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Game of Science


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In this game, I aim to simulate the scientific process.

What happens is one person plays as Nature and defines one or more laws of physics. These laws of physics determine how an input is processed. These are defined at the start of the round, and can not be changed afterwards. Nature can also decide which types of input are acceptable.

All other players play as Scientists. They give an input to Nature, who then applies the laws of physics to the input in order to give an output. This is called an Experiment.

The Scientists win once they have successfully found out the laws of physics from giving input. Whoever works out the law of physics gets to be Nature, or they can pass on the title to someone else.

So, general play would go as such:

Α: I am playing as nature, and have came up with the laws of physics for this round. Experiments can be done with numbers from 1-14.

Î’: I perform an experiment with the input 7.

Γ: I perform an experiment with the input 14.

A: Β’s result is 8. Γ’s result is 1.

Γ: Is the law of physics that one is added the the number, with 15 wrapping back around to 1?

A: Γ’s hypothesis is incorrect.

Î’: I perform an experiment with the input 5.

A: B’s result is 8.

Î’: Is the law of physics that even numbers output 1, and odd numbers output 8?

A: B’s hypothesis is correct, B wins.

With that example done, I begin! Experiments can be done with any integer.

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