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Training/Scenarios needing more love

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I believe this is the most underated part of the game, and it deserves a lot more attention. We need Scenarios to feel more like missions (like in Flight Simulator X), as they are a great way to test our skills and knowledge, and can give us grounds for roleplaying under rules that are pre-set outside of our own imagination. They need to be immersive, event-driven with ongoing pre-scripted situations, and dynamic goals that can be completed step by step.

How about an orbit launch with a 10 second countdown voiced-over from mission control, giving us instructions about stages, rocket inclination, and comic responses from the crew aboard? How awesome would that feel?

What about a mission to the Mun, that "gets a problem" right after the deorbit burn, with some parts exploding and getting you without energy and low fuel, and the objective changes from "bring rocks" to "survive back home"?

What other kinds of surprise-disasters can we enconter? Failed launches, small explosions that cast away our poor EVA guy, failed rockets that leaves you drifting in space with nothing but RCS propulsion left, etc. And all these could be scripted, voiced, and contained under a specific category (apart from our sandbox saves). And all with winnable conditions, to accumulate points or some other achievements.

Missions would be labeled as Tutorial, Easy, Normal, Hard and Expert, and each one would be checked upon completion, to track progress.

Some ideas for missions that would feel awesome with voice-overs and a few surprise-events:

- Land a probe on the Mun that is already descending but carrying almost no fuel;

- Get close to a sattelite and EVA around to fix it;

- Dock on an existing station to bring supplies;

- UFO has been spotted entering atmosphere, and you have to take off with a plane and intercept it;

- Land a crippled plane;

- Use an escape pod to survive a failed (and exploding) launch;

- Grab and push an asteroid under a short time before it enters Kerbin's atmosphere and wrecks the planet;

- Deorbit and land on a specific place at Kerbin so a sick kerboaut can be rescued asap;

And so on...

Maybe it's just me, but I think it would make far more room for fun, learning and challenge than anything else. Also, they could be mod friendly for community missions (or is that already possible?).

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