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Add GUI control(s) to switch to another vessel when in flight view

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I think it would be useful to have an ability to switch to another ship within physical range with GUI buttons. Something with [ and ] functionality but in the GUI, and an icon of the ship we're going to switch to wolud be nice. And make these buttons invisible when there is nothing to switch to.

Just because all these "how do I rescue Kerbal" threads are not funny anymore.

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Ehhh, I can't say I support this. Reason being that it is very much common knowledge that the bracket keys do this and if you (general) are in the vast minority of people who don't know that, then you (general) should have the foresight to look at the controls before going online and posting a new thread about how "thies gaem sux it not even werk!"

Its basically the same thing as saying there should be a GUI buttons for steering your rocket because people don't know how to do that.

I say, "learn the game."

But you know...2 cents and grains of salt.

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I fully support this. I suggested something similar a while back to mixed reception, but I find it hard to believe people aren't annoyed by, as I said, "[, [.. damn, I'm going the wrong way.. ], ], ], where's the stupid.. ], ], there we go!". Something like a base on the surface - switching immediately to the right module is so much nicer than scrolling through every single one, including nearby debris from a crash and you don't even know when the module you want is coming up and, after the ] button takes you to debris, one more press takes you to a piece over 2.5km away so you have you go back the way you came from with [, pass each module again, pass the module you started with and then the module you want is just two [ presses away. But no, I'm sure that a Switch To GUI thingy would be a lot worse than this... /s

Pls Squad, allow me to switch directly to something in flight mode :( Even if it's a dedicated button, or that the [ button just switches to the target and back with ] keeping the current method or something.


Reason being that it is very much common knowledge that the bracket keys do this and if you (general) are in the vast minority of people who don't know that, then you (general) should have the foresight to look at the controls before going online and posting a new thread about how "thies gaem sux it not even werk!"

So your reason for not supporting this is "people should look up key bindings"? Well, yeah, they should. But a GUI to directly switch to a vessel in non-map mode rather than [ and ] is still a pretty good idea. There's other uses for it outside of 'how do I switch to my kerbin to get him in the capsule?'.

Edited by ObsessedWithKSP
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Ehhh, I can't say I support this. Reason being that it is very much common knowledge that the bracket keys do this

Have you browsed the support forums lately? That will teach you just how common that knowledge is. To make matters worse, the [] keys don't work for everyone, depending on keyboard layout.

Its basically the same thing as saying there should be a GUI buttons for steering your rocket because people don't know how to do that.

Well... by all appearances, few people have trouble figuring out how to steer their rocket, but many don't get the switch vessel thing. If so many people run into the same non-problem, you should be open to the possibility that an interface workover might be in order.

Also, this:

Something like a base on the surface - switching immediately to the right module is so much nicer than scrolling through every single one

Although I see how a debris field (or an exploding rocket, for that matter) could lead to unbearable clutter...

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I've been developing something on the surface of Duna recently and the debris field became quite large resulting in the brackets never getting me where I wanted to be. Sometimes it would skip to distant debris and never let me return to the original object.

I got around it by deleting the whole debris field but I'd rather have left it in.

I could see something like this being very useful indeed.

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I've been developing something on the surface of Duna recently and the debris field became quite large resulting in the brackets never getting me where I wanted to be. Sometimes it would skip to distant debris and never let me return to the original object.

I got around it by deleting the whole debris field but I'd rather have left it in.

I could see something like this being very useful indeed.

Perhaps a small filtered list that only shows "controllable" parts, like probecores, pods and kerbals... for everything else, we would use the brackets

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