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Tacician Aerospace and Computer Enginering Solutions

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Welcome to the Repository for all Tacician Aerospace and Computer Engineering Solutions Crafts!


On this page are all the space vehicles our company has currently assembled/possibly tested.

Remember: The future is Space, and that future starts with You!

Orbital Craft Generation 1

Space Hopper MK1

Usage: *Retired Test Craft*


Tacician Aerospace\'s first endeavor into orbit, a light launcher capable of scraping the edge of the atmosphere. A failure in the RCS tank was prone to destroy the craft, so our engineers decommissioned it.

Space Hopper MK2

Usage: Pilot Training Craft


A redesign of the Space Hopper MK1 resulted in the MK2 version. More fuel and greater stability allowed the MK2 to hop even further into space. This craft is still used today as a pilot test craft.

Pilkiot MK1

Usage: Light Orbiter


Expanding on the design of the Space Hopper series, the Pilkiot was named for the adorable lemmings used to test the new SAS systems. The Pilkiot MK1 was a resounding success as a light orbiter and a test vehicle for both SAS systems and the effects of zero gravity on Kerbals.

Heavy Lifter MK1

Usage: *Retired Heavy Orbiter*


Making the next logical step, the Heavy Lifter MK1 improved upon the Pilkiot MK1 by adding even more boosters. This meant the orbiter itself could carry even more fuel for maneuvers. One feature was parachutes on the SRBs in an attempt to save money on replacement. However, this system caused many technical problems, so the craft was decommissioned.

Heavy Lifter MK2

Usage: *Retired Heavy Orbiter*


In an attempt to reduce technical problems, the Heavy Lifter MK2 reduced the orbiter fuel load and removed the SRB parachutes. However, the initial design for the craft also used experimental light-weight support struts, which failed upon launch. The craft was then decommissioned while a redesign was made.

Heavy Lifter MK3

Usage: Heavy Orbiter


More stabilizing struts were added in the Heavy Lifter MK3 in a bid to alleviate the problems with the MK2 version. The craft was very successful and is in current usage as a heavy orbiter vehicle.

Kerpollo Munar Lander Program

Kerpollo 1

Crew: Melwise Kerman, Chadfrey Kerman, Newski Kerman




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Indric Boreal FTW!

Thanks for the welcome!

BTW how were my terribly bad spacecraft?

Terribly bad or Moderately okay?

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  Baneblade said:


Indric Boreal FTW!

Thanks for the welcome!

BTW how were my terribly bad spacecraft?

Terribly bad or Moderately okay?

If it\'s only one of the two, then Moderately okay. ;)

Mincespy and Lolnewb the Rocketeer are Chaos heretics! We must purge their existance!

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Nice to see the evolution of the rockets; from the barely getting out of the atmosphere to a succesful lot o\' stuff in orbit vehicle :)

Overall grading: good!

Ok, there are a few simple improvements that could be made (and like a git I\'ll leave them for you to discover- a small clue, liquid booster tanks can share fuel...) but you\'ve got the right idea.

Keep it up! 8)

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  Ninjainthenight said:

40k you say? I\'m a Guardsmen myself... My Table-top army is worth over 12,000!

Also nice rockets! I hope they serve you well!

Nice! My Dad has a large collection of Guard forces, ik he definitely has a Baneblade, three Leman Russ, a Chimera, a Sentinal, for vehicles, infantry he has guard, Command Squad, (I think) a few ratlings, and a Vindicare Assassin.

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  Luigibro606 said:

Nice! My Dad has a large collection of Guard forces, ik he definitely has a Baneblade, three Leman Russ, a Chimera, a Sentinal, for vehicles, infantry he has guard, Command Squad, (I think) a few ratlings, and a Vindicare Assassin.

Nice! My entire army (big list incoming) 4 Basilisk\', 6 Lemans, 4 Valkyries, 2 Bane Blades, 12 platoons, 6 Heavy Weapon Squads, Commissar Yarrick, 4 HQ Squads and a few other bits and pieces


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  Ninjainthenight said:

Nice! My entire army (big list incoming) 4 Basilisk\', 6 Lemans, 4 Valkyries, 2 Bane Blades, 12 platoons, 6 Heavy Weapon Squads, Commissar Yarrick, 4 HQ Squads and a few other bits and pieces


Oh yeah! My Dad has 3 Heavy Wep Squads, and a Valkyrie too. I keep pestering him to get some Basilisks and some Techpriests, although he doesn\'t like Techpriests, much to my disappointment, and he doesn\'t like the vanilla pattern Basilisk. He likes the Armaggedon pattern, (one with the closed crew compartment), but I don\'t. ,_,

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  Luigibro606 said:

Oh yeah! My Dad has 3 Heavy Wep Squads, and a Valkyrie too. I keep pestering him to get some Basilisks and some Techpriests, although he doesn\'t like Techpriests, much to my disappointment, and he doesn\'t like the vanilla pattern Basilisk. He likes the Armaggedon pattern, (one with the closed crew compartment), but I don\'t. ,_,

Very nice! My tanks and men wear proudly the colour of the Death Korps of Krieg, you should tell your dad that Tech-Priests are great! Because, once before (Story time kids, gather round!) I was down to my last platoon, Tech priest and leman against like 100 Necron, I was screwed basically, but the Leman was almost killed. Luckily the Tech Priest saved it! I then proceeded to go any Guardsmen would. Into the enemies mouth! Also Basilisks are good artillery, tell your dad also to buy at least one and leave it nearer the tables end for support. Emperor knows how many times I\'ve been saved by mine!

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  Luigibro606 said:

Oh yeah! My Dad has 3 Heavy Wep Squads, and a Valkyrie too. I keep pestering him to get some Basilisks and some Techpriests, although he doesn\'t like Techpriests, much to my disappointment, and he doesn\'t like the vanilla pattern Basilisk. He likes the Armaggedon pattern, (one with the closed crew compartment), but I don\'t. ,_,

I like the Armaggedon pattern \'cause it reminds me of the German howitzer... Getting involved in guard talk here... I collect Elysians so don\'t have many tanks... :\'(

Nice rocket designs! Keep launching! ;D

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  RC1062 said:

I like the Armaggedon pattern \'cause it reminds me of the German howitzer... Getting involved in guard talk here... I collect Elysians so don\'t have many tanks... :\'(

Nice rocket designs! Keep launching! ;D

One of my Valkyries is an Elysian! It\'s the one with the mod kit. The em... One that gives you troops for the cargo area? Lemme find it to show you what I\'m on about ^^


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  Ninjainthenight said:

One of my Valkyries is an Elysian! It\'s the one with the mod kit. The em... One that gives you troops for the cargo area? Lemme find it to show you what I\'m on about ^^


Ah yes. If my painting skills get up to scratch I plan to get at least one of those kits. I\'m a real sucker for detail but can\'t paint for toffee (never understood that phrase... I hate toffee)...

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  • 3 weeks later...
  Gojira said:

Back on topic please.

Personally, I prefer either your standard Cadian, my own personal Tacician legion (urban camo), Krieg, or Elysian. Drop troops FTW!

Sorry. I had to.

On topic: I will post my new Kerpollo designs (yes I know :P) soon.

That is, assuming I can actually land any of the darn things on the Mun >:(.....

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