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Wheel modding tutorial Twitch feed 7/8/14


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And may be I need tuto from you in blender :D.

I could write a tutorial on some intermediate techniques. I think there are enough basic tutorials here. I just need to know what to write about and what people are having trouble with. This is a little off topic, but if anyone has ideas, let me know in PM.

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hi !

thank all for the information about colliders, for the Fxconstrained module, yes they are simples from the moment of you know how axis work :D



I have a little background knowledge based on Autodesk product and Program like CATIA (I continue to use catia V5 just for fun)

With blender my problem is only concerning how blender manage the texture thing, and I keep some useful link on baking technique

and others stuff for the texture, I 'm on blender since two months, but the way blender use texture is a worst thing for me, compare

to 3DS..


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Thanks for posting that pic, I've not seen that version before. One interesting thing I note is it has no object called steering, which is called in the current part.cfg for the small bay. I assume this was an early C7 post and the steering was an afterthought in the later version.

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.. One interesting thing I note is it has no object called steering.

hello !

working on the skylon front gear ,I have exactly the same interrogation where is this steer thing ?? on the reference picture .

another thing to discovers for me !, and the Cpt.Kipard part is exactly the configuration I need to figure how it work .


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:wink:,actually I'm in UNITY now to prepare the export for KSP !

If I have a working gear in KSP (not sure at all :confused:) I post the hierarchy and all information about this Landing gear ! and of course

the steer thing info, I have an idea but not sure if it work............. test test test !!!!!!!!!

Landing gear are not the simplest thing to do in ksp, nothing it's easy to do lol .


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hi !

this thread is for Wheels thing, tell me if I continue to give info Here for skylon gear ?

(I don't want pollute this topic with another module or gear problem !)

this is my result about FxlookAT :


Are you interested by the hierarchy of Cpt.Kipard's front gear (I'm working to give some screenshot)


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hi lo-fi !

-the left picture it's simplified gear with piston and torque link (ta and tb are torque link), on top right it's hierarchy of the part.

-P1 is the top of gear

-P2 is the piston (wheel not represented)

-it's just my conclusion about Fxlookat, and I hope I'm wrong !!!

I'm looking to make picture for the skylon gear :wink: both unity and blend and connection of the cfg file :wink:


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click on picture for bigger.

I think is not the only solution to make this type of gear functional !

-may be it's possible to link the wheelCollider directly under the steer transform (not tested yet !)

-Notice the shift between the center of wheel and wheelcollider

-In fact wheels in KSP are fake it's possible to add more wheel just by using FXConstrainposition ! (option Match rotation)

but with only one physics collider.

-For the skylon rear gear, I think keep the Wheelcollider in the middle, and manage the two wheel only with this


-I'm thinking configuration like big civil gears plane (747, airbus etc.) are not possible to make in KSP for the rear gear

the wheels are shifted left and right (like skylon rear gear) and it's not good for the alignment rule lol !

- and the torque link problem is not resolved, how to keep these part stable in position :confused:

- it's too sad because the primary function work (compressed decompressed torque link).

the CFG File :



name = ModuleLandingGear

animationName = skylonNoseG_MOD

suspensionParentName = SUSP_DEPLACE

wheelName = NoseGearWheels

wheelRotationAxis = 1,0,0

deployedDragMax = 0.6

deployedDragMin = 0.4

BrakeTorque = 3.0




name = ModuleSteering

steeringResponseSpeed = 0.1

controlAxisType = Forward

steeringAxis = 0, 0, 1

steeringTransformName = NoseGear_STEER

steeringLocked = false



key = 0 16

key = 10 9

key = 30 2

key = 100 1



// ------------ Management Torque LINK ---------------



name = FXModuleLookAtConstraint

//trackingModeString = Update



targetName = NoseGearTorqueArmTop_Lookat

rotatorsName = NoseGearTorqueArmTop




targetName = NoseGearTorqueArmBottom_LookAT

rotatorsName = NoseGearTorqueArmBottom



// ------------- this section manage the reel steering of plane--------------------



name = FXModuleConstrainPosition

matchRotation = true

matchPosition = false



targetName = NoseGear_STEER

moversName = wheelCollider



(few 45 minutes to write this post, searching word lol ..........it's my record.)


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Excellent work!

Yep, you should be able to link the wheel collider under the steering object, that's how rover wheels work. Running both tyres off the one collider centrally mounted is advisable.

I'll get back with more thoughts later. Thanks for taking the time to translate to English for us!

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ok thank :wink:, and yes I hard to translate lol, I frightened for the twich parade

ok for basic reading, but listening ..... (and I have a low internet connection too, twitch is very low for me)


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is a twitch account necessary for this feed? or cna i just join the chat as guest?

Actually, I've no idea! I believe you can join as a guest and watch the feed, though you'll need a handle to join the chat. I'll be on messing about a quarter of an hour before the official feed starts to check audio, have some general chit-chat, show off a few dev parts and blow some stuff up :)


Remember that the feed is about 30 seconds behind realtime.

So much stuff is going on in the landing gear department at the moment, I'm going to wait until it's all settles down before I cover it. Rover wheel basics only this trip! I'll do another feed in two weeks time to cover advanced suspension + (maybe) track stuff, then see where we are at that point.

The feed will be posted to YouTube afterwards this time to make sure it's available in the future.

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Apologies, I forget than England isn't the centre of the world (even though it's the centre of most maps :wink:)

For those that may not know, BST (British Summer Time) is GMT+1. It's 02:00 here right now and I need to get some sleep! You've not missed it, I'll be with you in 15 hours or so :)

Otherwise, pre-post questions and/or catch the saved Twitch feed/YouTube after.

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