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Apple(iOS) vs Samsung(Android)


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Apple has a real problem with that bendgate. They shares already loosing on the markets, media talking about iOS8 bug are the cause but we all know it's the bending problem. Don't wan't to know how many people canceled their preorders.

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Apple is always late to the party with features, and then things like the latest update comes out and ooops, can't make calls anymore! But all the Apple fanboys still spend all their money on the newest one like it's water in a desert...

Was an Android user but got sick of all the crappy apps and spyware on the app market. Now a Windows Phone user for 3 years and will never go back.

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Apple is always late to the party with features, and then things like the latest update comes out and ooops, can't make calls anymore! But all the Apple fanboys still spend all their money on the newest one like it's water in a desert...

Was an Android user but got sick of all the crappy apps and spyware on the app market. Now a Windows Phone user for 3 years and will never go back.

I hope you are happy with the <1000 apps you are provided with!

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I hope you are happy with the <1000 apps you are provided with!

Yeah that was funny 3 years ago, but the market has everything I need now. I don't play with stupid apps like light sabers and fart makers, which the android and apple markets are full of. Anyone can make an app and throw it in the android market, that's why it's all full of spyware and junk that hacks your phones... I have all I need and I've never NOT found an app that I was looking for.

Besides, there are countless features on WP8.1 that I would miss if I ever went to Android or Apple...

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So a guy broke a phone... you can do that with any phone... But funny enough, nobody's ever heard of any phone bending in your back pocket until the cryPhone 6.... Are they able to make calls now? Hopefully they've fixed the crappy maps app so they can at least walk to the apple store to complain since they can't call... One thing though, it's about time they get a bigger screen, late to the party again... Just like every other feature.

Wireless charging? No.... it's been out forever and most phones in the last year have it, but no, not apple...

Front-facing camera? Not until the iPhone 4, meanwhile, my Nokia that I had for years had one... Even now in the 6, the front camera sucks

Battery life? Nah, don't need that... I do find it really funny hanging out with my friends who have iPhones and they're always looking for a charger by early evening. Meanwhile, mine will last until half-way through the next day...

NFC, finally, Apple decides to get NFC. Why wasn't it in the 5's or the 4? Late again...

Oh and lets make it out of glass that breaks so easy. Most people I know have cracked or badly broken screens and back covers, and they all have ugly cases... My Lumia, polycarbonate 1-piece unibody case with gorilla glass 3 screen. Don't need a case. It's been dropped, many times, so has my wife's, not a scratch or dent....

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I've been wondering:

Where are all these people getting smart phones so cheap that they can just drop them/ dunk them in water/ smash them with their bare hands??

It's a paradox. I mean... if someone spends hundreds of dollars on a smart phone just to destroy it, then they're dumb... but if they're dumb enough to throw away hundreds of dollars for nothing, they wouldn't have the money to afford a smart phone, let alone a half dozen of them.


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I like that you can do the S4 trick with any phone with a removable back. You can see the back start to separate and he eventually just ignores it and focuses purely on breaking the phone. His hands were literally shaking because of the force required to break it. If you go watch the Note(3?) video, a phone much closer to the iPhone 6+, You can see the phone doesn't break because the back didn't come off. Your phone might "feel" good and cost 1000 dollars but its like Alienware, seems pretty good until you look into the poor specs/cost and construction. I'll admit the 5S seems decently constructed and I might test that with my hands if no one wants to buy it.

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I like that you can do the S4 trick with any phone with a removable back. You can see the back start to separate and he eventually just ignores it and focuses purely on breaking the phone. His hands were literally shaking because of the force required to break it. If you go watch the Note(3?) video, a phone much closer to the iPhone 6+, You can see the phone doesn't break because the back didn't come off. Your phone might "feel" good and cost 1000 dollars but its like Alienware, seems pretty good until you look into the poor specs/cost and construction. I'll admit the 5S seems decently constructed and I might test that with my hands if no one wants to buy it.

Honestly, that would seem to be a waste of a serviceable phone. It wouldn't prove anything other than you can break any cell phone if you apply enough force. Everybody already knows this, and that's not the issue Apple is dealing with. The issue is that the 6+ can be bent so easily that the mere act of sitting down with one in your pocket is sufficient to ruin it.

The i5S, Galaxy S4, and Note 3 never had a problem with this.



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Weren't you just saying how awful those samsung phones were just because they were big screens? And now you praise apple when they show up bottom of the 9th with the same exact screen sizes? Seriously dude, you just need to hush yourself.

Ios is optimised for the iPhone 6, when Android just tries to adapt and fails. I will probably wait for the iPhone 7, for now I'll stick with my sturdy 5s and my iPad mini...

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I promised myself I wouldn't comment. What does that have to do with the size of the phone? If I remember correctly it was the physical size of the phone you were commenting on. Not the OSs' optimization with that perticular phone.

Clearly, nothing. He'll happily skip from subject to subject for as long as it takes to avoid discussing anything of substance.

But don't take my word for it, review the last 30 pages and decide for yourself.



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The reason Android phones work for the model of phone it's in is because of how much you can change it. There are even phones that look like an iPhone 6/6+ and run android with an iOS skin to trick people into buying crappy phones that only cost 50$ to make and are sold for 300.

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It doesn't seem to actually be an applicable test. The reports of bending are after sitting in pockets for hours, not having large forces applied over a few seconds.

Unless you're suggesting the bending is due to creep it's a perfectly valid test.

This whole bendgate thing is stupid. A thin phone can be bent if you bend it hard enough. Is that really news? They're not really expected to be indestructible. If you need something hardcore get a Catphone.

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Unless you're suggesting the bending is due to creep it's a perfectly valid test.

This whole bendgate thing is stupid. A thin phone can be bent if you bend it hard enough. Is that really news? They're not really expected to be indestructible. If you need something hardcore get a Catphone.

Cool. I'd never heard of Catphone before.

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