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Delta-v required to transfer to Moho and orbit

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What is the delta-v required to transfer to moho, and then orbit it?

There's one clear and simple answer: it depends.

If you wait for the right constellation and make no mistakes, it may be possible to do it on 4000m/s or slightly less, starting from LKO. But most of the time, 7000-8000m/s is more like it. If you're doing it for the first time, bring at least 10,000m/s.

For most bodies, it's enough to set up any encounter and you can iron out the details once you're in the target SOI. If you try that with Moho, you will enter and leave the SOI in a matter of just a few minutes, rushing past it at several thousand meters per second. This is because Moho is quite small (low g) and has no atmosphere for aerobraking.

It helps to think of it as a rendezvous: it's your task to not only meet up with Moho, but to match velocities as well. Its small gravity will provide only little help.

Things you can do:

  • bring enough thrust so you can match velocities quickly. Rules out ion drives and nuclear engines, though.
  • get into a somewhat Moho-like orbit before you even try to set up an encounter. Gravity assist(s) from Eve may help a lot.
  • start matching velocities before you enter its' SOI.
  • any combination of the above.

As to the last point: Set up a maneuver a few hours before reaching Moho, with ~300m/s retrograde, then tweak normal and radial to still have an encounter. Create more such nodes. No need to stack them too densely -- a five-minute burn every hour will do. After setting up the third or fourth such node, you'll see your projected trajectory around Moho bend noticeably. Now place a node at Moho periapsis and see how much dV you'd need to enter an orbit; if your engine can do that within a few minutes, fine; if not, place more nodes of the above kind.

Edit: Also look at the link in the next post below, that's the essence of "getting into a Moho-like orbit".

Edited by Laie
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First forget everything you have read about launch windows. Then follow this guide. I used to dread going there, but this method is so easy, and about four thousand delta v.


I can't agree more, I've used that method for my Moho transfer and it works wonders. My last Moho mission used about 5K, but I cut down on efficiency for increased mission time.

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