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Start Menu Easter Egg


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ok i have never seen this pop up on the wiki nor anywhere else in the forums so i should assume this is a new one...



yes i have mods installed but i doubt mods can do this yet...

If you haven seen this on the forum yet you haven't searched. A simple title search for 'easter egg' will give you these two topics: Found a new Easter Egg?, New main menu Easter egg?. Both lead to Blizzy's confession: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/88286-SPOILER-%28possibly%29-New-main-menu-screen?p=1313669&viewfull=1#post1313669

Edited by Tex_NL
typo fix
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That is the THIRD time today someone posts this, and it's been postet a gazillion times already! The toolbar mod adds this easter egg. Use the search function, or at least look at the first page of posts, please. Siriously, this is getting annoying.

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