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Kerbal MMO


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I would like to build ringworld.

You know the thing that LArry Niven wrote about and was ripped off by the game, HALO.

But it would take me many lifetimes.

Suppose tho that we could all labor kerbal cyberspace together.

Lifting great space stations into orbit while other work to join them. Other still would attach propulsion units.

Imaging running a space elevator to ringworld.

How bout it kerbal?

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It is a nice idea to fantasize about, but you may want to learn more about the game mechanics and previous posts on the subject before bringing this up again. It isn't possible in the game, and it isn't even really that feasible a concept for real life.

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Hey, welcome to the forums, mate! :D

However, this isn't actually possible in KSP. Anything farther than 2.5 kilometers of the spacecraft you're controlling has no physics applied to it and is put "on rails". Simply put, a vessel that size is impossible.

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hey, welcome to the forums, mate! :D

however, this isn't actually possible in ksp. Anything farther than 2.5 kilometers of the spacecraft you're controlling has no physics applied to it and is put "on rails". Simply put, a vessel that size is impossible.

challenge accepted!

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challenge accepted!

No, he's serious. The game can't load physics past 2.5km, and a "Ringworld" would have to be WAY more than 2.5km. Also, even if you used mods to bypass this limitation, you'd need one hell of a CPU/GPU config (ex. Maybe Dual Intel Xeon processors and Dual Nvidia Titans) to even think about attempting this.

Also, it would be impossible to get it into orbit in large segments, and small segments lifted up would cause even more lag (docking ports + individual control systems)

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No, he's serious. The game can't load physics past 2.5km, and a "Ringworld" would have to be WAY more than 2.5km. Also, even if you used mods to bypass this limitation, you'd need one hell of a CPU/GPU config (ex. Maybe Dual Intel Xeon processors and Dual Nvidia Titans) to even think about attempting this.

Also, it would be impossible to get it into orbit in large segments, and small segments lifted up would cause even more lag (docking ports + individual control systems)

Where theres a will, theres a way, and good old Jebediah Kerman always has a will for the "impossible"

On a serious Gene Kerman note, why would the 2.5 km physics radius apply to the controlled ship? Surely the whole craft must be simulated? Time to test with a vessel longer than 5km!

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On a serious Gene Kerman note, why would the 2.5 km physics radius apply to the controlled ship? Surely the whole craft must be simulated? Time to test with a vessel longer than 5km!

The "bubble" in which physics are simulated is 2.5km around the root part of the focused ship. Parts outside that bubble, whether part of the focused ship or not, are not simulated. Bad Things happen when the focused ship extends past that bubble.

There are mods out there that extend the bubble, or cause the system to never unload parts; not sure they'd support the kind of physics bubble size that would be required for a ringworld. Might want to look at the welding mod to reduce part count, too.

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Tnx for the replies. Perhaps the grandiosity of my example reached beyond my grasp. Still it would be kind of cool if kerbal had a multiplayer mode where thousands of kermans could operate in the same world.

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The other thing to remember is that gravity is simulated from a single point in KSP whereas even if you did spin the ring up to generate 1G on the surface , in KSP it would still be at zero g on the surface.. and to land you'd have to match speeds with the ring.

Also its unlikely anything in KSP would be able to tolerate the tensile stresses in the ring and it would fly apart anyway.

+1 for the idea though

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A few thoughts there. One being, if KSP implemented it, would you say they had "ripped it off" as well?

Another is that the concept itself is just madness. You could _DO_ it with a bit of work but it doesn't make sense from a gameplay perspective. Why would we bother building such a structure when there are planets to build on and around?

To do it, you would need to be dynamically load an unload structure parts in the distance, be storing them server-side in a nice efficient structure compatible with this and have a very different method for recalling and simulating their location from anything else in KSP so far. But with a 64bit FP triple vector coordinate set it would be quite doable.

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I don't know how wow or lol are built-or even how a multiplayer game like arma is turned into a persistent world with the dayz mod. But it would seem the first step would be a multiplayer version. It could introduce interesting new kinds of gameplay tho since spacecraft can be controlled by mission control to some degree and also the pilots.

Mission control would be an ai or another player controlling your craft. You could determine how much control to hand over. Someone playing as a mission controller might have several craft under their control. You could request control back at any time. And that request might be deniable in high traffic environments. This allows players to participate in more advanced levels, learn more about ksp and space operations and yet not jeopardize others.

Cooperativrly building structures in space and on other planets as well as doing 'science' are the obvious tasks that advance a player's standing.

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Just don't exceed 4 M/sec relative to it's surface, lest you trigger the solar gas laser.

I thought it was 5.2 Km/sec it fired at.

Anyway, couple of shots from that and the ring gets pushed off center......


.. off designing the magnetic ship accelerator to bring Jeb and co upto ring rotational speed :wink:

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No, he's serious. The game can't load physics past 2.5km, and a "Ringworld" would have to be WAY more than 2.5km. Also, even if you used mods to bypass this limitation, you'd need one hell of a CPU/GPU config (ex. Maybe Dual Intel Xeon processors and Dual Nvidia Titans) to even think about attempting this.

Also, it would be impossible to get it into orbit in large segments, and small segments lifted up would cause even more lag (docking ports + individual control systems)

Perhaps you could do it in a sort of grid computing way. Why have everyone render their own picture when everyone is looking at the same thing anyway? That's just a waste of resources. Sure, the requirements are heavy (if every connected client would render at 1 FPS, to get a full 360 degree picture at reasonable framerates we would then need at least 360*20=7200 connected clients), but I'm sure it could be done.

Furthermore, let's look at how EVE Online handles this. They have battles of ten-thousand clients, and some trading systems have 3000+ clients connected continuously. Their time dilation technique is quite a nifty thing.

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I think the only halfway feesable place you could make a ringworld would be around gilly. you'd still need mods to do it as it has a diameter in the ballpark of 30km as I recall. YOu'd still need one beast of a computer to pull it off as that would be tons of parts. Think lazor systems can boost the physics window up to 90km or so which would at least allow you to attempt the build, even if it would probably make even wackjob's computer emit the blue smoke agian.

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I would like to build ringworld.

You know the thing that LArry Niven wrote about and was ripped off by the game, HALO.

But it would take me many lifetimes.

Suppose tho that we could all labor kerbal cyberspace together.

Lifting great space stations into orbit while other work to join them. Other still would attach propulsion units.

Imaging running a space elevator to ringworld.

How bout it kerbal?

Nothing to do with the project but... the one halo ripped off was the culture orbital (smaller size ringworld) by Iain M. Banks which was I believe based on the ring world from nivel...

For your project, try to build a 1km radius ring and we will see.

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Nothing to do with the project but... the one halo ripped off was the culture orbital (smaller size ringworld) by Iain M. Banks which was I believe based on the ring world from nivel...

For your project, try to build a 1km radius ring and we will see.

...and they're both pretty much variations on a Dyson Sphere (Ringworld more so than the Orbital), which in turn was inspired by even older SF. There's nothing new under (or around) the Sun.

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