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Which tech is the best?


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I spent a somewhat embarrassing amount of time back when 0.22 first came out figuring out what the optimal tech tree progression route was. It pretty much boils down out to "get all of the experiments you can perform on the Mun first, then get fuel lines, docking ports, and the Skipper engine". That strategy is what allowed me to max the tech tree in three (and later, two) missions without having to leave the Kerbin system.

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Anything that gets you the science modules first.

So that and electric so you can make a satellite and blast it off for sending data back to kerbal.

Even if I don't play career / science mode (at least not active), I totally agree with this. You should first unlock the things that make you unlock new things and not the things that make fun. Thats the reason why I play Sandbox :D

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Depends on what you want to do.

If you're going out of low Kerbin orbit, you'll need solar panels. If you want to hurry through the tech tree, go for the science instruments (but you don't have to do this; you'll get there eventually anyway). If you care more about fun than rapid progression, grab whatever looks most amusing at the time.

Personally, I'd spend some time enjoying the challenge of making basic rockets with limited ingredients before rushing on too much.

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Contracts adds a new dimension to this by giving you "experimental" parts before you get to them on the tech tree. If you are careful to not accidentally run the test you can have the higher level part without getting it (LV-N was one of the last tree nodes I unlocked this time around because I was using it as an experimental part.

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Even if I don't play career / science mode (at least not active), I totally agree with this. You should first unlock the things that make you unlock new things and not the things that make fun. Thats the reason why I play Sandbox :D

Well, here's the thing: you make a trip to Minmus with a lander equipped with all the science gizmos except the gravioli (because you wanted airplane parts or whatever instead). You later unlock the gravioli. Now, if you want to use the gravioli to get science from Minmus biomes, you need to go back to Minmus and redo all the same missions you did before.

So, if you rush the science parts, whenever you hit a biome, you analyze everything out of it.

But, of course, different people will enjoy different things about this game.

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Technically, whatever you find the most enjoyable. With normal "serious" play assumptions, focus on science instruments, with the occasional side path for critical equipment. Useful things like landing legs, radial parachutes, the LV-909, batteries, and solar panels are all along or next to the science branch(es). Off of those, the major things would be radial decouplers, a largish engine with TVC (typically the LV-T45), struts, and fuel lines. As a bonus, these also give you some additional boosters, launch clamps, and the 48-7S.

Mods tend to change what is most important, though.

Mod Edit: That we do!

Edited by Supernovy
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