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[1.9-1.10] Hangar


[b]Do you use the [u]Desaturated Texture Pack?[/u][/b]  

328 members have voted

  1. 1. [b]Do you use the [u]Desaturated Texture Pack?[/u][/b]

    • Yes, the grey textures are more stock-like
    • No, the green-orange textures are fine

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What do you mean by 'snapping to hangar triggers in editor'?

Edit: I've also noticed that the multipurpose hangar tanks don't seem to have liquid hydrogen as an option.

I mean the thing Errol talked about just after previous release. If you were trying to surface-attach something inside an inline hangar, it was snapping to the empty space at the center.

Liquid hydrogen from RealFuels? I haven't wrote the config for RF yet; only for karbonite and kethane. Will do...

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I meant for Karbonite, since I was trying to see if I could use them as fuel tanks for FTTs nuclear engines which run on liquid hydrogen (since I don't have the actual hydrogen tanks yet for some reason), but I couldn't find the fuel.

Oh boy... does Karbonite have liquid hydrogen too, now? I just can't keep up with other mods :confused:

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Shouldn't be too hard to just go off of the latest community resource pack? At least that's what I assumed it used.

as for the liquid hydrogen, I think karbonite has had the capability to make that via the distillers for a while now. Probably ask Roverdude about it since FTT is his mod.

Edited by smjjames
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Yeah I know doublepost, but making a new one because reasons.

I've ran into a problem where the hangar seems to actually have corrupted (and krakenified) one of my crafts. I had made a probe that I wanted to put into the inline hangar a couple times and take them to Eve, however, I accidentially saved it with the landing legs extended. When I tried to put it in the hangar (this was before I realized I had accidentially left the landing legs down), it kept saying 'error, doesn't fit' (okay, not the actual wording, but you know), then realized my mistake, went to fix the problem and when it loaded, it was there for a brief instant and then disappeared, so did the VAB background except for the sky. Tried to load it in launchpad and it did a variant of the hell kraken.

I tried to see if it would work in another save, and nope, same thing. Actually, I'm not even sure that the hangar is involved, though one of your other parts may be involved.

http://sta.sh/0kx5e4pho4q Craft file and output log from the attempt in the second save. In the save where it first happened and in the second attempte, I noticed lots of exceptions with reflections and errors with collision stuff. Also, when I was messing with the universial stack adaptor (from this mod), one of the parts that I put on there disappeared into it, or alltogether, so, I don't know if maybe that did something.

Mods used in craft:

Dmagic science stuff

B9 Aerospace (sensor packages and a structural part that I used as a tank)

KWrocketry (one of the flat adaptors)

the TK-421 light decoupler from Novapunch

universial adaptor from this mod (v 2.2.1)


EDIT: Oh, theres also the resource sensor from Karbonite.

The rest are stock pieces.

Edit: Oh well, the lander isn't going to fit in the hangar, it's diameter is 3.92m and the smallest number of the biggest inline hangar is 3.92. Doesn't work very well with squat probes I guess.

Edited by smjjames
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Dear Allista,

Thank you for such an amazing mod. I'd like to know is there any way I could turn these KASA Spacedocks into Hangars? Any config file I can write?

Part's forum thread: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/92816-NASA-IXS-Class-Warpship-and-Spacedocks-For-KSP-I-and-Stock-KSP


Thanks, Enceos) You became my last drop: I'm starting to write HOWTO for Modders at last.

As for your question: to make hangars from these, configs are not enough. But I hope I'll post the HOWTO about converting other parts to hangars today...

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What about that krakenified craft issue (only happened with that specific craft) that I mentioned?

I'm working on it.

I just have much hosework at weekends; and I've promised the HOWTO looong ago, so it was a priority at the moment.

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Okay cool.

Maybe also look at the tweakscale mod? If anybody else has run into that problem, it's going to be in there because it's the same procedural thing.

Currently I don't see any errors that are directly connected with the Hangar. Most exceptions are from KConfigDocumentationGenerator.GenerateAssemblyDocumentation call, which is a part of B9. But I don't know if these exceptions cause any visible problems. The exception that bothers me more is from VerneTech\FieldScientistPack which occurs right after initialization of the flight mode and could, in principal, cause the described symptoms.

You see, when a vessel is loaded, it is initialized in sequece: part by part, module by module. And if some module dies with an exception, the initialization process stops altogether. Everything that follows this module -- other modules of that part, and other parts -- is not initialized at all; as you can imagine, this may cause many and many different symptoms that often appear as bugs in the parts that just weren't initialized.

I will look more into the matter, but meanwhile try to remove this VerneTech thing and see if it changes anything.

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Someone else has mentioned the exception from B9 in the thread for it, and I guess I'll go and ask about the field scientist one, though it just says it's an isolated exception.

That part wasn't even on the craft and I haven't had any issues relating to it.

Edit: Regarding the field scientist one, that's gotten fixed.

Edited by smjjames
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Sighs, after digging in I undrestood that I can't implement hangar tools into another part without its Blender originals...

You can, actually: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/43513-Blender-mu-import-export-addon

Sorry I haven't mentioned it yet in the HOWTO; haven't got to the "convert to hangar" part yet.

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I'm in awe! The scaleable Grapple Device and Universal Stack Adapter are so ingenious! Best things for making stations of all sizes! I'm working on some textures for my install.

Be careful with having parts on the universial stack adapter when you resize it, it may or may not cause problems.

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I'm in awe! The scaleable Grapple Device and Universal Stack Adapter are so ingenious! Best things for making stations of all sizes! I'm working on some textures for my install.


And I was wondering: have I started spamming the mod with unnecessary parts? :rolleyes:

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And I was wondering: have I started spamming the mod with unnecessary parts? :rolleyes:

Nah, I think it's okay.

I also like the hover fan you put in there, works great with KFs antigrav repulsors. What would make it even BETTER, is to have a reverse thrust mode.

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Be careful with having parts on the universial stack adapter when you resize it, it may or may not cause problems.

I'll look into that problem. I've encountered it when I was developing the adapter, but thought that it was gone. Thanks for the report!

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I'll look into that problem. I've encountered it when I was developing the adapter, but thought that it was gone. Thanks for the report!

Yeah, I suspect that may have been the cause of that one craft glitching out. Plus theres the warning that Roverdude has about placing stuff on inflatables before they're inflated (and without decouplers), so, there's probably something to that.

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Be careful with having parts on the universial stack adapter when you resize it, it may or may not cause problems.
Yeah, I suspect that may have been the cause of that one craft glitching out. Plus theres the warning that Roverdude has about placing stuff on inflatables before they're inflated (and without decouplers), so, there's probably something to that.

No, Bob's warning was due to the fact that he have not implemented any kind of tracking of surface attached parts. This is logical, because inflation is an animation that, in principle, could deform a mesh in any way; and as the mod can't know anything about it, it could not track the movement of a surface. The adapter, on the other hand, has mathematically defined surface (it is a solid of revolution of a straight line) and any object attached to it may be moved when the mesh changes. This is something that ProceduralParts do; and my algorithm is partially adapted from PP code.

The issue you describe is caused, as I remember, by some random errors in calculations that resulted in NaNs in surface-node position vector. And that indeed caused vessel glitches on launch. But as it was random it was very hard to debug...

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