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[Stopped] 6.4x Kerbol System v2.0.1 - RSS Config [11/16/14]


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Overhaul is its own branch. I don't know which one is 9.2 though.

Edit: Oh wait, hit the "..." above the 7.3 release to expand to the newer releases.

Sadly better atmospheres is built for the old version, and I honestly have no idea when/if an update for 9.2 can be expected.

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Nope, current Overhaul is not available under Releases. Instead, go here:


(or just go to the repo and select the Overhaul branch).

Then click on either x64 release (if running KSP x64) or x86 Release (if using 32bit). Then click "View Raw" to download.

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Oh, hey neat

7-3 seems to be working fine without any configs necessary

7-3 is almost unplayable with x10 kerbol system, and it has some weird behaviors with the x6.4 version. I can't get the new version to work however, it just keeps crashing...

aaand, after troubleshooting a bit, it appears to be from something other than EVE...Fantastic

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Yayyy new bugs!

This isn't a bug with EVE as far as I can tell, it's some sort of incompatibility...Either that or I broke something while installing mods. I'd rather avoid reinstalling the game a second time today, but it might come to that.

Edit: Nope, reinstalling EVE causes crashes again...Maybe some junk left behind from better atmospheres in the texture replacer folder?

Edit 2: Removed everything besides stock and EVE stuff, and it's working.

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This seems to work in RemoteTech_Settings.cfg

Disclaimer i have no idea if this is the correct way to do it.

Thanks for the 6.4x system lots for fun with Real fuels and stockalike engines.

Guid = 5105f5a9-d628-41c6-ad4b-21154e8fc488
Name = Mission Control
Latitude = -0.131331503391266
Longitude = -74.594841003418
Height = 75
Body = 1
Omni = 7.5E+07
Guid = 5105f5a9-d628-41c6-ad4b-21154e8fc482
Name = Roka Kosmodrone
Latitude = 41.7593
Longitude = 91.9
Height = 295
Body = 1
Omni = 7.5E+07
Guid = 5105f5a9-d628-41c6-ad4b-21154e8fc483
Name = Pleasant Valley
Latitude = -15.2151
Longitude = 101.2433
Height = 2085
Body = 1
Omni = 7.5E+07
Guid = 5105f5a9-d628-41c6-ad4b-21154e8fc484
Name = Iakod
Latitude = -54.8877
Longitude = 45.7251
Height = 840
Body = 1
Omni = 7.5E+07
Guid = 5105f5a9-d628-41c6-ad4b-21154e8fc485
Name = Olemek
Latitude = -21.1816
Longitude = -123.5356
Height = 195
Body = 1
Omni = 7.5E+07
Guid = 5105f5a9-d628-41c6-ad4b-21154e8fc486
Name = Orok Spaceport
Latitude = 10.4508
Longitude = -161.5649
Height = 2600
Body = 1
Omni = 7.5E+07
Guid = 5105f5a9-d628-41c6-ad4b-21154e8fc487
Name = Kermansburg
Latitude = 21.6431
Longitude = -110.7422
Height = 1085
Body = 1
Omni = 7.5E+07

This config looks like it works well, at least on my install. For the craft antennas, I added the multiplier to both dish and omni antennas like so in my config:

@Mode0DishRange *= 6.4
@Mode1DishRange *= 6.4
@Mode0OmniRange *= 6.4
@Mode1OmniRange *= 6.4

It made setting up a omni network a bit tricky otherwise. (A lotttt of sats.) Is there a prudent reason not to do so, or is it just personal choice?

In any case, i'm really enjoying the configs/mods, so thanks again guys for your great work!

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Yeah...There's still very visible z-fighting on Jool's clouds plus a ton of visual oddities when descending through Eve's atmosphere, even with the new version I'm afraid, and while it looks nice, it doesn't hold a candle to better atmospheres or atstronomer's pack, both of which are for 7.3.

I am now seeing the dilemna that RSS players face: gorgeous planets or a demand for realistic rockets?

On a tangent, is it intended for Laythe to have a higher delta-v to orbit than Kerbin? The map seems to indicate that's the case.

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Update about my deadly reentry problems, the RSS config rescales them all so all the ones for pods don't work.

Try the one(s) NonWonderDog posted? They're adapted from RSS, without the rescaling of sizes, from the looks of it.

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This config looks like it works well, at least on my install. For the craft antennas, I added the multiplier to both dish and omni antennas like so in my config:
@Mode0DishRange *= 6.4
@Mode1DishRange *= 6.4
@Mode0OmniRange *= 6.4
@Mode1OmniRange *= 6.4

It made setting up a omni network a bit tricky otherwise. (A lotttt of sats.) Is there a prudent reason not to do so, or is it just personal choice?

In any case, i'm really enjoying the configs/mods, so thanks again guys for your great work!

Ah! I'll have to add this into my aux configs. Forgot there were two types of antennas.

On a tangent, is it intended for Laythe to have a higher delta-v to orbit than Kerbin? The map seems to indicate that's the case.

I haven't tested directly, but Laythe shouldn't have a higher dV to orbit than Kerbin. Less gravity, lower orbital velocity. Unless the atmosphere is really thick (which it shouldn't be), there's nothing to push that number up.

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One other issue I've noticed is that Jool's atmosphere seems to start at about 125,000 meters above the "surface", which doesn't seem right.

The config reads:

maxAtmosphereAltitude = 182364.745

Though, the atmosphere won't do much up there at all. TBH I haven't tested all the way out there yet. Barely seem to get off of Kerbin much these days. But, everything else seems to be working for me so I would assume that's correct too.

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Raptor831: maxAtmosphereAltitude is meaningless; it's just for display when you click info on a body in TS/Map view. What actually matters is the scale height; the height of the atmosphere will be 13.81551 x the scale height--*no matter* the sea level pressure. Unless you specify a pressureCurve, as RSS does for all bodies.

Also: simply increasing ranges for antennae across the board is dangerous; you should try to exclude parts with ModuleCommand, since a probe with a 150km range antenna should probably keep it.

Edited by NathanKell
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Raptor831: maxAtmosphereAltitude is meaningless; it's just for display when you click info on a body in TS/Map view. What actually matters is the scale height; the height of the atmosphere will be 13.81551 x the scale height--*no matter* the sea level pressure. Unless you specify a pressureCurve, as RSS does for all bodies.

Also: simply increasing ranges for antennae across the board is dangerous; you should try to exclude parts with ModuleCommand, since a probe with a 150km range antenna should probably keep it.

If the scale height is what matters, then it should be the same. For Jool, scale height is 13.2, which by the math you mentioned gives almost exactly the same number.

And I figured there would be some unintended consequences of that MM config. Didn't think of the probe cores, but that's a simple enough fix.

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I'll have to go check that again; the tests I did were on extremely aggressive trajectories, and likely shot through the atmosphere's upper layers without me even registering the difference.

I'm also not seeing the alternate launch sites and the full kerbin DSN, though I suspect that might be because I installed RSS incorrectly.

This mod is a blast to play in career mode alongside KCT by the way; it's not effectively impossible to progress like in the x10 realism overhaul kerbol, but I actually have to think carefully about how much a launch costs vs what it will return.

I'be only recently been able to get into orbit.

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