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Jool Aerobraking for Pol?

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Hello, since I'm currently on a Pol expedition, I would like to wonder the suitable height for aerobraking in Jool's atmosphere to get an orbit that would eventually lead to a Pol encounter. Any answer would be appreciated.

Thank you for your time.

Edited by Doge
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Only because you mention it in your signature, MechJeb shows aerobrake nodes.

I did not know that and I've used MechJeb for 6 months. So I looked and found a description of the feature on the web, it is not in the Mechjeb documentation. Just tried it now, and oh lord, this would have saved me so much time...

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I did not know that and I've used MechJeb for 6 months. So I looked and found a description of the feature on the web, it is not in the Mechjeb documentation. Just tried it now, and oh lord, this would have saved me so much time...

...and fuel.

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Coming back from the MechJeb discussion, you can easily aerobrake into a Jool orbit with a Perijool of about 120km. Remember that the atmosphere ends at 140km and is even thicker than at Eve. And of course, even if you do it right you'll still be in a highly elliptical orbit and need to work with that.

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