloo's orbit?

(seriously, read the story all you modders out there. I want a story mode, Stat! :sticktongue: )

Seriously though, keep up the good work.

Edited by CavemanNinja
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Hello everyone!

First of all, thanks for all of the +Rep that I've gotten through this thread. I really appreciate your support.

GusTurbo gave me some reputation and asked whether it would be possible to use one of my songs in an upcoming video. As long as you mention me in the credits, I'm more than happy to have people use my songs. You don't even really have to ask, but thanks for doing so.

Thanks for the audio converter file, DuoDex! I actually think that I'll be alright, though, as I'm now capable of changing file types, etc. on an editing program on my main computer. I've had the program for years but I've never used it. It makes a handy file converter. :)

I'm currently laying out the themes for each planet. The songs I'm making right now are likely going to be played on the surface of the planets for the initial release of the plugin. After that, though, I will probably add some songs for moons, as well as songs representing SOI change, orbiting and/or aerobraking. That may be too much work for what it's worth, so I may not have as many songs. We'll see.

Tw1: I'm definitely going to have some derivative of the main KSP theme for Kerbin, though I'm probably going to make a new song for that (the old one is a bit gloomy/suspenseful, which isn't what I would be going for). Speaking of gloominess, Dres isn't going to be appallingly sad or lonely. It is, however, the saddest of the three pieces I've done so far.

DUNA is interesting. It's reminded people so far of *deep breath* Celtic music, sea shanties, country music, music from the TV show Firefly, and now Legend of Zelda music. I'm not sure how that happened, as I wasn't really going for any of these things. It was originally based on a song that Nassault has used several times, and you can hear the referenced part in the second half of Jeb, among other places (check the OP for this). I gave it enough spin, however, that the original song is recognizable but the tone of the song is very different.

CavemanNinja: Wow. I would love to have this backstory in the game, though it sounds like it's not going to happen (not in stock KSP, anyway.) That being said, I wouldn't mind making a song for being out past the orbit of Eeloo, though it probably won't happen until I've made songs for the planets and moons. So, expect the song to come out on the future, fi maybe not in the near future. Thanks for enlightening me! :D

Thanks for the favorable comments!

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Hey everyone.

So, as you might have noticed, no DRES today. The reason for this is a bit long, so I'll put it in a footnote*. I'll probably have it out within the next couple of days. Sorry to run on "SQUAD Time" and do this to you guys.

DRES, for its part, is coming along well. I've got the main theme of the song, although there are still two or three questionable loops that need a bit of a fix. Also, it needs an ending better than the one it currently has. Based on the overwhelming support for DUNA, though, I think you'll like the final product.

Anyways, it will be out Soon. Stay tuned.

*My grandmother came to our state several weeks ago and was in hospice care. She's definitely on her last legs now, and my grandfather has come over to our house as she fades. I'll probably complete the song after she passes away, which will probably be in the next day or two. After this, my grandfather will leave and I'll have a small window of time with which to complete DRES. Depressingly enough, hearing the song soon will mean that she's passed away, which isn't exactly a good thing. Anyway, I'm pretty sure that no more problems of this magnitude will pop up during the creation of this plugin. If you want to send your best wishes, you're welcome to, but please don't turn this into a condolence thread.

Thanks for understanding. It's all gonna be alright.

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Best wishes. Dres needed a tangible jab of sadness...

If you want you can show me what you have so far and I can give input. Personally I hate being the judge of my own works :P. Your choice tho. I'm not sure if you looked at the spoiler I put in for what I draw some ideas for music, so I've copied it here again #spam *cough cough*...

Upon aerobraking to land:

Going into interplanetary space: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cXkwaCN4h10&index=2&list=PLDA27A876968C1847

This but with the KSP theme instead of their recurring theme. For an unknown purpose in game:

Again, only bits and pieces from each of these tunes. Not the sound of the entire tune for each area as these have a ton of change in each.

Again, best of luck and I hold you in my thoughts :).

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Best wishes. Dres needed a tangible jab of sadness...

If you want you can show me what you have so far and I can give input. Personally I hate being the judge of my own works :P. Your choice tho. I'm not sure if you looked at the spoiler I put in for what I draw some ideas for music, so I've copied it here again #spam *cough cough*...

Upon aerobraking to land:

Going into interplanetary space:

This but with the KSP theme instead of their recurring theme. For an unknown purpose in game:

Again, only bits and pieces from each of these tunes. Not the sound of the entire tune for each area as these have a ton of change in each.

Again, best of luck and I hold you in my thoughts :).

Thanks. I did get a chance to take a look at these songs, and while I feel that they're a little too 'harsh' for the gameplay atmosphere I'm going for, they're still really great. I think that the second one is actually eerily similar to what I wanted to do with JOOL, though with fewer "pneumatic" noises towards the beginning :). JOOL is going to feature pretty much every single instrument that I can find, and if I do it right (there's a chance of that happening, right?) it'll be epic. I'll keep these songs in mind when composing, and I'm going to be sure to give you some quality percussion. (DRES, however, would likely be better plain.)

I would give you the unfinished version of Dres, but unfortunately, copying files from my Mac to my PC is always such a pain, I only want to do it once. Sorry. :(

Sadly (see the above post), I'll start the final push for getting DRES done first thing tomorrow. Thanks for the kind wishes. (I might not have it done for another day or two after that, though, depending on my schedule.)

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Thanks. I did get a chance to take a look at these songs, and while I feel that they're a little too 'harsh' for the gameplay atmosphere I'm going for, they're still really great. I think that the second one is actually eerily similar to what I wanted to do with JOOL, though with fewer "pneumatic" noises towards the beginning :). JOOL is going to feature pretty much every single instrument that I can find, and if I do it right (there's a chance of that happening, right?) it'll be epic. I'll keep these songs in mind when composing, and I'm going to be sure to give you some quality percussion. (DRES, however, would likely be better plain.)

I would give you the unfinished version of Dres, but unfortunately, copying files from my Mac to my PC is always such a pain, I only want to do it once. Sorry. :(

Sadly (see the above post), I'll start the final push for getting DRES done first thing tomorrow. Thanks for the kind wishes. (I might not have it done for another day or two after that, though, depending on my schedule.)

Sounds good. Yeah those songs are a bit shall I say, 'more serious' than KSP music probably should be. Blizzy is the plugin going to have an easy way to add your own music if wanted? It would be cool to be able to set your own 'theme' that plays when you safely land. DRES should definitely be plain. To eerie for anything rigid. I'll be listening from the gloom... *creepily fades into a dark corner*

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