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How to use a ready made craft in career

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hi, well exactly that really...have several mods loaded with ready made craft.....atm, i need a landing craft, and i know i have one in the ships VAB directory, how can i use that craft in my career mode...as i am very poor at designing landing craft



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You can copy the ships directly from the mod folder/ships folder and them drop them into the ships file of the career you're running-be warned that it's likely that some parts will be locked and thus render the entire craft unselectable.

On the topic of landers, don't give up building them! If you're afraid of running out of fuel, add more-it's unlikely you'll have too little thrust on the Mun or Minmus.

Hope this helps,


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thanx Lazero, but how do i use the said modded craft in career mode, where do i put the file please...i dont understand where to putthe file so the craft shows up for me in my career.



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Go to the Saves folder. In there, there will be another folder with the same name as your game save. Inside that will be a folder named "ships" (or "craft" or something; can't remember for certain). Inside that will be two folders: VAB and SPH. Put the .craft file in whichever of those is appropriate (SPH for planes, VAB for rockets). When you go to the appropriate building, the ship will be in the "load ship" list.

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