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[1.9-1.10] Hangar


[b]Do you use the [u]Desaturated Texture Pack?[/u][/b]  

328 members have voted

  1. 1. [b]Do you use the [u]Desaturated Texture Pack?[/u][/b]

    • Yes, the grey textures are more stock-like
    • No, the green-orange textures are fine

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I have a bad bug with this mod, every time i try to launch a vessel from minmus orbit the hangar esplodes, i have try remove all mods but that happens again in windows and linux, is strange too launch vessels from duna orbit becouse the vessel spawn 200-300 m away from the hangar. Nothing bad on kerbin orbit, here the mod work fine without problems

Regards Luca

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I have a bad bug with this mod, every time i try to launch a vessel from minmus orbit the hangar esplodes, i have try remove all mods but that happens again in windows and linux, is strange too launch vessels from duna orbit becouse the vessel spawn 200-300 m away from the hangar. Nothing bad on kerbin orbit, here the mod work fine without problems

Regards Luca

Really strange! Unless it is somehow connected with the floating point errors... I'll investigate, thanks for the report.

Btw, could anyone confirm this?

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Same problem, launched Inline hangar with probes into LKO just fine. Doing the same around Mun makes hangar ship explode. Probe survives.

Bloody Kraken! Now I can confirm it too.

I just love physics in KSP :mad:

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Hangar v2.3.1 for KSP 0.90 is released

All download links are in the main post of the thread.

This update fixes the problem with vessels launched in orbit around distant planets.

In addition there's an optional package with the new Radial Hangar. To use it comfortably, though, you will probably need TCA.

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Same problem, launched Inline hangar with probes into LKO just fine. Doing the same around Mun makes hangar ship explode. Probe survives.

Do you also confirm this for v2.3.1?

Because I cannot reproduce it now.

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(Sorry, been playing Pillars of Eternity - great game :D )

I loaded my ship orbiting Mun and tried your fix.

It is working fine for most part, i did however explode when i rotated hangar ship with SAS and launched.

Also thank you for your work, I really like this mod, let me know if you need more testing.

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I have do some more testing and now i can reproduce it

1 Launch vessel, transfer , orbit and activate hangar = Bug

2 Launch vessel, transfer, orbit, reload scene and after go back to activate hangar = hangar work fine

Is enought reload the scene or do a quicksave first to activate hangar, if the launch go wrong reload the save fix it

Edit for some more test

For vessel 1.54x4.55x2.66 i need hangar 1m for side more big, quicksave and reload quicksave and the hangar work fine

For vessel 3.34x2.81x3.34 2m for side more big, quicksave and reload quicksave and work fine

I have test it over minmus bop jool gilly eve and minmus seems the planet that gives more problems

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I have do some more testing and now i can reproduce it

1 Launch vessel, transfer , orbit and activate hangar = Bug

2 Launch vessel, transfer, orbit, reload scene and after go back to activate hangar = hangar work fine

Is enought reload the scene or do a quicksave first to activate hangar, if the launch go wrong reload the save fix it

Edit for some more test

For vessel 1.54x4.55x2.66 i need hangar 1m for side more big, quicksave and reload quicksave and the hangar work fine

For vessel 3.34x2.81x3.34 2m for side more big, quicksave and reload quicksave and work fine

I have test it over minmus bop jool gilly eve and minmus seems the planet that gives more problems

Thanks for such thorough testing!

Will try to reproduce it myself tomorrow and report back.

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Can we get way to save the ratios of a tank setup? It's quite useful in setting up storage for lifesupport and manufacturing.

I like the idea. After I hunt down all the recent bugs, I'll try to implement it.

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allista, I discovered how to reproduce the tank volume bug. Resized tanks won't keep any unassigned volume over the base (unresized) volume.

Also are you familiar with the kspmodders IRC?

No, I'm not. But I saw your description today and right now I'm testing the fix. And it seems to be working.

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Having an issue where I attach the Rover Hanger to my shuttle with a rover inside. When I spawn the craft, it spawns the rover inside and drops it through the world and destroys it. I do not know if this is a bug or a compatibility issue, but what info can I give to get it troubleshot. Unfortunately, I am not very knowledgeable with bug reports or stuff like that, but tell me what you need and how to get it and I will supply it.

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Having an issue where I attach the Rover Hanger to my shuttle with a rover inside. When I spawn the craft, it spawns the rover inside and drops it through the world and destroys it. I do not know if this is a bug or a compatibility issue, but what info can I give to get it troubleshot. Unfortunately, I am not very knowledgeable with bug reports or stuff like that, but tell me what you need and how to get it and I will supply it.

I suspect it is a conflict with another mod. Nextjr recently reported that Kerbal Foundries causes such bug. But to know for sure, we need to look at the logs.

The mod that cause the issue does not, probably, make proper null checks in its handler of onNewVesselCreated event.

So you need to check the KSP_Data\output_log.txt (on win): search for any exceptions that occur after the initializing flight mode line and you may find the culprit.

If not, then send me this log and I'll see what I can do.

Note, that the log is erased and written from scratch on each game launch.

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Uh, I have 2.3.1 and my fairing hanger ship exploded when I tried to launch something while enroute to Minmus, however, when I tried it in Kerbin orbit (quicksaving first), it worked fine.

I'm really not sure what happened there.

Edit: I went to about the halfway point between Kerbin and Minmus again and boom, it happened when I used the UI to jettison the craft that I had in there, however, again, it works fine in orbit of Kerbin.

Edit2: Managed to catch it where it doesn't QUITE explode, but things do go very wrong and I caught two screenshots. Sorry for the bad views, things go south FAST, you can see bits of solar panel in the second screenshot. I'm also noticing some slight odd phantom forces that are moving the thing ever so slightly, and I'm using KJR, so I'm going to remove that and see how it goes.

edit3: Tried it without KJR and it still explodes, but the launched craft survived somehow this time. Going to try and make the fairing bigger because I put it as close to 'not fitting' as I could.



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Maybe. Also, when I made it larger (with the craft now occupying about 16% of the space as opposed to 37% earlier), it did a bit of a wierd spin when I launched it where it was exploding earlier and I've noticed that it sends the hangar craft flying backwards with great force while the fairings stay by the launched ship.

Edit: Theres another problem, ANYTHING that is attached to the fairing, including whatever the fairing is attached to gets decoupled from the fairing hangar when you jettison a craft.

This engine, tank, and SAS used to be on the back of the fairing hangar, there was no decoupler. Theres also some solar panels floating around. It didn't explode violently, just sort of decoupled everything that's attached to it.

Edit2: I tried again a few times and everything else stayed on, wierd.


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The fairing exploding when I jettison a craft is still happening, this time in orbit of the Mun. Sometimes the jettisoned craft survives, sometimes not.

Edit: Maybe if I have SAS o *fairing explodes, HARD* n. So much for that theory, though it seemed to work once.

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